Personal Message







woozi: . . . seungcheol you're going to make me tear up. i just saw what you left on my wall too and - don't ever take it off, alright ♡ i want to keep it forever - i'm so glad i have someone like you in my life and thank you for working so hard for all of seventeen. know that even if i don't say it, i love you too. i will always be here for you, no matter what. i promise i'll try not to hit you with my guitar so much u v u ;;

^ i had to keep this ^^


do taehyung 2 minutes ago Reply 

solar's one and only handsome man [A] 4 minutes ago Reply
i like you a lot taehyung<3

i like you too <3<3
choi hyungwon✨ 2 minutes ago Reply 
he has my last name <3

hyungwon 10 minutes ago Reply 

@solar's one and only handsome man ( OLAF ) i think i melted just nao <33333
I LOVE YOU TOO Choi Seungcheol, and I will much like to go everywhere as long as you're by my side... really
a nice guy 3 minutes ago Reply 
@solar's one and only handsome man ( OLAF ) Choi Seungcheol is not gross and he's the most handsome and most fabulous guy on earth.. 
sana joshua's grandbaby #1 1 minute ago Reply 
otl lmao issok- for what it's worth, you ain't gross. : ' ) @ scoops
solar's one and only handsome man ( OLAF ) 3 minutes ago Reply 
when you suddenly rindu air hijau and the way he smells when im besides him and his sneaky eyes

/cries forever

kim sanghyuk [A] 16 minutes ago Reply 

b you suit any class tbh
seagull [sh] 47 minutes ago Reply 
Also dude you are smart so you should be in AB
seagull [sh] 38 minutes ago Reply 
But I secretly ship Green water with you
seagull [sh] 27 minutes ago Reply 
I ship AirAya-
cotton candy junghwa [sh] 22 minutes ago Reply 
im sure that sekup will do great on af
cotton candy junghwa [sh] 22 minutes ago Reply 
but then sekup will do great on any class he take
kim sanghyuk [A] 7 minutes ago Reply 
if cupz masuk asrama i'll cry lol
seagull [sh] 5 minutes ago Reply 
I've been with Sekoops and Suga for 7 years...It's gonna be really sad to see Sekoops go to asrama even though he doesn't like me the way I like him... Q n Q