Personal Message



Park Sooyoung

° My traps are never stupid. Escapable on occasion, yes, but not stupid.

— Duela Dent


A web of lies... No, a bed full of them is what has kept Sooyoung living all these years. She was an orphan, no one, not even the orphanage staff remembered when she was sent to the orphanage. Sooyoung was always different from the other kids, she had a more twisted imagination than the other kids. She used to claim she was the daughter of a bunch of different celebrities. This of course was not true, but other than her extreme imagination came her bouts of psychotic behavior. She used to try to hurt the other kids back when she was little in the orphanage, this caused her to be put in the orphanage basement most of the time as a severe punishment. She was adopted several times before and each time she got sent back to the orphanage. She was insane as they put it as they dumped her back where she started. She unfortunately was never adopted, not just because she had a track record of attacking her adoptive parents, but also because the staff persuaded adopting parents to not adopt Sooyoung. She grew up in the orphanage, and some that personally knew her say that she was born evil. Meanwhile, others such as detectives that later followed up on her crimes, say that she's just mentally ill. At age 17 she was sent out onto the streets finally and her life at the orphanage was over, she was of age to officially leave the orphanage with or without parents or an adult. She spent her life on the streets, getting whatever she could get to survive. At 19 is when she started to steal people's identities. She had gotten plenty of jobs and moved plenty of times due to identity theft. When she finally moved to the current town she's now in at the ripe age of 21, she took up the identity of Park Sooyoung. For she now has no idea who she really is, therefore she has stuck with the name Sooyoung for now. Her obsession with The Joker began after she read a bunch of newspapers with his headline crime sprees on it. She immediately began studying him, attempting to spy on him and become his daughter. She was successful with all of those. Sooyoung had busted into the DNA room in the asylum where he was once kept and stole his DNA and inserted it into her body. Now, she is his blood relative in a way. She seems to despise Harley, but in reality she admires The Clown Princess of Crime. When she's not out doing her villainous deeds or kissing up to 'Daddy', she can be seen as a barista.

Sooyoung is insane. But that's not her whole personality, she is very theatrical, creative, loud and highly unpredictable. She can be hostile sometimes but other times she can be kind and act way too perfect. This act of perfection she has can easily evolve into something dark and ominous within her wide range of personalities. She only acts 'perfect' when she's Sooyoung, but when she's the Joker's Daughter she acts completely unhinged, just like him. As for her weapon choice, she prefers knives, guns, and hand buzzers at the moment, but sometimes she may steal Harley's hammer if she feels adventurous.


love of my life



Donec porta est eget leo porta convallis. Nam placerat, purus vitae ultrices feugiat, velit enim malesuada lectus, sed sollicitudin magna massa in augue. Nullam consequat ac velit eu lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra enim et nibh ullamcorper tempor.


out of character

01 Sed ac nisl justo. Duis erat quam, dictum vitae lacus vel, blandit aliquam lacus.

02 Proin fermentum felis eu dui ultricies volutpat.

03 Aliquam erat volutpat.

04 Pellentesque pellentesque convallis ligula in dignissim.

05 Integer volutpat non ligula eget posuere.



Plot title here

Morbi pulvinar commodo mauris ac mattis. Aliquam facilisis a nulla a sagittis. Vivamus et tortor purus. Duis quam odio, molestie sed enim vel, porttitor finibus leo.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nullam convallis, diam sit amet finibus tincidunt, dolor tellus tincidunt risus, vitae eleifend nisl erat et ante. Aliquam vel ornare massa. Duis in aliquam lectus, at dapibus libero. Aenean at metus a mi rhoncus auctor. Quisque eu porttitor augue, eget placerat urna. Vivamus consectetur fringilla nisl, vel vestibulum lacus aliquet in. Nam non quam in est porta finibus in vitae urna. Vivamus vel rhoncus mauris.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nam nec tortor eu eros rhoncus ornare vel et nibh. Aliquam ex ipsum, rhoncus id consequat id, molestie quis ante. Duis dapibus risus ac mauris iaculis, id lacinia augue tincidunt. Duis efficitur sem placerat metus ornare aliquam. Quisque hendrerit iaculis nulla, eu dictum nibh vehicula pretium. Nulla facilisi.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.