❛ species


Listed below are all the species we will allow in the roleplay. Please be sure to keep your species lore and information in mind when creating your characters and backgrounds.

✠ humans.

Humans are mortal creatures inhabiting Earth who are not inherently born with magical or supernatural abilities. The human species was first intended to be the key to a peaceful alliance between Heaven and Hell. However, the plan ultimately failed as both forces continue to clash over their differences and humans have become an object of possession highly sought after by both realms to control.

They are extremely vulnerable to many dangerous and powerful objects or beings. However, they remain the largest population of all species on Earth and have adapted to hold their own power. Humans can outsmart, take advantage of, and/or create alliances with other supernatural beings despite their physical vulnerabilities against powers.

Many humans have differing opinions on supernatural species; Some wish to co-exist peacefully while others believe that the supernatural are dangerous threats in need of exterminating.

There is a secret human society of supernatural hunters called The Nakam founded by Quincey Harker and Dr. Mehmed Yasar. Members of The Nakam are skilled trackers, investigators, and/or fighters who have trained all their life or proven themselves worthy of a spot within the society.

  • The Nakam: 1/6 Spots.

Most humans have a lifespan of 100 years unless they have been turned by a Vampyre. Humans are very fertile beings and can become pregnant with halfblooded Dhampyr children. However, it can often be dangerous and difficult to survive if the mother carrying the Dhampyr child is a human.

♱ vampyres.

Vampyres are undead immortal supernatural creatures who once were living mortals, but have been cursed to rise from the grave and must feed upon blood and flesh as a vital source of nutrients for eternity. The vampyre species are not generally born, but rather transformed and given supernatural abilities by the spread of the Vampyric Virus (aka being turned and sired by another vampyre).

The earliest vampyres were once beloved creations of God until rebelling, being outcasted and punished to suffer for eternity with the desperate need for life. Then they infected humanity on Earth with the same curse either by accident or convincing humans to receive the vampyre's demonic venom in their blood. This process, called "Turning", granted immortality and dark powers to the fledgling in return for the consequence of bloodthirst. Vampyric venom can secrete from a vampyre's fangs when they feed upon another, transmitting the virus through the bloodstream and cursing their victim to transform. The venom may also act as a sedative, making the victim experience symptoms of drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, minor memory loss, and even arousal sometimes.


All vampyres and dhampyrs can secrete a demonic venom from their fangs when feeding on a victim. If a large enough portion of the venom enters one’s bloodstream and remains in the blood at the time of the victim’s death, it will infect them like a virus and curse them to transform into a vampyre too. However, if the venom is given in small doses and the victim remains alive, it will NOT infect them and instead acts like a sedative. Thus making the victim experience symptoms of drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, minor memory loss, and even sometimes arousal (symptoms can differ depending on each person or situation).

After turning into or being born a vampyre, they all gain sharp fangs with teeth that are strong enough to rip through flesh and organs — Perhaps even puncture through bone if they bite hard enough. Their fangs are retractable in order to remain hidden, however can be noticed if examined up close.

These are the only permitted supernatural powers vampyres and dhampyrs may have. The amount of powers one can have depends on what bloodline they belong to (Read more in the Bloodlines room).

  • Persuasion: Can persuade, dominate, and compel others through verbal or physical commands. NOT to be confused with mind control or hypnosis. Only works on those who are susceptible and/or desire to submit. Anyone who has a strong will and can practice major self restraint will be able to overcome persuasion.
  • Levitation: Can cause themself, other people, and objects to seamlessly float in the air. This power can be difficult to stabilize, maneuver, or maintain for longer periods of time.
  • Illusion Magic: Can manipulate or induce illusions and hallucinations, causing someone to see, hear, touch, smell, or taste things differently than what they truly are in reality.
  • Dream Manipulation: Can create, manipulation, or enter the dreams of both themselves and others.
  • Telepathy: Can hear, read, and communicate with others through their thoughts. This power is limited only to fellow vampyres/dhampyrs, any fledglings one might sire, blood relatives, and humans who have made a blood pact with the vampyre.
  • Tekekinesis: Can manipulate or interact with physical matter through non-physical means. The most common trait is being able to move and control objects without physical contact.
  • Self Healing: Can self heal and recover from wounds, disease, etc more quickly than an average human. However, it is limited and they can still fall ill or succumb to serious physical damage. They may also struggle significantly to maintain health if they lose a massive amount of blood and/or do not feed and starves themselves from the natural vampyre’s bloodthirst.
  • Shapeshifting: Can shapeshift into both canine and chiroptera forms. However, this requires immense energy and strength to accomplish, thus needing an extensive amount of blood to replenish energy after changing forms again. The process is immensely painful as they must shed their skin and rearrange organs in order to change.


  • Bloodthirst: Afflicted with the need and desire to consume blood. The undead do not have properly beating hearts and as such, blood struggles to flow through their bodies. Taking blood, whether through transfusions or feeding off a victim, will give vampyres a “blood rush” that temporarily nourishes the body and fuels the heart to pulse again as if they were human. The effect lasts very briefly depending on how much blood was consumed at one time; Consuming an entire human’s worth of blood, for example, will grant a vampyre the “blood rush” for only a few days before needing to feed once again. When having recently consumed, they will appear more healthy and human. If they starve themselves of blood however, they will appear much more like a corpse with pale blue–ish skin and overall health or strength will be significantly weakened.
  • Sunlight: All vampyres have different degrees of sensitivity to coming into contact with direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure can cause rashes, wounds, heatstroke, and/or death depending.
  • Holy Blessings & Religious Symbols: Can possibly go into anaphylactic shock if they come into physical contact with holy items. All vampyres hail from Queen Lilith's ancient demonic curse, thus there is demonic energy flowing through them and they can be warded off or compelled to not approach if holy symbols are near.
  • Silver: A pure metal with antimicrobial properties, it can ward off vampyres and physical contact can cause anaphylactic shock much like holy objects do.
  • Garlic: It will not damage or kill them, but can ward off vampyres and make them feel sick or nauseous. Garlic is a known antibiotic against bacteria, fungi, and viruses — such as the Vampiric Virus that flows through through their blood.
  • Wolfsbane & Nightshade: Poisonous herbs that can weaken vampiric powers and cause sickness or even paralyze them if ingested in a large enough quantity.
  • Fatal Wounds: Despite being immortal, fatal wounds and diseases can in fact kill them if serious enough. Damaging the heart, brain, decapitation, burning to death, suffering untreated deadly disease for significant periods of time (several years), and/or poisoned by repeated holy blessings.

Vampyres are not completely infertile, but it is very rare and difficult to produce children since they have lost their humanity. Any pregnancies with a vampyre child, full or halfblood, can be dangerous as the fetus will have a thirst for blood and take from their parent's bloodstream. Anyone pregnant with a vampyre child should consume blood regularly to stay healthy enough to survive the pregnancy regardless of what species they are.

♰ dhampyrs.

Dhampyrs are halfblooded creatures, both human and vampyre. This species cannot be turned or created by siring. They can only exist via birth with one biological human parent and one biological vampyre parent.

These beings are not immortal, but have a significantly longer lifespan than regular humans with an average of 5000 years. Dhampyrs are born with the same strengths and weaknesses as normal vampyres, except they only possess 1 vampiric power (no matter what bloodline you choose). However, they are known for being much more resilient against vampyre weaknesses. While they can still be injured or killed, dhampyrs are able to recover more quickly and can withstand direct sunlight without any pain just as normal humans do.

They are relatively fertile beings compared to normal vampyres and do not suffer the same amount of struggles to reproduce. However, it can still be dangerous to become pregnant if a dhampyr mother does not take the same precautions as other species would.


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sayonarababy- 8 months ago
Fc: Jung Wooyoung
Fc occupation: idol
Fc age: 23
rosetea [A] 8 months ago
〘 ❛ sᴄᴀʀʟᴇᴛ ᴄʀᴏss ❜ 〙
 ♱ open and accepting reservations.
 ♱ read our rules and use the proper format when commenting to reserve.
 ♱ thank you for joining us !! ♥
ashflower 8 months ago
fc name: hakken ryou
fc occupation: model/influencer
fc age: 25
prompto 8 months ago
fc name: freminet vladivos
occupation: history grad student
fc age: 26
prompto 8 months ago
hi < 3
evakpop 8 months ago
faceclaim name: emilia clarke
faceclaim occupation: children’s books writer/illustrator
faceclaim age: 36 years old
Kagune 8 months ago
Yootony 8 months ago
When your favorite rose flavored tea makes a new rp, what do you do?

Join right away uwu
neodreams 8 months ago
I'll be leaving my fav and upvoted for now <3
nezukochan 8 months ago
cries a Nile River. yet another great work here.
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