

° I'm Black Canary, Hear my Cry。

24 · Straight · Black Canary · GMT-5


all you need to know

Born into a family of crime fighters, Hyuna's mother was a vigilante, while her father was a cop. She grew up in the company of famous superheroes, and eventually she was trained in the art of fighting villains. She soon followed in her parent's footsteps and was passed down her mother's Black Canary costume and assumed the position as Black Canary after her mother retired.

Growing up, Hyuna went to school but she didn't have a lot of friends. After she got older and had the secret identity of Black Canary, she became friends with The Birds of Prey. She currently has a crush on Green Arrow.

When she's not fighting crime, she's inside of her house watching funny TV shows, trying to get Ollie to notice her or running her flowershop. Personality wise, she's very nice, kind, caring, motherly and sarcastic. She's a very tough woman and fights using martial arts when she is fighting crime. Her signature ability, Canary Cry makes her a tough opponent to beat.

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Donec eu tellus eget quam accumsan ullamcorper. Phasellus sed finibus dolor. Aliquam ultricies nibh dui, et pellentesque libero interdum luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc at vehicula mauris. Etiam in est ullamcorper, imperdiet lacus vitae, malesuada ante. Donec gravida turpis ultricies, malesuada sapien non, sodales urna. In enim orci, imperdiet sed nisi eu, imperdiet facilisis diam. Vestibulum tincidunt dignissim metus a sagittis. Morbi nec facilisis quam.

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Mauris vehicula massa sodales aliquet mollis. Praesent quam est, interdum et felis sit amet, luctus consectetur leo. Vestibulum fermentum tristique massa. Duis ac commodo urna. Pellentesque consectetur ligula volutpat, tempus orci a, pulvinar ligula. Phasellus venenatis a nibh nec imperdiet. Praesent pulvinar sed sapien sed tincidunt. Proin risus nisl, vestibulum quis suscipit eget, facilisis non enim. Etiam a tortor vel leo elementum dapibus. Fusce sit amet risus ac risus vestibulum mollis. Suspendisse scelerisque blandit urna nec feugiat. Cras vitae dapibus mauris. Ut a odio aliquet, venenatis nunc eu, iaculis neque. Praesent at nulla hendrerit, auctor lacus ut, placerat nisl. Mauris faucibus dui in erat interdum malesuada.

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Nunc sed hendrerit neque. Curabitur non ornare metus. Nullam eu porta lectus. In est ipsum, pulvinar ut gravida ac, facilisis non odio. Aenean faucibus cursus arcu, ac euismod ex porta quis. Suspendisse scelerisque dictum massa, vitae cursus odio accumsan a. In fermentum est sit amet tempus tempor. Vestibulum mollis dictum mi, et efficitur ligula laoreet quis. Proin ut fermentum magna, et gravida lorem.

000 · You ask you start.

000 · Somedays I can be a bit bipolar when it comes to rp, I will want to rp one day but then just chat the next so be ready to put up with that.

000 · NO ONELINERS, I can't get my creative juices flowing with a one liner just don't do it.

000 · I usually do semi paragraph or paragraph, I SOMETIMES DON'T DO NOVELLA'S (cuz I get lazy and sometimes I don't have time for it).

000 · 1st or 3rd please even though 3rd POV is my strong suit... I try at 1st but I'm mediocre at it...

000 · Poke me if I don't respond to you in 48 hours.

000 · My Timezone is GMT-5.
