Personal Message
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the taste of your lips, i'm on a ride.
you're toxic, i'm slipping under.
too high, can't come down.
character name Jeon Jungkook
birthdate 1997/09/01
age Twenty
occupation Casino Manager
orientation Gay
relationship status Taken
timezone Gmt -6
pov1st & 3rd
length lorem ipsum
additional disclaimer lorem ipsum
losing my head, spinning round and round.
about & personality
"Always remember that you are responsible for your own situation, son," Jungkook's father said to him one day when he had walked past a homeless man begging for change. He started that lecture because Jungkook questioned why he wouldn't give the homeless man any money when he had plenty, and his father was explaining that people would easily take advantage of him if he didn't change that mindset.

Jungkook's family are the owners of a popular casino located at the heart of the city. As such, they are very rich, and Jungkook grew up in a wealthy status. Jungkook attended a private school growing up and attended an ivy league college to obtain his bachelor's degree in business management while he studied to take over the family casino business. with all of this in his upbringing, it's a wonder Jungkook turned out to be the sweet and humble boy that he did.

University was the biggest turning point in Jungkook's life, and made him who he is today. At an ivy league school, there are a mix of students - those who afforded entry from their parent's pocket money, and those who come from a much less fortunate background, but are brilliant and dedicated. while attending school, jungkook saw many of these dedicated, hard working students getting picked on and bullied by the wealthier, probably lazier students, and he decided that he didn't want to be one of those wealthy students. Jungkook ditched all of his designer clothes and restocked his wardrobe full of clothes that he bought from the mall - he didn't want to look poor, just less wealthy. He tried to blend in with those hardworking students and made friends with as many of them as he could.

It was then that jungkook realized the truth behind his father's words. Some people were responsible for their own situations in life (the hardworking, poor students couldn't get to where they were without the hardwork), but jungkook decided that didn't mean that he had to take advantage of his own situation. Instead, he could use his situation to help benefit other people's lives. A casino was not the ideal position to complete that goal in, but it was Jungkook's responsibility to take over the family business in the future, and he couldn't let them down.

Now, Jungkook works as a manager at the casino and is coming up with ways to turn that into a benefit. Devising plans for organizations and charities to help those who were put in less fortunate situations in life and have no control over their own outcome.
i'm addicted to you.
Min Yoongi ⎯ 18.16.02 ⎯ Dating
From stranger, to roommate, to best friend, to boyfriend, this is Min yoongi. he's amazing, and no one could ever tell me otherwise. he was the first person i ever met who didn't judge me because of the social class i was born into, perhaps that's when i started to fall for him.

he's a great listener, but he talks too. he's fun to be around, even when we aren't doing anything.
i'm glad that this man has my heart. and i hope that our relationship makes everyone think of delicious and fluffy sugar cookies.
don't you know that you're toxic?
plots & tracker
Assistant manager | aopen / male | while jungkook is going to school and working as a manager at ther casino, he needs an assistant to help him out when the work is too much for him to pile on top of his schoolwork. school comes first, so a work assisant is crucial.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.
Min Yoongiwalls | replied
Kim Jinhwanwalls | replied
Yoong/JiminRoom 201 | replied
Hanbinwalls | plotting
whowhere | status


my pets

holiday gifts

treasured moments

Min Soff Yoongi 36 seconds ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 50 seconds ago Reply
Min Soff Yoongi 6 seconds ago Reply
Jeon Jungkook 1 minute ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 7 seconds ago Reply
Do you know why you can't read them?
I don’t know. Did you put in some wicked code that says “Jungkook cannot read these”
yeah, its so we can talk about you and you cant see it.
talk about how cute he is. am i right?

Min Soff Yoongi 6 hours ago Reply
I wanna enter with kookie so I won't post until he's on

Jeon Jungkook 8 hours ago Reply
Min Soff Yoongi 4 minutes ago Reply
Jeon Jungkook 13 seconds ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
I'mma delete both them posts. ;;
I have a screenshot. Do it and I’ll send it to Nams lmao
omg i love you
Aw I love you too :3

Min Soff Yoongi 12 hours ago Reply
Liste n. I love savage kookie ♡

Min Soff Yoongi 1 week ago Reply
@Jeon Jungkook *bites my lip gently as i notice your frown*
*stops walking as we get to a more secluded spot, grabbing your wrist gently to make you face me*
Hey.. What's this.. *smiles softly and gently pokes between your eyes* if you frown too much you'll get wrinkles..
*rubs the back of my neck, clearing my throat a little*
Listen.. I.. Uh.. Wow, I'm not usually like this...
*lets out a breath, shifting nervously and looking anywhere but at you* *clears my throat again and looks at you, moving my hand from your wrist to gently hold your hand instead*
The person I like...
Remember, I said his name starts with J, right?
H-His name is Jungkook.. He's my room mate and I think he's kind of amazing...
*shifts again, giving your hand a gentle squeeze*
I guess.. what I'm trying to say is...
Will you be my boyfriend? *blushes darker, looking down again for a moment before looking up at you, waiting for your answer*

Jeon Jungkook 9 minutes ago Reply
* rolls dice * gets a 1
Jeon Jungkook 8 minutes ago Reply
* rolls dice * gets a 2
Jeon Jungkook 8 minutes ago Reply
I'm going to try for a three.
Min Soff Yoongi 7 minutes ago Reply
* rolls dice * gets a 3
Min Soff Yoongi 7 minutes ago Reply
Min Soff Yoongi 7 minutes ago Reply
Its fate

you and i

my soff yoongi


hakyeon is so nice for making this layout for me ;v;

i miss you ;^;

Your bed is definitely more comfortable

thought thought thought thought

thought thought thought thought

thought thought thought thought

thought thought thought thought

thought thought thought thought

thought thought thought thought