Personal Message

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Bom | 20 | Doll | Elemental

Status: Unawakened

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Trust Me, Cure Me, Fix Me, Save Me


- -How She Came To Be A Doll

Darkness… that was what she awoke into. There were no familiar aromas in the air from the picnic she was supposed to be at, no warm sounds of laughter to greet her from her aunt who had been with her just a second ago. Hadnt she seen where her precious girl had gone off to in their game of hide-and-seek?

Being a playful girl, Bom had wandered into a nearby cornfield, one that had been forbidden to her ventures. It had been her idea to play the game, her idea to go where she was told not to. She didn’t see the man watching her from across the street, the one who had followed her home from school almost daily just to watch her in her private moments. It was a summer day, perfect and hot; her love for corn magnified her desire to slip into the golden field.
She hadnt seen what awaited her, barely felt it when the blade slashed and silenced her screams. Her last moments were a blur- heat, warmth leaving her body, the feeling of something violating her in every way possible. Then that was it. No more did she hear, speak or feel, until darkness awoke her into being again.


With no particularities in mind, she got up and wandered in the dark, bits and pieces of feeling finally returning to her. A few faces flashed across her mind’s eye, ones that made her soul shudder, while another, although blurry, made her very being weep at the feelings she felt seeing it. Barely paying attention, Bom suddenly came face to face with a glass wall in front of her, a faceless figure staring back at her expectantly from behind it. All the faces she saw in her mind’s eye were replaced with this faceless one and she thought no more at the time about them.

It was a doll. And it called out to her, with invisible ties seemingly pulling her through the glass towards it. Being her unaware self, she barely noticed yet again that she was being watched, this time by the maker of her new destiny.