Personal Message


Takuya Terada



Takuya was born into a broken family. Though he had a loving mother, his father was a drunk that did nothing but gamble away everything that they had. Since Takuya could remember, he and his mother spent their days working to pay off the debts that his father brought home everyday. Because of the way that their life was, Takuya's mother grew ill and soon passed away. Because his father had no other way to get money, he sold Takuya into a slave and has been getting money from that ever since. Though he has been through a lot, Takuya is still the happy go lucky person that he always were. Though he doesn't try to be cute he ends up always being that and because of his curiosity, it always led him into trouble. He is also very gullible.


Halloween Gifts:

Item: Skeleton Minion
From: Lulu
Message: Taktak! Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy this gift!