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- boyfriend collection

— jeon jungkook 42 seconds ago Reply


— jeon jungkook 3 minutes ago Reply

win or lose, at the end of the day i still have this beauty to call mine so who's the real winner tbh -

— jeon jungkook 11 seconds ago Reply

— kim taehyung 17 seconds ago Reply
every time kook kisses me an angel gets its wings

you must have a billion pairs by now hm -

— jeon jungkook 47 seconds ago Reply

i love jeon taehyung kbye


— jeon jungkook 1 minute ago Reply

r aises hand i would just like to say that

— jeon jungkook 4 seconds ago Reply

— kim taehyung 28 seconds ago Reply
tfw you pull your bedsheets over your head and lowkey suffocate yourself because you've been farting the whole time

future mr jeon right there w heezes < 3

— jeon jungkook 13 seconds ago Reply

— kim taehyung • v 21 seconds ago Reply
— jeon jungkook 50 seconds ago Reply
— kim taehyung • v 1 minute ago Reply
baby you're so cute

got influenced by you i guess < 3

covers your mouth shhhh

smooches your palm


— jeon jungkook 2 minutes ago Reply

your cute cowboy

— jeon jungkook 2 minutes ago Reply

@— kim taehyung • v — 170329.
Maybe it's the way you make me feel. as if i'm flying in the air with no care, adrenaline always pumping and the tingly-ness always there. i always feel at ease but at the same time, anxious, with you. the good kind of anxiousness that makes someone giggle or squeal out of nervousness. with you, i don't have to find a reason to smile. i just naturally do.


— jeon jungkook 1 day ago Reply

@— kim taehyung • v — 170328 (i know it isn't but yeaH)

Exactly what do i love about you? it's a hard question because the list goes onnn and on. from the way you smile to the way you kiss my lips to the way you say you love me too. they're all different factors as to why i fell for you and i'll just keep on falling & falling if it means i get to have the same feeling of butterflies swarming my stomach whenever i'm with you, every day of my life.


— jeon jungkook 8 minutes ago Reply

also puts him as best visual male becausE


— jeon jungkook 8 minutes ago Reply

"best visual female" 
me: .... w hispers taehyung

— jeon jungkook 17 minutes ago Reply

the term dating isn't in vkook's vocabulary anymore cause 

w hispers we're engaged yay

— jeon jungkook 7 seconds ago Reply

psa just so everyone is aware, beyonce senpai said if i liked it then i should put a ring on it so thATS just what i did g estures dramatically to le fiance jeon taehyung

— jeon jungkook 10 seconds ago Reply

petition to change taehyung's name to jeon taehyung jbc

— jeon jungkook 4 seconds ago Reply

psa #2 i'm in love with my dp ngl

— jeon jungkook 6 minutes ago Reply

where do i even start -
/ in a deep breath before letting out a shaky 'ahh' as i try to recollect my thoughts, glancing up at the bright blue skies momentarily then meeting taehyung's gaze once again, flicking my tongue over my lower lip to moisten the suddenly dry tiers.
kim taehyung. wow i haven't called you that in a while - maybe because since the second i started dating you, i just knew. i knew that you were going to be the one i marry, knew you were going to be the one taking the 'jeon' name. we started off quite.. provocatively but in the end became a couple that i knew sickened a few people with how fluffy and disgustingly loving we are.
/pauses to let out a soft chuckle, pads of my thumbs grazing over tae's knuckles.
some might say we're moving fast but why waste time in simply dating when i could be using these precious moments being married to my soulmate. i love you so much and i vow to keep loving you every second of every day. i vow to keep you and our adorable little family happy. i vow to make you smile, to cheer you up when you're sad, to talk to you when conflicts arise. i vow to be there with you, and to be the one you spend your 'forever' with. i can't and will not imagine my life without you because that's how much you mean to me. you've brightened up my dull life and i can't simply thank you enough, baby. i love you so much.

— jeon jungkook 36 minutes ago Reply

/rubs my slightly sweaty palms on my pants with a nervous chuckle before reaching out to take both taehyung's hands, intertwining our finhers together once more as i inch a little towards him, ready to say the few words that'll take us a billion steps further into our relationship.
i do, i do, i do.
/utters with a growing smile that was reaching my ears as i give his hands a gentle squeeze.

— jeon jungkook 1 minute ago Reply

/gives taehyung a tug towards me and wraps an arm around his slim waist, cupping his cheek with my other hand as i stare into his large orbs, a wide grin playing on my lips at the fact that we're finally married, that you're finally my husband (wife).
/lets our a final whisper as i close the distance to press our lips together in a gentle but loving kiss, my emotions from today spilling into the said kiss as our lips move together in sync.

— jeon jungkook 23 seconds ago Reply

@— kim taehyung • v goodnight my gorgeous wifey < 3



- beef, meatball, peanut, sprinkles & smaug collection


- face collection

- precious


— jay park 1 minute ago Reply


— banana 1 minute ago Reply


— choi youngjae (sh) 19 seconds ago Reply

s crea ms mama's name looks even prettier now, wow!!

— banana 3 seconds ago Reply

My 1234th post goes to the newlyweds, Taehyung and Jungkook ♡ - especially my wonderful little baby stitch who's been around as my baby since ppp1, seeing him so happy makes mama super super happy- I mean. m otions to the boxes of tissues I used up.

— kiko mizuhara [A] 17 seconds ago Reply

when the doorknob gets more game than jungkook does on his honeymoon


— kiko mizuhara [A] 3 hours ago Reply

@— kim taehyung • v @— jeon jungkook Our Most Likely to Get Married Couple winners, literally got married yesterday. Give it up for Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung!