Personal Message



 Name: Shim Changmin.

Nick names: Minnie, baby,

Species: Angel

Wind power

Thoughts:  I love my hubby and Yoosung so much~<3

Current Mood: <1,2,3,4,5>

Eyecandy: My Daesung hyung~<3

wings: most of the time he has his wings out. If he hides them to long it's going to hurt him.

the wings are whit like the beautiful snow.

be careful with his back. it can hurt, becouse he has to wounds where his wings come out.

Love Status: Merried^^

love you~<3

Our baby: Yoosung~<3



01. 1st and 3rd are both okay. i have dyslexia and sometimes my reply's are not that long.
02. i'm okay with any kind of plot. but i do want something to happen. little drama is aways welcome. 
03. if i forget to reply? poke me. softly . if i dont reply in 2 day's poke my user wall.
04. Please don't ignore me. i know you can froget me too. but if you don't want to rp. say it. it makes me less lonely
BYe BYe ^^