Personal Message

"i sold my soul a long time ago, i feel like a ghost now"
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cherry flavoured
the neighbourhood
get to know me!
park chanyeol
nov 27 1992
upper (blessed)
not looking
He was wild and rambunctious, always ready to go, always ready to toss himself head first into trouble without thinking of the consequences. How he became friends with Jongin was a mystery, but they were truly inseperable from the start. Chanyeol's wrecklessness is what got them into trouble, what cursed them, and ever since it happened he blamed himself for the downfall that became of them.

Once they were snatched up by the government, test after test was done to them. Chanyeol was poked, proded, evaluated, everything in between. His ability? Fire manipulation. So different from what became of Jongin, who he wanted the light fade from more and more every day. More and more, Chanyeol was wittled down into nothing, a shell of the man he used to be. That's when the changes really began.

They planned on escaping. Chanyeol was supposed to get Jongin out of there, but on the day of the big event... something in him shifted. He saw what had become of his old best friend. Part of him was guilty, hence having been consistently pulling away from him, and another part was horribly selfish. No, he would never let Jongin go, he wouldn't unleash the man he has become on the world, and he wouldn't let him leave his side.

There had already been a wedge between them, but after that, whatever was left was completely gone.

Neither escaped that day, and they went on to lead two separate teams lead by the government. He leads the Dragons, known for their roudiness despite their leader being quite the opposite by now. It shows that the man that used to be is no more.

When it comes to Jongin, he still cares... he thinks. He doesn't remember anymore why they hate each other, why they always clash. The constant experimentation has taken most of his memory from him. If anything, he thinks it's cute, how much Jongin hates him now. Would he ever be able to tell the man why he made the decision he did? No, but that's probably just what makes it worse.
There are still some pieces of the man he used to be riddled within his personality. Big smiles, hearty laughs, sometimes an inability to stand on his own two feet. But he's almost entirely different. Quiet, cunning, attentive. He knows how to read a room, a person, and use it to his advantage. His moral compass? Very broken, though not completely, and he'll do what he needs to in order to get what he wants done. Sometimes, very rarely, he'll make a morally right decision. You're lucky if you're on the receiving end.
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