▼ Lee Jongsuk ▲ Keeper ▼ 21 ▲ University student ▼ 

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I once had dreams...
"Jongsuk comes from a renown family of keepers and has been taught the art of wolves and their packs for the majority of his life. Having become so intrigued by the tales told within his family he even attends university as a literature student having become popular after his novel moonshine was published under a pen name (Seren). This has opened many oppertunities for him and has even allowed him access to the tales that would normally be handed down from wolf to wolf having become somewhat of a friend to a couple who worked in the nearby neiberhood. Able to differentiate wolf by sight the only visible mark he has to state his position is the tattoo on his lower back something he makes sure to cover whenever he's at class or work as there has been cases of agression especially within younger packs. Having the knowledge of all their whereabouts and also how many members are in each pack he holds information some might kill to get their hands on. 



the few who matter: