~Admin Notes

Everything you need to know... read it from time to time



Don't forget!!

You need to make your profile! At least a little background, writing down what orientation you have and of course if you are soldier, turk or whatever! 

If I see people after 7 days still without a profile, they will get a warning!

Two warnings and bye bye! You don't even need to use pics and all that, just write down the necessary things or ask someone to help you. There are a lot of people who love to create and design profiles


Activity Points! Update 21th january 2013!

From now on, everyone who finished his profile with the needed information will get 100 activity points. Now you only need to get 400 more to be able to buy your home. There will be more events like this on which you will be able to get more activity points!

Don't forget as well, yes I'm writing this once again down. You have 7 days to make your profile. It won't matter if you are  top designer or just writing a few sentences with the necessary stuff, either one will get 100 activity points as start!

Minho 11 years ago
Joon [A] 11 years ago
New updates! Read it please ^^ ^


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-gohner 11 years ago
Hua is leaving...sorry
Never really talked ^^;
HG_ChoiMinho 11 years ago
Choi Minho is deactivating.

really swamped with school so i can no longer RP.

but thank you for accepting me in the 1st place.

- 11 years ago
Hi! I wanted to tell you that I will be on hiatus until I got back from sending my brother to university in a few days because the hotel that I'm staying don't have any internet connection.
taeyawning 11 years ago
Jessica leaving, sorry
Babycake 11 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving~
DevilsLilSis 11 years ago
Heechul leaving, sorry too many rp's
- 11 years ago
Hi! I wanted to tell you that I wanted to take a full hiatus because I have some internet connection problem and I don't know when the problem would be fixed..

Onew_Princy 11 years ago
Sorry, but Onew is leaving. Lot of rps :(
Thanks for the good time here.
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 11 years ago
Angelic leaving
DamnLuke 11 years ago
jay park leaving... buh bye~
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