I’ve reached a point


In my life, where everything feels like it's falling apart beyond repair. This is one of the longest and most difficult relapses I ever had. 

I wish these could be good news and tell you all that I've reached an amazing point in my life where I don't need to rely on rpr anymore. But it's on the opposite. 

i feel like I don't have anything good to give to this place, I'm completely drained, sad and tired. And it's been like this for weeks, yesterday I spent the whole day crying. Because of life and things happening at rps. It was just one after the other, it feels endless still. 

i need to somehow break this cycle, my real emotions are bleeding into rp even if I don't intended; and my words and actions are hurting others. Rping doesn't bring happiness to me anymore which adds to my bad mood and so on, it's and endless cycle and I'm tired.

i wont be answering kakao for the time being, so please don't text me. And for those who have my instagram, i'm also taking a break from there.

it's been hard, even now I'm doubting about doing this, but I think it's for the best. Right now it doesn't feel like it but maybe in the long way... it's really hard. I'll be permanently deleting my newest account which is already a year old. And I'll also be deleting this one. It holds a lot of memories, but I think it's time to let it go. Holding onto this... is also holding onto that weight that's crushing me down.

thank you for everything, I'll cherish the good memories.


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psycheux 3 years ago
ill miss you so much, i hope you'll have a good rest and take a break as long as you wish, you deserve that. i hope, when the time comes, your smiles will be seen and laughs will be heard once again. < 3
TheHermit 3 years ago
I’ll miss you lots and lots bby, you have my kkt so please feel free to text me at any time at all, even if it’s just to chat quickly or vent when you’re stressed. Lots of love for you <3 <3
hobiebrown 3 years ago
I'll miss you and forever cherish our memories together. You have me on kakao, and on instagram, so you can always talk to me if you wish to, but I shall give you your space and I hope things get better soon. I'll wait for you forever and ever.
ELFminnie 3 years ago
You'll be missed but i also hope this is for the best, thus i support you wholeheartedly.
Hope things turn to the right path for you and you feel better asap.
Take care and wish you the best.
astraltia 3 years ago
My precious beanybooper..
I will respect your choice, and not message you via kkt or ig. I will keep an eye on your activity elsewhere though. You know, no matter what, that I will always be here for you. I have been for the last, what, nearly ten years of our lives? You mean so much to me, not just for the memories we've shared over our rp life, but also the memories we have created outside of rp life.
You know that I love you, beyond all that words can describe. I'll wait for you to come back to me, just as you always waited for me.
kurokawa 3 years ago
It was great talking with you when we did! Have a wonderful break, you're amazing ♡♡
dickie 3 years ago
i love you and please text me whenever you can, okay? you can always talk to me about anything and everything. i hope life gets better for you soon < 3
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