first unofficial announcement


Hey dudes and welcome to Golden Fleece!!!

this is not going to be our first official announcement but more of a general survey regarding perhaps the most important aspect of any roleplay: romance.

i kid, i kid, it's not the most important lol but it does still play a big part in plotting and connections. You'll have noticed that we don't have a couples list, which is because I was in too minds on how to handle romance.

now, everybody has their own preferences and thoughts and what we decide 'officially' does NOT need to be what you do if you prefer otherwise.

that being said: would you guys prefer there be an official couples list, meaning that once you're together, it's canon for everybody in the roleplay OR would you prefer that threads are their own and you can dictate whether the relationship is canon for just for the thread, for specific scenarios or camp wide?


we'll go with the majority but as mentioned, what we decide, if you don't like it, you don't need to follow!!


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euphrosyne 5 months ago
SeHYUNG 4 days ago Reply
I, personally, am a fan of a couples list so I’m not accidentally barking up the wrong tree lmao
grumps 5 months ago
i think having a couple list would be great!
vronvron 5 months ago
i think i prefer a couples list only coz my memory is terrible lel
SeHYUNG 5 months ago
I, personally, am a fan of a couples list so I’m not accidentally barking up the wrong tree lmao
motomami 5 months ago
hmmm i personally don't mind if we keep things separate, but i understand it can be confusing at the same time!
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