Personal Message
HER PAST - Hae Byeol grew up a single child with loving parents, her mother was a nurse and her father was initially a cop. They lived in a large city that was still trying to fight vampires and werewolves with simple guns. They weren't advancing in their form of warfare like they needed, yet somehow they got the job done. The city was still safe and citizens were still able to walk the streets at night with only a few going missing. Everything was fine, Hae Byeol was a happy nine year old girl going to school and learning how to fire her dad's gun. She was intrigued with his job, the idea of fighting crime exciting to her and she wanted to grow up and do something of the like. However, a few months after her tenth birthday, the Bloody Moon hit, known as such for the events that occurred that night and the following week. All the creatures were simply staying hidden, multiplying and letting their numbers grow. The full moon had drawn hundreds of werewolves out in the city, the ones that claimed to be on society's side, hunting down their wild brothers who rampaged through the city, scaring the vampires out of their hiding amongst the humans and setting them off on killing and sprees. The rage of the creatures continued for days, Hae Byeol staying underground with her mother and father for a week. By the end of that time, two thirds of the city's population of humans had been annihilated and the werewolves and vampires had finally been taken under control, having taken a few days to do so. After that, Hae Byeol's father discovered a group that had given themselves the simple name of Hunters. They lived to fight against and kill the vampires and werewolves that threatened human existence. In the ruins of their city, half of the remainder of the humans devoted themselves to become Hunters. Training no longer to fight human crime, her father taught her how to use weapons that would harm the vampires and werewolves that still wandered the city.
At the age of twelve, Hae Byeol's parents were both killed. Her father's home-made defenses were too weak for the vampire, the strongest their now little city had encountered yet. She watched as this creature toyed with her family, torturing them before them dry and leaving the young girl standing in front of the corpses. She went out that night in a blood thirsty craze, determined to avenge her family with the spilled blood of as many vampires that she could find. She had the upper hand in this, she was a twelve year old girl, these creatures thought she was easy prey. She became amused by their expressions when she would force a stake through their heart, temporarily immobilizing them before she'd use her father's fire, designed to combust and give off the same heat and effect as the sun, to completely destroy and annihilate the creature. By the time she turned 14 she'd hunted down to another city and killed the vampire that killed her parents, torturing it all the same before she injected it's blood with silver filings, a slow and painful death for the vampire, made humiliating as the 14 year old girl simply sat and watched, a smirk on her lips and satisfaction in her eyes.
Now at the age of 20, Hae Byeol continues her task. Her morals aren't as clearly defined anymore and her fury in her task has relaxed, having eliminated the one vampire that she truly wished to. She'd like to think she more so regulates the vampires and their intake on the human population. And although her vendetta was against the vampires, she remembers to keep a keen eye on the werewolves; she knows they're not all innocent in the eyes of men, some of them are just as bad as the vampires.
PERSONALITY - Hae Byeol could be and usually is defined as eccentric, which she actually considers to be the best part of her and believes that description to be quite accurate. She's quirky and wierd, and often rather blunt, unafraid to state what's on her mind as well as any truths of the situation. Of course, she isn't always honest herself, fooling and lying to get to her target, although her whole little facade always comes undone in the end. After all, it was just a ploy.
Due to her rather unorthodox ways of dealing with vampires  and werewolves (i.e. Undercover missions, disguises, dangerous ops, seduction and , as well as torture of course), along with her unpredictable and rambunctious personality, most hunters keep their distance from her. She may be good at what she does when she does it, but people are too safe to associate themselves with a reputation like hers, that and the fact that she sets them on edge. Somehow, she's managed to make herself intimidating. The fact that other hunters rarely near her does not bother her, she likes being on her own and doing her own thing.  Besides, she's got a few tough Hunters and creatures that she utilizes; including herself, that's all she needs.
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Jang Hae Byeol
Lead Hunter
20 years old
Wild Child
"Let me play with you."


Time Zone: GMT-8
Prefered Prov:
-THIRD: All forms; if you wanna write novel with me and the plot is intersting, not boring, then let's go for it. I'll obviously take longer to repsond to those so please be patient if we choose novella. However, I do prefer Nice little thick chunks of third, it's not too long but it allows for enough room for detail, which I enjoy.
-FIRST: I don't do simple first. My writing suffers a great deal when I try to shrink down those choppy, lost(?),  emotionless little sentences. So if it's first, please be detailed.
-Me To You: I don't want to. So if we're having fun please remember me and respond, or I'll just fade away cause I feel really bothersome when I poke and I hate it. If I haven't seen you in a while or I if I feel like our RPing has stopped for quite a while, I'll go check to see if I was the last to respond. Doesn't  matter if I'm currently not into the plot, I will make an attempt to respond; so please do the same for me, cause if you forget I won't poke you.
-You To Me: Yes, poke me! But please, I have some requests with this. Do not poke me if I haven't repsonded to you in 15 minutes, or when you see me get online and I respond to someone before you; this does not mean I am ignoring you, I'm selective with the order of my replies, so please don't poke me 5 minutes after I've gotten online and haven't responded to you. Basically, patience is a virtue. And also, make sure that you were actually the last to repsond, please veiw our history or check the room for the last reply before poking me, cause sometimes, it's you who forgot to reply. Be aware please and poke smartly, thankyou!
Me!: I sound like a real prude with what's above, but really I'm a dork. Usually people who have OOC descriptions like the one above, scare me. I'm nervous to apporach them, but please don't feel that way with me. Very formal people OOC also make me nervous, cause I have no clue why but they do, so if I'm extra weird, you might just be making me nervous and that's all. A mouse is behind this keyboard. But basically, WARNING: I'm really weird and shy but try to be bold so overall me in OOC writing is...scary. But I'm actually a kind and loving person, of course I have my sassy moments but, not really. Basically MEEP. Thankyou!
OOC Meep!
Plots! Pick and Play!
Coming soon!...
I Own You: Any Species // Male // Open!
-Humor, Playfulness-
You find yourself caught in a sticky situation. A vampire, much more powerful than you, has decided that you die tonight. You don't think you'll get out of this one, you made a mistake and you ended up here. You believe it's your end as you struggle against  the vampire. However, the creature suddenly combusts into flames and disappears into a pile of dust. And standing there is Hae Byeol; her idea is simple, "I saved your life. You're mine now." She's holding onto you for a favor in the future, and until you repay it, according to her, she owns you.  
Business And Pleasure: Name // Gender // Availability 
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
Plot Three: Name // Gender // Availability 
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam  corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
A toy or not? I like you all.
"I won't kill you, I'll just kiss you."
My Play Toy
What are you looking for in a romantic partner?
-"Ah, well that's easy. I'm not looking. I don't feel like wasting my time with that. Why be stuck to one person, when you could go around and play with all the toys out there? Or just stay at home with my teddy bear and eat popcorn, watching some movies while I take a break from my tools."
~Translation: "Tame me if you can."
LIKES: Creativity, playfulness, wit, teasing, testing, challenges as well as easy conquests.
DISLIKES: "Uniterested people. I want your attention so give it to me. Or I'll make you, and if you still don't then I'll kill you. If I'm not interested in you either though then I'll just go and your life is spared. Maybe."