Personal Message

Kitten form pictures:


Name: Yoon Sanha
Position: Pet 
Type: Kitten
Pov: Mostly 3rd
Occupation: Nightclub dancer , part-time nurse
Background: Growing up in foster care Sanha had gone through alot but in a particular home of a chef wife and a doctor husband, Sanha got the chance to learn many life skills he'd use now in life to care for himself medically and also to prepare food for himself. Now as an adult he works in a night club as a dancer obviously without his parents really knowing he often doesn't like to ask for money or for favors so this job provides him with money both for every day life and for his nursing classes.
Personality: Sweet and hyper active, he loves to meet new people usually he's a very curious kitty and will often get himself in some sort of trouble on accident. He's also protective and often will annoy for attention if he feels that you and him are that comfortable with eachother because obviously he wouldn't want to annoy someone he barley knows.
Password: lavender purple