pm roleplay?

Status [M]

okay yeah so a lot of my old plot ideas never got to be used, so i'm just gonna drop them here. comment below if you're interested in doing any of them with me!

i'm a switch so i can top or bottom, but preferably id like to find someone else who's also alright with switching? ;;;;

also! i'm a big er for supernatural rps, so if you ever wanna add any of that in any of these plots, i think that could be fun too ; v ;

and even if you have any of your own plots, i'm pretty flexible and i'm sure i'd be okay with most other things out there ^^




1. Muse A has a multiple personality disorder and Muse B is the new nurse that started working there. Everyday Muse B checks up on Muse A and starts small conversations. As time went on, they found themselves meeting more than once a day, Muse B coming to Muse A's room to give them their breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and even visiting on their break time. Muse A, started to have something to look forward to, always wanting to spend every passing minute with the other. Even all his personalities had taken in interest in Muse B, and his condition starts getting worse as all the personalities start fighting for control over their body. After a while, Muse B starts wondering, as forbidden as it is, if he were falling in love with.. one or all of Muse A's personalities.

((Side note! Muse B at one point could be planning to break Muse A out of the place so they could be together, but that could be added or taken out of the plot.))


2. Years passed since the incident. Muse A lost their lover in a tragic drunk driving car accident. Since then, they believed they'd never find love again. That is, until the new guy moved in next door. Muse B's personality was exactly like that of their old lover's. Though he looked completely different, there was something about them that reminded them exactly of the person they had missed so dearly. Is it possible there was still hope for love for Muse A?

((Side note! Muse A could have a few bad side things like using alcohol has a coping method or stuff like that.))


3. Muse A is a high school kleptomaniac and troublemaker. They just can't help their tendency to always go around and stealing things. One day, they bump into Muse B and immediately takes interest in them. Not knowing what grade they were in, or what classes they took, they were afraid they'd never meet again. And in their fear, they decided they'd steal something important of their's to remember them by and hope they'd meet again. But the one time it was most important they don't screw up— they screws up and gets caught in the middle of action by Muse B. That's how they met. Over time, they grew closer, and Muse A, wanting to take an item back then, has no idea they actually stole Muse B's heart.

((Side note! I haven't done much plotting in what type of personality or character for Muse B, feel free to play them however you'd like.))


4. Everything about Muse A was perfect. At least, that's what Muse B thought at least. Day in and day out, since the moment they met, Muse B was determined to get Muse A to fall in love with them, not knowing they were already taken. 7:30 AM, Muse A would go for coffee before work on Monday through Thursday. By 8:05 AM, Muse A would get to their work place. At 1 PM, Muse A has their lunch break, but hardly eats out as they always bring their own lunch. And at-- You get the point. Muse B practically knows everything about Muse A. After finding out someone had already taken them from them, they were infuriated. Nothing would stand between them and they made sure that was definite. So one day, after Muse A gets home from work on Friday, Muse B was sure of what they planned on doing. They would kidnap Muse A and take them far away, lock them up, and keep them all for themselves. Forever.


5. Muse A was a normal person moving into their new apartment. Next door to them, was Muse B, not human. Muse B was an incubus that had taken human form and decided to live among people. Muse A though, since the first night they moved in, always heard through the thin walls, ual moans and sometimes banging sounds against the wall. They let it slide the first few times, but eventually, they went over to complain to Muse B. When Muse A went to knock on the door, they had not expected Muse B's appearance. They looked just a few years younger than themself, and also attractive in their opinion. Muse B at the same time, had gotten an interest in Muse A, and the night they had gone back to their own apartment rooms, Muse B visited their dream and caused Muse A to well.. have to take a cold shower in the morning, if you get the catch. They wanted to get Muse A to visit them again, to want them, and continued to visit their dreams night after night, until one day, Muse B finally was at the end of their patience and invited Muse A over for dinner and drugged their drink with an aphrodisiac.


6. Muse A was a supernatural that always had an interest in Muse B. They watched them from afar, but was too shy to approach them because they knew they didn't "fit in" since they weren't human, though they never knew what power they had. One day, they found out they had the ability to change people's memories. Excited but also nervous, Muse B inserted themselves into Muse A's life as their lover, while Muse A never even had a clue.


7. Muse A and Muse B were both high school student. While Muse B was your typical goody-goody student, Muse A was more on the rebellious side. Now, Muse B has always had a bit of a soft crush on Muse A, even though he was always told by his friends that Muse A really gave off a bad vibe and he really should go near him— Muse B never listened. And on one fateful day, they were paired together in a project where they agreed to go to Muse B's house to plan everything and get the project done. Muse A had always noticed the small crush Muse B had on him though— the glances he kept getting, the obvious shyness around him, heck, everything he did around him just screamed obvious. Now for a time skip: Muse A's now in Muse B's room where they're working on their partner project, until Muse B, feeling shy around the other again offered to go get them drinks. But while he was gone, Muse A couldn't help but take notice to a particular black notebook sitting on Muse B's desk, and curiously, he read through it. And as it turns out, it had been a secret diary Muse B had kept around for a long time, inside having everything he thought, his fantasies, how he thinks of Muse A, /everthing/. And when Muse B comes back, even quickly snatching away the journal couldn't help them now, as Muse A decided to take pictures of the pages he found most interesting. "Unless you want these things getting out to the entire school, you better do whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you." Muse A said, and god did Muse B ever wish so much he just listened to his friends. Now Muse A has him simply wrapped around his finger. 


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ChoiSansDimples1117 6 years ago
still up for pm rp?? cuz i really like plot 7!
L4naM0ch1 6 years ago
I love them! Kinda hard to choose ^^” if you’re interested could we do it in kkt? If you have it?
I like the plots: 1,2,3,5,6
hanbaobao 6 years ago
i'm interested in the 5th plot! i'm just not sure if you're doing this plot with other people already -
hgnhihello 6 years ago
I like 3,5, and 6!!! I'm a er for supernatural plots too
Taeminsbestie 6 years ago
Im down for plot 4
rosebunny 6 years ago
plot 4 seems interesting
sparklygayassglitter 6 years ago
I really like plot 7.
minchan2 6 years ago
I like the first one can we do this
XxGZBxX 6 years ago
I'm in LOVE with the 1st and 5th plots. You really know how to make good plots
Its-Bibi- 6 years ago
Rping even haha
Its-Bibi- 6 years ago
im interested in doing with you :)
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