Personal Message

( mood ): ***  ( eargasm ): Promise You - KRY  ( eyecandy ): ---  ( My Thoughts ): Home sweet home~


`*( Doll Maker )  `*( May 30, 1992 )  `*( 168cm )  `*( 47kg )  `*( Type B )  `*( Master )


Im Yoona, the granddaughter of the late doll maker of Shamrock City, has inherited the power of Shamrock like generations in her family. The power to hear the voices of wandering spirits is a specialty of hers. Though, it's the main situation that she has barely any friends. Take in account that her family runs the doll workshop, she had been labeled the doll girl. Despite all these insults, she never once hated being the doll maker's granddaughter. Instead, she had made herself a friend, but her grandfather told her to keep her powers a secret because this talent was dangerous. Since then, one could say that Yoona fell even more in love with the dolls in her shop. However creepy others might think, dolls were her friends and is something worth protecting and cherishing. 

She is now the owner of the doll workshop as she is still making normal dolls for sale. As for Elemental dolls, they had been made by her grandfather when he was younger. Elemental dolls were special and because of their rarity, people that find out want such a doll and they fight for the keys that hold the doll's loyalty. Yoona can tell right away which doll is a normal spirit one or an elemental doll. She has become a skilled doll maker and occasionally she'll encounter a lonely spirit and end up giving them a life-sized doll for them to use as a body.

Her parents died when she was 5 and yet, she was raised and taught by her grandfather. She doesn't have many close relatives except for one snobbish and rich cousin - Cho Kyuhyun. The boy was rude and somewhat disresptful just because he had money. Yoona had already found out about Kyuhyun's attitude as he was just missing someone to keep his life in check and definitely the male's lack of friends scares her slightly, but she'll count herself as a close friend to the other male.