Lee Felix // Age 20 // Single
// biography
Early life
Felix was only six when he lost his parents in a car accident. According to his psychologist, it was a tragic and traumatic experience that stayed with him consciously. That is the only explanation they had for the nightmares haunting Felix at nights. The nightmares weren't as bad when he was young, but having only yourself to rely on took a toll on him as older he got. He was taken care of by the only remainging relative that accepted to take him in, and when he was 18 he rented a small student house and left. No longer feeling like a burden. 
Felix is a college kid studying astronomy, the reason being that he has always been enamored with the galaxy and stars and all that seems so far away yet strangely feels so close to his heart. His goal in life is to become an astronaut and someday pilot a shuttle going to space. 
For now, of course, the reality seems dull. To earn money he works part-time at a café, utilizing his hobby that is baking cookies, and cakes. Seeing people content with his creations gives him energy and happiness, making him forget the void inside of him momentarily.
Moirai City
He wakes up in Moirai City after experiencing a traumatic event, one that he feels responsible for. After numerous restless nights, with seemingly meaningless fragments of visions and cryptic messages appearing in his nightmares, he felt tired beyond imagination. The sleep pills kept the nightmares at bay but now he regrets taking them, as they brought more pain and misery to his life. If only he could have deciphered what the nightmares meant sooner, then perhaps his friend wouldn't have given up on his life. Maybe Felix could have helped save lives.
He wakes up in Moirai City confused and dazed, yet at the same time he feels a tug at his heartstrings. The sky over his head gives him a strangely comforting feeling, one that he's not used to. This new town was welcoming him, he thought. He can't tell things from dream or reality, but with the starry night over his head, he hopes for happier days.
Goddess Asteria 
The Titan goddess of shooting stars, dream divination, and astrology. She is the daughter of the Titans, Coeus and Phoebe, and sibling to Leto and Lelantos, the wife of Perses and mother to Hecate. She was born into the Golden Age when the Titans ruled the cosmos under the reign of Cronos.
Her name means “starry one” or “of the stars. After the fall of the titans, she continued living in Olympus and was beloved by Zeus. In order to escape from his embrace, she got metamorphosed into a quail and threw herself into the sea, and was metamorphosed into the island Delos (the island which had fallen from heaven like a star).
// personality
Felix grew up alone and took care of himself most of his life, naturally he enjoys when others are affectionate toward him and care for him. However, he can be emotionally closed off to people he is not close with. To him, opening up infront of other about his troubles seems like inconveniencing them. He hardly lets anyone see the real him and those "lucky" ones find out just how tired and hopeless Felix feels.
Nighttime even though his sleep is messed up, he prefers the comfort of night sky over the blazing sun of the mornings, Star gazing (ideal date), magical fairy tales (he's into witchy aesthetics), coloring his hair (a habit at this point after going through many mental breakdowns), genuine and loyal people (he'd see right through your fakeness), sleeping pills..
Flings (he's a bit of a romantic), clingy people (has enough problems to deal with so don't bother him), lowkey allergic to animals, crying (and he does it a lot, but never in public). He has a fear of thunders since childhood.
// preset plots
✦Deceitful✦. Angst, hurt and comfort. m/f ( 0/1 ).
You and Felix were childhood friends, basically grew up together up until high school. One day you notice him uncharacteristically skipping school for consecutive days. That was when you last saw Felix. He disappeared without any prior warning to you, his house empty and no information about his whereabouts was found. Now as adults you meet in Moirai city and you enthusiastically approach him, but he seems different from the sweet child you remember him to be. Will you be able to stay by his side and turn a blind eye to his lies and evasive behavior or will you give them another chance for the sake of good old days?
Omen of death. Angst, drama, hurt & comfort. m/f. ( 0/1 ).
After a few months of staying in Moirai city, Felix starts living together with you as a roommate as he can't provide a place of his own. You show your happy side to him, and he doesn't open up to you about his hurting, rather choosing to smile and laugh along with you while you cook together, watch movies, and do other activities. You both may hide your tears and pain, oblivious that you have similar feelings of longing that could bring you closer. You are not sure how but one day Felix seems to sense that something is wrong with you as if he can somehow see right through you. Keeping up a happy persona becomes harder for you two, and he keeps asking you personal question, seemingly worried and concerned for you. Will you truly let Felix in and let him see the real you?
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 ).
Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus. Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla.
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 ).
Sem integer vitae justo eget. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras. Pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio eu feugiat. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia at. Commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar.
01. Detailed 1st and semi-para detailed 3rd POV.
02. Timezone= GMT+1 .
03. If you are interested in plotting with me or taking a plot from my plotlist, just PM me.
04. I am busy with work and studies, so I am ON and OFF here. Please be understanding if I replied late to you.

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