so... i bought minecraft


yes i know it's awful


,,, but  i'm having fun even tho i'm very scared D: i'm scared of everything ok


bUUT i just wanted to know if anyone here has minecraft and if you wanna be friends or sumn ??? idk how friends and stuff work with minecraft but if you wanna keep me in your,, mind??


it's tsukiiyomii - basically this rpr handle but with double iis

probably means something wacky in japanese but : D whatever




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3ed9e3ac246d384a3289 4 years ago
I have minecraft ;; u ;; ill add you once im back home this weekend
venteux 4 years ago
4be3db1a62932740ed69 4 years ago
yes minecraft
my computer kinda broke rn so i only minecraft pe atm
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 4 years ago
That’s cute
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