
its here

Jeon Jungkook 5 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[teu we can do both because I like his one ;^;]]
Min Soff Yoongi 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ i dont mind doing both cos this is cute, but its up to you ^^ ]
Jeon Jungkook 5 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[I don't know ;^; did you want to do this one too? ;^;]]
Min Soff Yoongi 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook did you still wanna do these two or just scrap it for the new one?]
Min Soff Yoongi 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ i am seriously so sorry start harassing me if i get lazy again ive been meaning to do this for a while. ]

*laughs and nods*
I thin kI would love to see it.
Of course I always think you're cool though.
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *smiles happily and sits back in my seat, getting comfortable*
*grins more*
Then maybe you can see my actual cool side.
*laughs a little*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ HJSAGFHB im sorry i forgot to tag you i remembered this time ! ]

*raises an eyebrow slightly*
*lets out a laugh at your suggestion and nods*
Okay, you convinced me.
Sure, I'll come to the gym with you
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[aodvineaoinef I almost missed this because you didn't tag me ;~; lol]]

*nods a little and smiles softly*
I was going to ask Hakyeon to come to the gym with me, but—
He didn't get the day off.
*bites my lip softly*
Do you maybe—
Want to come instead?
I know it's not your style or anything, but—
You can admire me while I work out, so you should get some enjoyment out of it.
*laughs shyly*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
I'm never buys. *grins cheekily*
Unless I get a big job.
But, no I'm not busy.
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[^-^]]

*gets into the car and waits for you*
A-are you busy tomorrow?
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ glad to hear it. ]

*smiles softly and shakes my head*
okay, okay
let's head home then~
*takes hold of your hand again and heads back up to my car*
*opens your for for you*
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[im great! ^-^]]

*blushes a little and laughs softly*
*bites my lip a little and pouts softly*
Come one~
We should go home. I’m so tired now.
*yawns a little*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ sorry again i think im back now.. how are you feeling <3 ;; ]

*laughs quietly and pecks yur cheek gently*
Of course~
*smiles and rubs your back gently*
You're pretty good too.
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi Y-yeah—
*wraps my arms around you*
You’re /really/ great at pretending.
*laughs softly*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook I'm sorry ;;; )

*laughs softly and shakes mu head*
Nonsense ~
How about were both good at pretending to be cool?
*grins and stops sp I can pull you into my arms tight*
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[you are not ;~;]]

*pouts softly*
I am not.
Youre the really cool one.
*smiles small*
I’m just good at pretending to be cool.
*laughs softly*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook [ thats ok i am worse ;;; ]

*smiles happily and nods a little*
*laughs and rubs your back*
You are so cute.
You are already very cool, I promise.
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi [[ah I wanted to reply to this sooner ;^; sorry ;^;]]

*smiles happily and nods a little*
Then—you'll get to see where I grew up.
*laughs softly*
Which means I should work extra hard to impress you.
*uses a tone to try to make myself sound cooler than I really am*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *smiles softly and nods*
then I would love to go meet them.
*squeezes your hand gently*
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *looks at you and bites my lip softly*
Y-yeah. We should.
*blushes a little and smiles*
I think they would like to meet you.
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *raises an eyebrow*
your parents house?
Well.. I haven't been there yet.
Perhaps we should pay them a visit.
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *bites my lip a little and nods*
Sure. We should.
*smiles softly*
But it should be just as comfy.
*laughs softly*
As comfy as my bed at my parent's house.
It's the best~
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *smiles happily and nods a little*
That is absolutely what I mean.
Glad you understand~
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *follows you out*
I'm hoping you mean—
A bigger bed?
*laughs softly*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *grins cheekily and nods*
I'm so ready too.~
*leads you back out side*
So I was thinking...
We should buy a new bed?
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *happily takes your hand and gets up too*
Let's go~
*hums happily*
I'm ready to relax in our comfy bed.
*laughs softly*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *smiles and nods happily*
Let's go~
*gets up right away*
*hold smy hand out to you*
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *laughs a little and grins as the server brings the desserts out in boxes for us*
*looks at you as I take them*
We can go home now!
*smiles happily*
Min Soff Yoongi 6 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook *smiles happily and nods a little*
I miss you a lot when you're out~
And I always look forward to seeing you again
Jeon Jungkook 6 years ago
@Min Soff Yoongi *bites my lip a little, blushing softly*
I-I love being around you, too.
*looks at you and grins cheekily*
Besides, I'm sure I'll spend enough time at school and work that you'll look forward to me coming back.
*giggles happily*


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