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Who said all education was good for you?Β 

Zhang Xinyuan (Daughter of Chang'E) 9 years ago
@Lee Hyun Jae (Son of Baldur) "New..?" Xin had began, slowly shaking her head, as in 'no.' "K-Kind of.." The female had replied, nodding as if to confirm her words. Xinyuan had always hated opening up to people, and the female was always taken as mysterious. But Xin was really easy to figure out. No one had ever truly given the girl love and/or protection, and therefore Xin had to always fend for herself. Though she never had thought of her mother in her hard times at all. Turning her head slightly, she scanned the room.
Lee Hyun Jae (Son of Baldur) [A] 9 years ago
@Zhang Xinyuan "Nice to meet you, Xin," he said with a soft smile. Running a hand through his hair, Hyun Jae fixed it into place, moving the stray strands away from his face. "How long have you been at this school?" He was a fairly new student, not knowing people here. His mother sent him here so he wouldn't feel so out of place at his normal high school. But the simple fact she sent him there made him feel like even more of an outcast. He was normal. He drank, ate, slept, just like everyone else. But his 'father' was far from normal. Hyun Jae never wanted this life, though he learned to accept. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em , right? He could only imagine how many other siblings he had. Growing up, his mother had told him he was an only child. She spoiled him and treated him like a king. Once the truth came out about Baldur being his father, he realized she only did those things because of the blood that coursed within him. If his father had been human, Hyun Jae's mother certainly wouldn't have spoiled him. She felt the son of a God should be treated with the utmost respect. She never once saw him as a normal child and that tore him apart on the inside.
Zhang Xinyuan (Daughter of Chang'E) 9 years ago
@Lee Hyun Jae (Son of Baldur) Xinyuan had gotten to the class early, being that there was no one that she had really wanted to talk to, Xin had taken out her journal, beginning to write in chinese characters. The girl had learned to write in traditional characters as a child, even though she had no one to speak or show it to. The female had never knew her mom personally, but she knew who she was, and what she was. It had been somewhat of a curse to be a demi-god produced from a moon god-- Xin was the spitting image of her mother almost. Sighing, the female had bounced her leg, anticipating for the class to begin when she was startled, seeing a male appear in front of her. Hesitantly, Xinyuan had slowly began to speak. "Xin.." She had timidly replied. It was that she was shy, it's just that she didn't talk much.
Lee Hyun Jae (Son of Baldur) [A] 9 years ago
Hyun Jae took two of his pencils out of his backpack, hitting them against the chair in front of them as if they were drum sticks. He hadn't been able to get to the music room yet to practice a song he had been working on. The drums were his life. Night and day, he lived for them. When the world was crumbling around him, it was all he had to turn to. It wasn't easy being the son of a God that represented divine peace. When Hyun Jae felt like he couldn't hold in anymore of his frustration, he let it all out on the drums. He wasn't hurting anyone and was maintaining a facade of peace. He looked up from the pencils, noticing everyone mingling with each other. Everyone except for a girl who was sitting in one of rows in front of him. An aura of shyness radiated off of her. Though, he couldn't say much. He kept to himself, it was an attribute that he's had since he was a child. It's not like he got picked on or anything, most people actually enjoyed his company. But it was easier to keep quiet. Hyun Jae was feeling rather bold and jumped down to the row in front of him, taking a seat next to the girl. "I'm Hyun Jae," he said as he extended his hand towards her.


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BlackRose21 9 years ago
Park Hye Min left.
LxMinHo 9 years ago
Min Ho is going on a two week semi-hiatus.
I know I've only just joined, but lot is going on.
You can ask MinHee what's going on if you need to know.
Sorry, I'll try and be back as soon as I can.
BlackRose21 9 years ago
Please add Park Hye Min to the master list please~?
frappemocha 9 years ago
Could you add G dragon to the master list please.?
faults 9 years ago
could you add moon hyuna, please? c:
rawr-its-maya 9 years ago
Can you reserve Xiumin for me please? :)
jinshikewon 9 years ago
Can you add Min Hyorin to the list please?
kuchan 9 years ago
May you please add Zhang Xinyuan?
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