Personal Message
Yours Truly
Hello my Woo~ It's
your lover taking
over your profile~
I wanted place this
here because I wanted you to have something to
look at whenever you missed me or had a
hard time. I just wanted to say how much I love
you, how much I am so excited to finally get married to my now
fiance ♡ I want to
never think if anything bad of our relationship as I believe that we
will be together for as long as we have
been wishing. We
will always there for each other and there
will always be
smiles. I love you so
much Kim Youngwoo.

Your Kitten - Chris ♡
Yours Truly
I'm finally your wife.
it's amazing how long
we've been waiting
on this moment,
and it finally comes true
now for one more thing
to cross off of our list
our own child
i can't wait to see how
great of a father you
will be Youngwoo
I will love you forever

Your wife - Chris ♡

