Hate? Really-


I got my second tattoo about..a week, or so ago?

And, I've got nothing but hate for it, lol

 --> https://www.instagram.com/p/BIMQm3LAV_G/

This is my tattoo. /My/ tattoo.

Not anyone else's, it's on /my/ body, so 

Shut your ing face, yeah? ( ˘ ³˘)❤


Just like my other tattoo,

its something that brings me happiness.

And, even in the future, its connected with nothing

but good memories of them, my mom, my friends- so on.


So, seeing as it was my choice, my money, my body- 

Why the do you feel the need to insert your hatred?

You don't have to live with it, lol.


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forsaken_flower 7 years ago
I think It's great ^^
xtokibabyzx 7 years ago
Aye I like your tattoo lol
I think it's Just Right
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