Personal Message
m u s i C credits
Hi there! My name is Dan and I'm pretty bad at writing descriptions about myself but I'll try anyways. As you can tell, I'm obviously into K-pop, but I don't really have 'favorite' groups, honestly. I like way too many and end up having a lot of biases, too. If I try to list the groups I like I know I'll forget some so it's safe to assume that I like most of them. What else should I say? I am gender fluid and panual, and I'm 15, if any of this really matters...there's just way too much space in this box. Oh, and that's another thing! I am in love with outer space. Anything to do with science or math or foreign languages or music will most likely get my attention. Those are my passions. I also use swords as a hobby, if you get what I mean (think Jackson Wang-wise). That's about it, I don't really want to give too much away! That wouldn't make it cool to talk to me, and it's also a little bit scary since this is the internet..but anyways! CURRENTLY I roleplay as three people: Song Jaeho, Im Jaebum, and Giriboy. It's not like I only roleplay them, though, but at the moment I am staying with three roleplays because anything more is overwhelming. Alright, I think that's it. Bye-bye!