
Go Sangil
not one of your 생선
What is there to say about Sangil? I suppose you could say he is like most people, generally nice and likes to help people. Though being a doctor that is part of the job. But outside of work? He is usually quiet and goes over records and making sure everything is up to date. Being a keeper isnt hard for him, he loves to read and likes to spend his time at cafe's alone just reading. More often then not he works his days off so he usually ends up falling asleep in the most of odd places. He has been found sleeping on his feet on more then a few times which needless to say actually scared quite a few people.

Though he used to be more open and loving, getting ready to settle down. But that all changed the day before his wedding. His lover of four years running off with his own bestfriend, breaking his trust in people. Because of that he usually pushes away anyone who tries to go after him romantically. Needless to say he is still a , he was saving himself for his wedding day. It wasn't that he was a prude, he just didn't see the point of sleeping around when the other person didn't mean anything to him. He didn't want to form unneeded bonds with anyone.
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