nothing too important.. just some thoughts of course

Tags thoughts 

SOOO little disclaimer in the beginning... :) 


this isn't going to be the most interesting thing you've ever read so uh, if you're looking for entertainment, pls watch Ellen ( my mom btw )


buttt I just thought I'd spill my thoughts out, cause yeah the internet is a thing, and so are no friends, so let's get down and dirty with these words that wont mean in five minutes ( sounds like a plan to me ) 


sooooo like.. im gonna cut my hair tonight ( which I haven't done in like a couple months ) and it's gonna be short and spunky ( my fav word ) and im so freakin happy. like i love the way short hair looks when it's worn up, or when it's simply just down.. it's so cute and like... breathable.. even though i don't think hair should be in your face to prevent you from breathing but YA KNOW it's a word and imma use it to describe my irrelevent moods and thoughts. BUTTT anyways... ( my attention span is absolutely trash ). I had a couple questions for you guys if they were answerable... 


1. Where can I get really cute cardigans? The warm ones that are oversized and long? like i think they're realllyyy cute but every store I go to either sells ones that are too thin, or sells good ones for an extremely expensive price. 


2. If you were a gay female ( or are lmao ), how would you like to have a girl come on to you? like in what way would it make you comfortable if a girl were to walk up and hit on you? ( just wondering cause my gay keeps chickening out worrying about if this cute , fine girl is gonna deny me in front of everyone ). 


3. Chokers <3 Does anyone know a well trusted site, that's cheap and good quality for chokers? I've just started wearing them and I love them so much uh.. but like i love to shop online so does anyone know a site I would like? just putting it out there :) 


if you made it this far, you're an angel.. ilysm beautiful h00man. your curiosity is my love. 


keep it real, keep it new. keep it yourself <3 


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realllllmino 6 years ago
2. when you pan-demi so you just want them girls to be cool and chill

3. MAKE THEM! they're super easy to make if you buy all the supplies from a nearby crafts store. THEY'RE MUCH MORE CHEAPER THAN PURCHASING!!!
vanillachaii 6 years ago
Two words: Hot. Topic. Hands down is it my favorite store to shop at. They have a nice selection of cardigans and chokers. < 3 As for how I'd want a girl to come onto me... Idk, m8. With a good pickup line? XD
BambiiBlossoms 6 years ago
First off--
Youre adorable.
kmbbpl 6 years ago
have you checked out Yesstyle?? they have some good stuff on there :)
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