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❁ cheon suryeon [h]23:51:45Reply
❀ jeon gyunwoo22:51:32Reply
it makes sense dahee bagged hot men

❁ cheon sumin22:51:29Reply
❀ yang seoyul 9 seconds ago Reply
dahee has a wonderful roster, she wins

✿ seol yoonah00:13:01Reply
im in love w u dahee

❀ yang seoyul12:12:46Reply
>3< kiss u beneath floating lanterns

❁ cheon sumin08:59:31Reply
❀ moon hansol 6 seconds ago Reply
❀ jeon gyunwoo7:58:33 PMReply
dahee are you filming your own to all the boys i ever loved joseon ver.


› jeon dahee — 전 다희 / 前多熙 (bae ganghee).
› october 10, 1841.
› scholar at the office of special advisors.
› practical, graceful, well-mannered, cunning, intelligent, prudent, vindictive, conniving.
› intp 3w4 lawful evil.
› acts of service, physical touch.
› hangul (native), hanja, mandarin chinese (proficient), japanese, english (conversational).

dahee was born into the jeon family with both great gifts as well as grave curses. at an early age, she began to exhibit rich intellect and analytical skills, and thus she was commended by many educators for her natural gift. her little sister, dayeon, came to the family when she was 4 years old. since then, the two's bond has become unbreakable, often leaning at each other for support during their hardest times. as the youngest, dahee naturally spoils her rotten with whatever she pleases. she had not always been the fondest of her father growing up, especially over his blatant dislike of her scholastic achievements. she would spend a portion of her life trying to win her father's favor, only to one day come to the conclusion that it is pointless.

she found comfort in knowledge and discovery, making her studies the centerpoint of her life. at the tender age of 7, her interest in languages began — she would often be caught with books in her room as if she knew how to read them. at age 9, her interest in the sciences began, particularly in the fields of astronomy, meteorology, and eventually, the secret art of alchemy. her governess, as it turns out, used to work for another family in manchuria. there, she learned the basics of alchemy, which she now teaches young dahee to strike her curiosity.

this was far from the lady jeon's only gift. in fact, she had always been regarded as a breathtaking beauty, capturing the hearts of men around her ever since she had been allowed to roam free in common society. many suitors have attempted but not one has been successful. unfortunately for the men, dahee's demeanor is often more insulting than inviting. though this would change in the later years, the years of her father's indifference towards her had made her incapable of interacting with men.

at age 13, her brother gyunwoo was adopted by their parents. though she initially found it odd, she soon began to warm up to him through her own peculiar ways. she would act snobby and aloof around him during family functions but secretly leave bowls of fruit or fresh parchment and ink by her brother's door at night when she thinks no one is looking. their relationship develops and he becomes her resting place, the dependable embrace she returns to when her world comes crashing down.

though initially fortunate to have been granted an education by her father (perhaps because her incessant asking), at age 18, her schooling wss taken away because of a love affair her father had caught her in with a lower class man. devastated, she began to sneak books into their manor and study in secret, either in the quiet of the night or in the outskirts faraway where she cannot be discovered. this was the final straw that led to the transformation of her spirit.

ever since then, she began to play the game the way her father wants her to. she learned to be knowledgeable in music, art, and embroidery. she learned to dance, she learned how to laugh, and speak, and not speak. this was when she realized her place in the world as a woman, or lack thereof. she transformed herself into a true and graceful woman, one her father regards with pride. all of this, she did with one ulterior motive: to be married to a much powerful man with a weak spirit, to gain her quiet independence and finally escape the shackles of her father's control. in secret, she studies and studies to no end for plan b: become a scholar in the office of special advisors. this would be a place where she would have to fight for her own relevance, but nonetheless gives her ample freedom and the ability to freely use her intellect.

finally, the answer came. a letter came to the jeon manner one day detailing her acceptance into the office of special advisors, much to her father's shock and horror. now 22, his threats of disowning her and cutting her inheritance did not frighten her like it used to. here is her chance to make a name for herself, and she would be a fool not to take it. jeon dahee, through her great efforts, found a way to transform her life into that of gold. but she mustn't be complacent — her journey of finding her name in a world of men has just begun, and she intends to give them a worthy opponent.

- food: gamja-jeon
- drink: sansuyu-cha.
- color: navy, fuschia, and brown.
- celestial body: the moon.

- dahee is a firm believer in taking care of appearance in order to be perceived as one hopes to be. her hair is almost never seen unkempt or loose, normally plaited or worn up and decorated with a baetssi daenggi or a binyeo.
- the young lady prefers hanboks that fit into the social trend standards with her own signature additions. her garments are normally made with silk and ramie and embroidered by dahee herself. a matchinh norigae is normally attached to her jeogori. her preferred colors are rich, deep blues and purples, as well as pure whites.

- has more than once wished she was born a boy instead, so people would praise her for her intelligence rather than her beauty and so she would have her own place in society.
- her only access to learning alchemy was through a mentor who was a woman like herself that used to be her governess before she was taken away and replaced when her father found out that she had been teaching dahee things a governess usually doesn't.
- uses her inheritance to purchase books from around the country and abroad, which she stores under a plank in her sleeping chambers.
- a graceful dancer, often complimented by dance teachers for her natural fluidity.
- learned to be cunning and resourceful at an early age; moulded herself into the "perfect wife" to be married to someone more powerful.

❛ jeon, house of the white heron – a jungin clan with an ancestral home in gangneung, they have served society and the royal family by producing several well known scholars, historians and scribes. said scholars have taken minor positions in the royal office or had become instructors & researchers within sungkyunkwan. women of the family have also become trusted and reputable governesses, teaching etiquette to many noble children. the current head is jeon mo, a researcher and instructor at sungkyunkwan. head: jeon mo (npc) members: shim kyunghae (npc), jeon gyunwoo (son, adopted), jeon yulhee, jeon dahee, the third daughter (open)

— mera/fairy/character name.
— fc based pronouns.
— above legal age.
— gmt + 8, activity dwindles.
— 3rd pov descriptive, multipara to novella, mirrored.
— open to any plots except for . please pm if you have any concerns! mun also likes friends, hehe.