Personal Message

Kihyung my first son, very hyper and sometimes hard to handle. 

Hana my princess she's the calm one and loves to get her way in certain situations but mommy and daddy love her

And the most recent baby boy, James he's active but calm at the same time and is a mommys boy.


My happy baby bunnies


Name: Matthew Kim

Age: 22

Position:  Master

Taken By- Moonbin Bunny, the bunny that makes my heart hop...cheesy..I know 

Occupation:  exclusive brand model and actor from time to time

Personality : Matthew has always been an outgoing and happy person. With the right people that is, he can show you his true colors and become the best friend you've ever wanted. But with someone new he often back off and decides to observe others and be some what calculative of who they are and size up how their first conversation should go or would go.

Background:  at a young age he was scouted out and became a child model, Matthew came from a poor situation but luckily the money he earned and kept earning was enough to get himself and his family into better loving conditions. Now at a much older age he's adventurous and loves to meet knew people. His job requires him to do so for the most part, Matthew could never really do a photoshoot with someone he didnt agree with or didnt know much about.