☼ directory of the gods

directory of the gods

you may apply as demigods of minor gods & goddesses not listed below. only deities and titans are off limits.

zeus . lord of the sky

4/5 spots taken

traits and characteristics



• Typically have either dark stormy grey or electric blue eyes.

• Rarely suffer from acrophobia or experience shortness of breath from exercise or high-altitude areas.

• Has good leadership qualities, but are incredibly susceptible to becoming power hungry if not careful.

• Are very ambitious and goal-oriented.

• Are able to jump higher then other demigods or mortals.

• Often clash with the children of Nyx as they believe their mother is superior for being a primordial Goddess.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Zeus can communicate with and have control over Eagles(all species) and bulls.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. Children of the Big Three tend to be the more powerful then other demigods.

• Aerokinesis — the ability to control the wind and air.

• Electrokinesis — the ability to control electricity, ranging from static all the way to lightning

• Weather Prediction — only within their fathers sphere of influence; demigods can predict when a storm will happen, how strong, where lightning will strike, etc.

• Weather Emotional Manipulation — although not rare, not all Children of Zeus develop this ability; some demigods will be able to influence the weather in their immediate area with their emotions.

• Flight (2/2) — an incredibly rare ability only given by Zeus' blessing. Children of Zeus with this ability are able to fly.

poseidon . lord of the sea

3/5 spots taken

traits and characteristics



• Typically have sea green or ocean blue.

• Like their father, the children of Poseidon often have unpredictable personalities.

• Excellent at all water-based sports and activities.

• When at sea, children of Poseidon know their exact nautical coordinates and innate knowledge of seafaring.

• Often clash with the children of Athena and Ares. They are friendly with children of Iris and most other cabins.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Poseidon can communicate with and have control over equine, dolphins and all aquatic life.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. Children of the Big Three tend to be the more powerful then other demigods.

• Hydrokinesis — the ability to create and control water.

• Underwater Adaption — the children of Poseidon can survive in all watery environments and are immune to dangers such as underwater pressure, temperatures, etc. They can also sense salt from fresh water.

• Water Empowerment — being in contact with water can empower and heal wounds.

• Disaster Manipulation — dictated by their power level and emotions, children of Poseidon can create and influence natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, maelstroms, etc.

hades . lord of the underworld

5/5 spots taken

traits and characteristics



• Typically have either charcoal grey or black eyes and dark coloured hair(unless otherwise coloured).

• Usually have bleak outlooks on life and stick, usually, to themselves rather then interact with other campers.

• Are able to use Stygian Iron like Celestial Bronze.

• Children of Hades tend to lean towards one of two of their fathers realm of influences, death or riches, rather than both.

• Children of Hades get on very well with the children of Persephone, but often fight with the children of Demeter. They also get along with the children of Phobos and Deimos.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Hades can communicate with and have control over black rams, serpents and screech owls.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. Children of the Big Three tend to be the more powerful then other demigods.

• Shadow Travel — the ability to traverse the world(and realms) via shadows. A taxing ability and limited by places the user has been before.

• Necromancyonly available if selecting the death track. the ability to control the dead and sense all things related to death and the afterlife.

• Ferrokinesisonly available if selecting the wealth track. the ability to control precious metals, crystals and the earth. Riches tend to be cursed if not freely given.

• Umbrakinesis — the ability to create and control shadows and darkness..

hephaestus . lord of the forge

traits and characteristics



• Are unmatched in holding grudges against those who have wronged them but if lucky enough to call a Child of Hephaestus your friend, they will be the most loyal ally and a steadfast companion.

• Have an active dislike for Hera and all things relating to the Goddess. They also tend to clash with the children of Ares for what their father did to theirs.

• They like to take extremely hot showers and baths.

• Children of Hephaestus tend to be have acrophobia, a fear passed down to them from their father.

• Typically have tanned skin and muscular builds from working in the forge and armory constantly.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Hephaestus can communicate with and have control over donkeys, dogs and cranes.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Technokinesis — the ability to control the technology and metal.

• Heat Adaption and Resistance — all children of Hephaestus are incredibly resistant to heat and high temperatures. On the flipside, they are more susceptible to the cold.


• Pyrokinesis (1/3) — an incredibly rare ability only given by Hephaestus' blessing. The ability to create and control fire, smoke and magma..

ares . lord of war

traits and characteristics



• Very brave, but also incredibly stubborn, children of Ares are notorious hot heads. Their tempers are short and violent, it would be unwise to cross them.

• Make for excellent war strategists but prefer brute force over battle tactics.

• Tend to be more prone to claustrophobia.

• Very overprotective of their loved ones.

• Children of Ares get along well with the children of Aphrodite, Phobos and Deimos. They often clash with children of Apollo and Athena.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Ares can communicate with and have control over vulture, pigs, dogs, and boars.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. Children of Ares excel in strength.

• Telumkinesis — the ability to control weapons and armour. Children of Ares can also curse other demigods weapons to become useless(heavy as a car, turn into rubber, etc.)

• Odikinesis — the ability to induce and control feelings of anger, fear and bloodlust in others. Only children of Ares and Athena are immune to its affects.

• Combat Prowess — a natural inclination and knowledge for all types of combat.

• The Blessing of Ares — only for the children of Ares when they have shown great courage or  bloodlust in battle; the blessing grants temporary invulnerability and enhanced physical prowess. The blessing is marked by a red aura surrounding the demigod..

apollo . lord of the sun

traits and characteristics



• Typically have golden or sky blue eyes.

• They gain a freckle for every time their father thinks about them.

• Run the infirmary with children of Asclepius.

• Are the best archers at camp, only rivalled by hunters of Artemis.

• Are prodigies at all things relating to the arts: music, acting(though not as good as Dionysus children), poetry, arts, etc.

• All children of Apollo are terribly afraid of snakes(despite being able to control them) and of the dark.

• As their father was the creator of Apollo's sacred lyre, Hermes kids tend to get along well with them. They also get along well with children of Asclepius and Iris.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Apollo can communicate with and have control over roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Vitakinesis — the ability to control health and the healing process.

• Innate Knowledge — children of Apollo have innate medical knowledge but not to the extent of Asclepius children.

• Music Empowerment — the ability to manipulate others, or strengthen oneself, via music. Children of Apollo can curse others, give temporary blessings, and more, with music and poetry.

• Photokinesis (1/2) — an incredibly rare ability only given by Apollo's blessing. The ability to create and manipulate light.

• Precognition (2/5) — the ability to predict future events with varying degrees of accuracy.

hermes . lord of travellers

traits and characteristics



• Are excellent at sports relating to dexterity, agility and athletics.

• Usually get along with the children of Athena due to being of similar intellect(though they fall just below).

• Can be considered jack of all trades at anything they try.

• Will never get lost. Children of Hermes will always know where they are, and which way to go.

• Typically suffer from some form of kleptomania, ranging from mild to severe.

• As their father was the creator of Apollo's sacred lyre, Hermes kids tend to get along well with them.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Hermes can communicate with and have control over tortoises, rams and hawks.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. Children of Hermes excel in athletics.

• Enhanced Senses — as the patron of thieves and memories, the children of Hermes have excellent hearing and eyesight. They also have long memories.

• Sleight of Hand — children of Hermes make excellent thieves and rarely, if ever, leave evidence of their presence.

• Boundary Creation — the ability to set a physical boundary that nobody can cross unless more powerful or another child of Hermes.

• Super Speed (0/2) — while all children of Hermes can move faster then most demigods, some have the ability to move at a supernatural pace. Only given by Herme's blessing.

• Lockpicking (1/2) — a rare ability to unlock any door, lock, safe, etc., with just their mind.

dionysus . lord of wine

traits and characteristics



• Typically have either purple eyes, ranging from light to dark.

• Are very good actors and liars. Children of Dionysus, along with Apollo or Aphrodite children, are usually the ones putting on plays at the amphitheater.

• Very susceptible to addiction.

• Generally throw the best parties and can always be found at the centre of them. A party isn't a great party until a child of Dionysus shows up.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Dionysus can communicate with and have control over felines(all species).

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

Enhanced Charisma — the children of Dionysus are extremely persuasive.

• Vitikinesis — the ability to control vines, fruit-bearing vegetation and trees.

• Parafrosýnikinesis (0/3)  — the rare ability to inflict insanity on another individual for an indeterminate amount of time.

hypnos . lord of sleep

traits and characteristics



• Have an intense love of sleep, and often spend their time doing just that. When not asleep, they can be found daydreaming or participating in low-energy activities. Narcolepsy is a common disorder amongst children of Hypnos.

• Are eerily calm regardless of the situation.

• Can sleep anywhere. Anywhere. And through anything.

• Only have lucid dreams.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Hypnos can communicate with and have control over sheep, butterflies, moths and long-eared owls.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Hypnokinesis — the ability to control sleep and exhaustion. Only other children of Hypnos, as well as children of Hecate and Nyx are immune.

• Memory Manipulation — an uncommon ability, children of Hypnos are able to enter another persons mind to remove, retrieve or alter their memory. A dangerous ability as one or both parties are at risk of becoming lost.

• Hypnosis — the ability to put another in a trance.

• Oneiromancy — the ability to create, enter and manipulate dreams.

• Illusion Magic — children of Hypnos who are particularly strong are able to draw out illusions based off of another persons dream.

asclepius . lord of medicine

traits and characteristics



• Are extremely healthy individuals and rarely fall ill. Children of Asclepius, if they do get sick or are injured, recover much faster then other demigods.

• Run the infirmary with with children of Apollo. The two cabins get along very well.

• Are physically and mentally unable to ignore injured or sick people until they have assisted.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Asclepius can communicate with and have control over snakes.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Vitakinesis — the ability to control health and the healing process.

• Innate Knowledge — children of Asclepius have innate medical knowledge and can tell a persons medical history just by looking at them.


eros . lord of lust

traits and characteristics



• Children of Eros do not have 'common' eye colours(see abilities).

• Are expert archers, though not to the level of Apollo children or Artemis hunters.

• Have the innate ability to understand and speak romance-based languages(french, italian, romanian, etc).

• As their father is the patron of lust, children of Eros are very good at matters relating to and intimacy.

• Typically get on very well with the children of Aphrodite.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Eros can communicate with and have control over hares and bees.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Amokinesis — the ability to manipulate love and desire in individuals.

• Enchanted Arrows — children of Eros, like their Aphrodite cousins, are able to enchant their arrows with fire.

• Appearance Shifting — the ability to shift and manipulate elements of their appearance such as hair length/style, blemishes and eye colour.

• Supernatural Beauty — Children of Eros are considered extremely attractive, even by demigod standards.

• Flight (0/2) — an incredibly rare ability only given by Eros' blessing. A child of Eros can be given the ability to temporarily manifest wings and fly. This ability lasts approx 20-30 minutes.

phobos . lord of panic

traits and characteristics



• Typically have deep red or black eyes.

• Are usually completely fearless or suffer from several phobias. The children of Phobos and Deimos don't deal with anything but absolutes.

• Are immune to their half-siblings(Deimos) powers.

• Tend to be on good terms with the children of Ares, Hades, Hecate and Nyx.

• Are able to jump higher then other demigods or mortals.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Phobos can communicate with and have control over bugs and arachnids. **phobos does not a sacred animal so we have assigned him one.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Fear Empowerment — terror and panic an empower a child of Phobos, and in some cases, even heal them of their wounds.

• Statue Manipulation — the ability to temporarily bring statues to life and control them.

• Teleportation — children of Phobos are able to disappear and reappear in another location in a puff of yellow vapor(like their father). Limited by places the demigod has been before.

• Phobikinesis (Personal) — the ability to induce and manipulate fear.

• Illusion Magic — the children of Phobos are able to sense an individuals innate fear and create an illusion of it to distract and weaken.

deimos . lord of fear

traits and characteristics



• Typically have deep red or black eyes.

• Are usually completely fearless or suffer from several phobias. The children of Phobos and Deimos don't deal with anything but absolutes.

• Are immune to their half-siblings(Phobos) powers.

• Tend to be on good terms with the children of Ares, Hades, Hecate and Nyx.

• Does not like authority.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Deimos can communicate with and have control over black dogs. **deimos does not a sacred animal so we have assigned him one.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Fear Empowerment — terror and panic an empower a child of Phobos, and in some cases, even heal them of their wounds.

• Statue Manipulation — the ability to temporarily bring statues to life and control them.

• Phobikinesis (Crowd)

the ability to induce and manipulate fear.

• Illusion Magic — the children of Phobos are able to sense an individuals innate fear and create an illusion of it to distract and weaken.

athena . lady of wisdom

traits and characteristics



• All children of Athena have storm grey eyes.

• Hubris, pride and arrogance are common fatal flaws.

• The smartest cabin in camp, children of Athena will usually lead one of the teams in CtF or War Games. This can also mean they have 'know-it-all' type personalities.

• All children of Athena have severe arachnophobia. 

• They get along with the children of Hermes, and often clash with children of Poseidon and Ares.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Athena can communicate with and have control over owls and snakes.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Exceptional Memory — the ability to remember essentially everything; from a 5,000 page book to  the note of a song they heard years ago.

• Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and War Strategies — the children of Athena have expectional intellect, have insightful knowledge and planning skills.

• Combat Prowess — a natural inclination and knowledge for all types of combat.

aphrodite . lady of love

traits and characteristics



• Children of Aphrodite do not have 'common' eye colours(see abilities).

• Are expert archers, though not to the level of Apollo children or Artemis hunters.

• Have the innate ability to understand and speak romance-based languages(french, italian, romanian, etc).

• Are experts in fashion, hair styling and makeup.

• Despite being children of the love goddess, Aphrodite demigods do not fall in love very easily.

• Typically get on very well with the children of Ares and Eros.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Aphrodite can communicate with and have control over doves, swans, dolphins and sparrows.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Amokinesis — the ability to manipulate love and desire in individuals.

• Enchanted Arrows — children of Aphrodite, like their Eros cousins, are able to enchant their arrows with fire.

• Appearance Shifting — the ability to shift and manipulate elements of their appearance such as hair length/style, blemishes and eye colour.

• Supernatural Beauty — Children of Aphrodite are considered extremely attractive, even by demigod standards.

• Charm Speak (2/3) — the ability to influence and control anothers actions by speaking.

artemis . lady of the hunt

traits and characteristics



• Have silver aura's surrounding them that can dim or brighten on command.

• Hunters of Artemis do not get on well with men.

• Generally do not get on well with children of Aphrodite or Eros.




• Sacred Animal — the Hunters of Artemis can communicate with and have control over wolves, stags and hawks.

Enhanced Abilities — all huntresses have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc. The hunters also have nightvision.

• Conditional Immortality — unless slain in battle or they turn against their vow, the hunters of artemis are immortal.

• Luna Empowerment — bathing in moonlight can enhance a hunters ability and skill even more, and even heal wounds.

• Siproites Curse — some hunters of Artemis, if powerful enough, can turn another individual into the opposite for a day..

demeter . lady of the harvest

traits and characteristics



• Typically have spring green or golden-brown eyes.

• Are excellent gardeners and cooks, especially with vegetarian/vegan meals.

• Wild animals tend to be friendly with children of Demeter.

• Are usually obsessed with cereal, and will often have it for breakfast.

• They get on well with the children of Persephone and Apollo. They clash frequently with children of Hades.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Demeter can communicate with and have control over snakes, pigs and screech owls.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Chlorokinesis — the ability to create and manipulate plant life, particularly grains, trees and bushes. They can imbue plants with magical qualities or curses.

• Geokinesis — the ability to manipulate soil, earth and rocks.

• Poison Immunity — children of Demeter are immune to plant-derived poisons..

• Innate Knowledge — the children of Demeter are experts in agriculture and all things plant.

persephone . lady of flowers

traits and characteristics



• Typically have either deep green, violet or brown eyes.

• Are able to use Stygian Iron like Celestial Bronze.

• The scent of flowers usually follow around the children of Persephone. Flowers will also grow in abundance in areas they frequent.

• Their loyalty tends to waver depending on who they feel closest with.

• Children of Persephone get along well with the children of Hades and Demeter.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Persephone can communicate with and have control over bats, ram, monkeys and parrots.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Chlorokinesis — the ability to create and manipulate plant life, particularly flowers and other spring-time plants.

• Poison Immunity — children of Persephone are immune to plant-derived and wildlife poisons.

• Limited Mediumship — children of Persephone can communicate with the dead.

• Root Travel (2/2) — Similar to shadow travel and only given to a rare few each generation, root travelling is the ability to travel anywhere throughout the world via plant roots and growth. Limited by energy and by root availability..

hecate . lady of magic

traits and characteristics



• Typically have black or deep purple eyes.

• They get along very well the children of Nyx, Persephone, Hades. They do not get along with the other big three or Apollo and Iris.

• Their magic is strongest at night, particularly on new or full moons.

• Excellent at trivia night.

• Are usually more mysterious and are unlikely to give more information then is required away.





• Sacred Animal — the Children of Hecate can communicate with and have control over dogs and polecats.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

Magic — the ability to use mystical energy.

Mist Manipulation — the ability to create and manipulate The Mist. An ability unique to the children of Hecate.

• Necromancy — the ability to control the dead and sense all things related to death and the afterlife.

• Charm Speak (2/3) — the ability to influence and control anothers actions by speaking.

iris . lady of the rainbow

traits and characteristics



• Typically have heterochromia(partial or full) and with non-standard eye colours. They also have Tetrachromancy.

• Are excellent at colour co-ordination and the visual arts.

• Have an affinity for Pegasi and chariot riding.

• Usually have a fear of the dark.

• Get along well with the children of Apollo and Poseidon. They do not get along with children of Hecate, Hades or Nyx.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Iris can communicate with and have control over pegasi, rainbow-coloured birds, butterflies and bees.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Iriskinesis — the ability to create and manipulate rainbows.

• Iris Messaging — children of Iris do not need to pay to use the Iris Messagin service.

• Super Speed (0/2) — while all children of Iris can move faster then most demigods, some have the ability to move at a supernatural pace. Only given by Iris' blessing.

nyx . lady of the night

traits and characteristics



• Typically have silver or black eyes.

• Tend to need either very little or no sleep at all.

• Prefer dark, shadowy places over wide-open spaces. They also have an aura of darkness.

• Are usually pessismistic and distrustful of those outside of their cabin.

• They hate children of Zeus as both cabins believe their parent is the superior deity. A friendship is very unlikely.

• Have close friendships with those in the Hades, Hecate, Phobos and Deimos cabins. They tend to fight with the children of Apollo and Iris.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Nyx can communicate with and have control over nocturnal animals.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

• Shadow Travel — the ability to traverse the world(and realms) via shadows. A taxing ability and limited by places the user has been before.

Umbrakinesis — the ability to create and control shadows and darkness..

Magic — the ability to use mystical energy.

• Flight (1/2) — an incredibly rare ability only given by Nyx' blessing. A child of Nyx can be given the ability to temporarily manifest black wings and fly. This ability lasts approx 20-30 minutes.

khione . lady of the snow

traits and characteristics



• Typically have silvery grey or white eyes.

• Are usually fluent in Canadian-French.

• Generally known for their icy personalities and lack of openness.

• As Khione doesn't particularly like mortals, it's more likely for children of Khione to have negative relationships with their mother.




• Sacred Animal — the Children of Khione can communicate with and have control over penguins and polar bears. **khione does not a sacred animal so we have assigned her one.

Enhanced Abilities — all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

Cryokinesis — the ability to create and control frost, snow and ice..

Aerokinesis — the ability to control cold winds.

Cold Immunity — the ability to withstand freezing temperatures with little to no effect. Conversely, children of Khione are more effected by warmth and heat..

• Charmspeak (0/2) — the ability to influence and control anothers actions by speaking. The charmspeak of a child of Khione will generally be weaker then a child of Aphrodite.


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grandemint 4 months ago
can i have kim taehyung added, please?
Schwifty 4 months ago
hey there!
i read through the rules but i just wanted to double-check if i could hong taejun? he's a model under SM
boonanii 5 months ago
i no longer have question, but
can i get lee juyeon, son of Terpsichore (one of the nine muse goddesses)
dazaiosamu 5 months ago
I think my reservation was forgotten in the request room skdkfllh

May I have Kim Jungwoo as claimed son of Poseidon as my third? I already upvoted the RP :’D
boonanii 5 months ago
i have question pls
Yukiko 5 months ago
do you have any wanted female internationals? uvu
melodies 5 months ago
hello, i have a question
synodic 5 months ago
i am about to rattle the gates of this enclosure pls lmao
can i get ning yizhuo added please and thank you <3
abbacchio 5 months ago
I'm wheezing. I would like to get Christian Yu (Yu Barom) pls sankyuuuu.
famulan 5 months ago
okay i have caved, may i please reserve go younjung as a daughter of zeus?
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