Personal Message
Meng Jia
Stage Name: Jia
Age: 25
Birthday: February 3 , 1992
Height: 165 cm
Occupation: Candy Girl
Position: Star
Status: single
Pet Peeve: not having an
Ideal Type: broad shouldered, great smile, strong
Jam: Ed Sheeran - Shape of You
Eyecandy: Son Hyunwoo - Kang Jihyun (Soyou)
Writing Style: Short but not really short para's.
Something To Know About Me
Jia had started working in the mansion recently, and despite being a dancer, the young girl has chosen to be a star. The one thing she loved as much as dancing, if not more, was . with men, women, anyone. It made it all the more fun to be filmed while getting ed or ing someone else. So when the opportunity presented itself to her in the form of working with Candy Mansion as a star, she took it. She was born in Loudi, Hunan, China. She is an only child so she likes to make friends.
Jia moved to South Korea after she signed the contract to become a Candy Girl. Despite sleeping with both girls and boys, she identifies as Panual. She is a bright person, loves , , vanilla, rough. You name it. But despite being a star she is by no means easy. If you want to to get in her pants, at least try and woo her. She likes to spoil her friends and family with the money she earns, expensive trips, shopping sprees, luxurious spa treatments, the likes. She trusts people way too easily and that has been her downfall several times, so please be careful with Jia. Her can take a pounding but her heart can't.
The One I Love
Insert subtitle here.
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Aliquam sit amet sapien vel nulla imperdiet tempus. Nulla egestas, sem a commodo porttitor, nisl arcu feugiat tortor, eget molestie nunc nisl vel nisi. Nulla tempor porta tortor in fermentum. Ut elementum et sapien in dapibus. Sed ut lectus ut quam sollicitudin dictum quis sit amet urna. Duis vel lectus nunc. Suspendisse vitae libero eros. Nulla facilisi. In tempor lobortis urna, at rutrum purus tincidunt ac. Donec blandit magna metus.
Some Lovely People

Kinks: Like/Love Will discuss Do not like

Breath play





electro play

man handling





hair pulling





pet names