
Ruki Matsumoto
Feb 1, 1898 (125)
Ruki was born around the Gilded Age, he was born human and he was happy in his simple peasant life. When he turn 39 his life took tole, he was summon to become a Soldier in the war. His parents beg him not go, but Ruki had no choose and he went to fight. He was known in the military as one of the best, being smart, strong and taking care of his fellow men until. One night while they were sleeping a bomb was launch into their base and he manage to be alive but was badly hurt. He stare into the moon, and before he could fully die he heard someone walking close to him whispering "You will make a fine vampire...ruki...I hope you understand that" after he heard that his mind went blank and he took his last breath. Then his eyes open as he felt everything around go loud, shine bright and he scream in pain.