Model: 04

Age: 3 years since manufacturing

Caretaker: Lee Dowon

Status: Modified

Writing Style: Detailed 1st&3rd POV

She was created and purchased by one Lee Dowon at the inception of the company, and thus is one of the first generation Model 04s. However, when Dowon left the company he took his PAU with him, so she has several modifications and her body shows the wear and tear of them. These modifications included a beta emotions processor (which has been fried and replaced multiple times, leading to scraping on the back of her neck where the supposed-to-be seamless opening to her hard processor is located), mimicry pulse (which has also been shorted out several times, leading to dark lines in her arms where the "veins" had been) and a choice mechanism that violates essential PAU protocol, where helping a human is not a choice.

Rikki is not, however, suffering. In as much as a PAU kept away from the upgrades of Cho Enterprises can be, she is flourishing. Some days, her emotional processor is working and enables her to feel something akin to gratefulness because she does understand how hard Dowon is working to "improve her life".