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drink and hook up
soohyun 9 years ago
@sehun *blushes looking at you* hi
hunhun [A] 9 years ago
@soohyun hi you y beast
/smacked by lu, rolls/
soohyun 9 years ago
hello everyone
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *quirks a brow*
Next time just top yourself and you'll get to be the one teasing *hums*

that is.. if you dare
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /frowns deeply as I stare at you, suddenly remembering a part of last night;
I should just stop doing this with you so I don't have to deal with your teasing.
/sticks my tongue out at you childishly;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *laughs happily, ignoring the pain in my head cause it's totally worth it*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /nearly chokes on my own spit, my eyes widening in response;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol Haha so funny *mutters*
Thanks *says sarcastically*
*grins at you*
Moan for me Channie~
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /shrugs as I sit back down;
I guess because you enjoy hangovers so much.
/laughs lightly, wincing when I feel a sharp pain at the side of my head, rubs my temple;
Shower, it'll definitely help. You stink anyways.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol Thanks
*flushes the pills down with some water and keeps eating*
*groans softly*
Somehow I'm always the one getting wasted *mutters*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /chuckles as I leave two pills next to you with a glass of whatever as well;
My hangover isn't as bad as yours because you drank way more than I did I think.
/swallows the pills with the water and coughs slightly;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *glances at you, then back at the soup*

yeah, anything *laughs and immediately groans*
why don't you have a hangover anyway? *whines*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /begins to eat as well, after a few minutes I turn off the tv so you don't get mad at me any more;
/gets up and goes over to open a cabinet to get some pills;
Do you want some pills? I don't think the soup will really do much help for our headaches.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *groans, my head pounding cause of the constant noise*
*grits my teeth*
*comes over to the table and sits down*
*pulls my soup closer and takes a spoon*
*starts to slowly eat it*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /gets off the couch and opens the door, quickly paying the delivery man;
/sets the soup on the table, hearing you pad into the living room;
/turns to look at you with furrowed eyebrows;
My home, I decided if I want to turn it off or not. Come and eat this so you won't be so grumpy.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *grumbles to myself in my sleep*
*wakes up with a start, sitting up immediately as the doorbell rings*
*groans loudly as a result of the quick movement*
*squints and gets out of the bed*
*walks into the living room slowly*
*growls as I hear the TV*
turn it off
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /looks back at you and chuckles lightly;
/decides to order the hangover soup and wake you up when it arrives;
/goes to the living room and plops down on the sofa, calls the restaurant, watches some t.v. while I wait;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *dead asleep*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /takes a thirty minute shower, making to sure to wash myself properly from last nights activity;
/comes out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, searches for some clothes in my closet and puts them on;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol [XD]

excuses.. *mumbles*
*stretches a bit, groaning as my bones crack*
*stares at you through half-lidded eyes*
*snuggles into the blanket like a baby*
*decides my behaviour is excusable.. hangover and all *^* *
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil { finally stopped bring lazy /shot; }

/looks over at you with a frown;
You're heavy and I was still drunk so I probably would have dropped you.
/lifts myself off the bed slowly, shrugging off my shirt and makes my way;
You can use the shower after me.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol You could drag me somewhere more comfortably.. *mumbles*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /sits up suddenly from your comment, groaning from the headache and sudden movement;
I actually cleaned myself up, you're the one that slept on my kitchen floor.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol Never
Anyway, you're the one who smeared over the bedsheets
*grabs onto the sheets tightly and curls up*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /groans as you kick the bed again, whining;
Don't hit the bed, geez...
/rubs my head gently;
I'll order some later.
/frowns when you snuggle my blankets, nudging you slightly;
You're dirty and you smell, get off.
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol Wake up bastard *kicks the bed again*
Order us hangover soup, or I'll buy ten boxes of Norwegian salmon from your money

*eyes the bed*
On second thought..
*lets myself fall on the bed and snuggles into the blanket*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil /sleeps soundly in my bed, barely awake when you kick my bed;
/mumbles a few incoherently before I rub my eyes and look up at you;
/my eyes take a bit of time to adjust before I recognize you;
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *wakes up the next day at around 2pm*
*blinks, confused as to where I am*
*rubs my eyes with the palms of my hands*
*sits up silently and immediately groans loudly*
*aching all over plus my headache is killing me*
*looks down, noticing that I'm not wearing my pants*
*pulls them up, grumbling*
*can't find my shirt anyway*
*painstakingly stands up, leaning on the counter*
*shields my eyes from the sunlight, squinting*
*looks around again, recognises this to be your place*
Chanyeol? *whispers, unwilling to shout*
*slowly drags myself to your room, sees you comfortably in your bed*
*kind of pissed off you left me there*
*remembers a few things from last night, like how we went to hook up, ended up ing and then I was in the kitchen and..?*
*groans and kicks your bed*
chanyeol [A] 10 years ago
@sanggil { lol yeah }
sanggil [HIATUS] 10 years ago
@chanyeol *out like a light*

[should I do a time skip?]


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Nekoma01 7 years ago
I'll be on hiatus from 10 to 20
Nekoma01 7 years ago
I'll be on hiatus from 10 to 20
summertime- 9 years ago
nana left ;;
086abb4bc243421b25e7 9 years ago
Yuri will be leaving. I was very inactive but I had fun when I was on here.
floral- 9 years ago
Krystal left...
Edogawa 9 years ago
Minwoo left. Sorry~
cupidstupid [A] 9 years ago
chanyeol is leaving
taehyunged 9 years ago
jimin left, sorry.
wynnieluvspooh 9 years ago
applied as lay
Nekoma01 9 years ago
out of hiatus ^^
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