FREEEEEEDOMMM Searching for Admins.

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I would like two admins, one in + GMT and one in - GMT.

Please be active!


FREEEEDOMMM - Only, semi-crack, AURP with a slight twist.

You can be anything you want to be, as long as you arent godmodding.

Wanna be a werewolf? Be one.

Wanna be a hybid? Be one.

Wanna be a Jedi? May the force be with you-

Seriously though, be whatever you wanna be. Make some friends, enemies, admire some y people.

Have fun, and don't go overboard with the powers.


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sunriize 6 years ago
i could help but so many people offered already r ip
mamamooncake 6 years ago
I wanna h e l p
geisha 6 years ago
This sounds g r e a t
But my timezone is gmt -5
But I also barely sleep so otl
ruotianz 6 years ago
Ohh can I be the gmt- coadmin cause-
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