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main profile image of a red, black, and white koi fish in dark waters. the image is oil painted.
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full name.
cheon sunyi 천순이
january 3rd, 1841
house of falcon
binyeo crafter / hunter
cheon saejin (08081867)
❁ cheon, house of the falcon

❁ the cheon family, house of the falcon, a sangmin clan that has long settled in goseong. the family is known for their expertise in domesticating animals particularly falcons, practicing falconry for generations and had once led the office of eungbang before it was abolished early 1800s. prior to its abolishment, the previous head of the family was held responsible for a rampant falcon that had ruined the then-king's hunt therefore leading to the cheons stripped of the title and demoted from yangban to that of sangmin class. despite their demotion, the family still uphold falconry practices and remain to be one of well known falconers around. they provide private falconary for the higher class during winter.

cheon saejin : 

cheon saejin, a son of sunyi that were born by her first love who died due of the infection when he assigned overseas for military work. both of them met when sunyi was training to be a crafter, around 1863, when she was twenty three, he was a son of her classmate that introduced them to each other. they hit off perfectly, having a date and everything especially when he was taller, older and understanding man to sunyi. he was her everything, they were promised to be together after spending at least two years together. 

1866, winter on december, when he got dispatched overseas and he promised sunyi, the promise to come back safety and propose to her properly to get in hand with her while she too, promise to tell a surprise when he come back to her. unfortunately new year came and march 1867 came by quick, instead of greeting him at the door where he always dropped by to the cheon residence, the captain of the military were there instead. nothing but a hat down and a letter along with the ring, she instantly knew it while rubbing her stomach. the grieve she have for him were deepened, he was her first love (not first person to make her lose the v card) but least, a part of him will be with their love child together.

october eighth 1867, cheon saejin was borned. thankfully to take most of his mother trait than the dad side, well loved among the cheon sibling as well as suho's daughter, cheon saebom.

posted on 00.00
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born in the year 1841, the youngest daughter that were supposed to be born as a son which lead for their parent to neglect her but more love by the siblings. following their footsteps and them as her role models, she often pick up each of the three siblings while having most of the male trait of her own. the strength, height and even the courageous of any soldiers would be. not just that, the passion to continue the family history of the cheon to teach the falcon, hunting, sword fighting and archery, sunyi tried everything as much as she can, despite of her not able to get her own falcon when it was her turn to have the coming of the age, she wouldn't mind which allowed her to start secretly trained herself for the sword fighting and archery in order to archive the same level as her brother.

unfortunately, being a girl wasnt easy enough. when the moment their family overthrown from their yangban title to sangmin on year 1851, when she was barely around ten years old or above, she knew that it wont be easy to have time to do what her strength can do. attempting cooking, crafting, whatever that girls in joseon were supposed to do, which lead one thing that sunyi realised, she can do anything easily. until her eighteenth birthday, mother cheon decided to gift the first and the last gift before the parent decided to fully focus on their own, a handmade crafted binyeo. the beauty of the arts fascinated her that she decided to take up classes and learned, archived the best among the students and continue to craft for the beauty of the ladies in joseon, six years of crafting and improving, she opened her own small store after a long while slowly gaining popularity of individual design for each request.
cheon family.
meet the siblings of the cheon, suNyi is the youngest.
cheon suryeon.
the eldest sister, first daughter of the cheon, nickname : peregrine. the role model and the one that sunhwa look up for, the most rebellious yet the fearless one. somehow too, the one that showed that even us ladies, can do it with determination. 
cheon suho.
the eldest brother, the only son of the cheon, nickname : eagle, father of cheon saebom. the only brother out of the four sibling, somehow the calmest (not really) and the most protective one.
cheon sunmi.
the older sister, second daughter of the cheon, nickname : prairie. the closest one by just two years apart yet the dynamic between both are amazing between themselves. naive and precious as they see each other the same way.
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natural straight black hair with a little tied up with her own handmade binyeo, often seen with light colored hanbok along with the grace aura, smiley type with the small flattering
sweet candies (!!), archery, swords fighting, making new clothes and accessories, simply food especially meats, reading books. tbc
insects like cockroaches and lizards, loud music, firecrackers dried candies, fireworks. tbc
archery, hanging out anywhere, making special accessories and secret things, cooking whenever in a good mood, playing music with any instrument, relaxing at a quiet place with the small river/pond. tbc
smiling brightly with anything, baby voice often to her kid, tend to multitask well with her kid around otherwise will be only focused on one. tbc
losing someone again, tbc.
get distracted easily once in a while only while crafting than hunting. tbc
none of the three siblings knows about sunyi's hunting training except recently being caught by sunmi but she promised to keep a secret, in order to protect as a youngest to give and sacrifice her life for them. she learned archery from suryeon's friend, song jinye, as well the sword fighting from suho's friend, park yeonghan.
now playing.
can you see my heart
posted on 00.00
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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
more details ooc, open for everyone and everything.
feel free to connect with me. can call me by my character name or my username (twinkling watermelon ♡) anyway, will be only focus on one character for now so will be open a lot of connection and thread ! 
pm are available, discord will be only open for longer connection in a long run, i spam a lot so so apologies in advance 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
i watched a lot of kdrama and read a few webtoons, there will be a few times i will be unsure of the background or my ideas doesn't come in good ideas occasionally because its just a flashing in mind ! i dont want a lot of joseon slash historical kdramas so there will be a few that i may not able to imagine it.