

Age : 18

Personality : Sweet and kind hearted , Not a violent bone in his body, just not in his nature,  can't be turned doesn't have the gene

Kyungsoo was raise by his grandpa after his parents abandoned him, he had a happy childhood even if they didn't have much. H learned to appreciate the little things in life and not worry so much about the big things more than necessary. One night his granpa was killed by rogues while out fishing and tried to kill him too,   he woke up in a keepers headquaters   he got bit but didn;t turn as he didn;t have the gene  While he never had any hatred for wolfs he had a  slight fear of them but he knew they weren't all coldblooded killers .  He aways had a sense of empathy and could tell which was wolf by the eyes.     He 's currently employed in a maid cafe to work his way through school,  Hey like his granpa said a jobs a job



I do both pov's

If you lose interest in the plot  tell me don't leave me hanging please

If i as to rp and you're not interested tell me, don't be rude and ignore me


Im a nice reasonable person. don't be afraid to talk to me