bird song roleplay - survival based - 1st & 3rd pov - international idols welcome



bird song




About Us

Who are We


Who we crave


important business

We're Open!

The natural resources fell, and the scientists found a way to save us- even if meant killing 3/4 of the world with a disease and forcing us into a survival facility... We're still safe.

Update Here, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient.

— 00 September

[!] Disclaimer to people who fail to follow the rules can be typed into here.

Guidelines and Forms


01. Favorite the roleplay. Upvoting is appreciated, though not mandatory.
02. Detailed first as well as third are accepted. Short replies or one-liners, are not. You will be warned if it's been spotted, and if you don't fix it, you'll be kicked.
03. As of now, normal pregnancies are fine. Male pregnancies will be discussed at a later date- and children will not be up for others to roleplay. That will be for the roleplayers involved to discuss.
04. IC drama is fine. OOC, of course, is not. Do as you see fit for survival or just to keep you sane- just no killing off your character, another character, or self-harm- injuries and attacking each other is fine.
05. Tell an admin before you leave/go on hiatus. 3 months at most for a full hiatus.
06. Please roleplay in rooms at least once a week. Don't stick to walls only.
07. All orientaitons and characters are fine- international and those of Asian-Decent.
08. Password (answerthe question): How active are you? on a scale from 1-10?



Application form:




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629c589979530b4f5cab 9 years ago
I'll definitely check it out sometime ^_^
colazero 9 years ago
cool. i'll check it out soon, not now, i have a headache OTL
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