
Tags curious 

i am curious to know what are the peoples opinions here on ai
ai art, ai covers, ai etc...

would love to know what you think and how you feel about it! long or short <:


also hi i miss u guys im so exhausted 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。


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masagi 2 months ago
I don't rly think it's that bad?
It's a useful tool to add to pictures I'm editing sometimes.
The use of AI voices and idols does cross a line. Respectfully should be used and if you are be open about it.
KouYaten 2 months ago
It's theft and using it for "art" is lazy and sad.

Ai covers are separate side of disgusting. I know morals are questionable on this site considering the use of face claims but to ACTUALLY make someone's voice (idol/actor/etc) say something they'd never say is just....not okay. Especially with how well done they can be.

Basically: AI is gross.
subeomi 2 months ago
shouldn't be a thing, actually.
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