
full name: emilia clarke

nicknames: em, emmy, or make one

birthdate: july 10, 1988 (35 years old)

zodiac sign: cancer 

relationship status: single

uality: biual (man lean)

species: human

occupation: children’s books writer and illustrator/artist
background: emilia was born in normandie, france and she lost her parents quite young in a house fire as a teenager - which means that she now fears fire. she was able to be saved and then, adopted by an elderly couple as she didn’t have much family left. she would always see her adoptive father paint and draw and that is where her fascination and interest came from. she traveled to new york to go to art school and has a BA in art education and an MA in art history.

education: certificate in literature and writings, BA in art education and MA in art history

languages spoken: french (first language), english (fluent), spanish (beginner), german (beginner) (second languages) and would love to learn more (arabic, greek, italian, korean, latin, turkish...)

likes: art, baking, books, bread and cheese, fruits, fruity scents/smell of coconut or fresh bread, jazz music, learning new things, old movies, pastries, tea, traveling,... 

dislikes: being lied to/lying, being sick, cafés, cheating, clowns, crying, heights, horror movies, insects, judgmenta people, many sports/competitions, smell of cigarettes/drugs... 

personality: infj