Zico's Office



--Zico's Office





The Second in comand office is where Zico spends a lot of his time and can be easily found here. If anyone has any issues or questions they can report to here.  Pets and Slaves must be given permission to enter by Zico before coming in. 

Personal appointments may also be found here C;



Zico [M] [A] 9 years ago
@Yoo SeungHo [S] ((I'm so sorry for the late reply!! Don't be afraid to poke me if I forget to respond ><))

Day after day, Zico ran into the same kind of slaves. Cocky, relentless, and annoying maggots is what they were. He knew what kind of slave he was dealing with. The ones who believed that if they put up a fight, who spoke out against the system, that'd they'd make a difference in this twisted world. But in the end, without money and power, one was useless in this world. They were nothing more than a fleck of dirt amongst his piles of cash. but nothing infuriated him more when they attempted to be something else, someone better and different.

With the slow shake of a head, the master brought his free hand up to his face and wiped the disgusting bodily fluids off his face that the boy had had enough nerve to spit. "Watch your mouth" With that same hand, he brought it down at a terrifying speed and smacked the slaves cheek, not one but three times. But that wasn't the end of it, oh no. Zico wasn't one to punish his slaves with forms of pleasure, toys, whips, or s of the sort. He wanted nothing to do with disgusting mutts like these. And so if he wanted to provoke him in such a way, let his fate be that of a human punching bag.

"Disgusting" Zico grabbed onto the collar of the samllers shirt and yanked him of the delicate desk, throwing him onto the floor instead. "I truly do believe, in the say...fight fire with fire" The sadistic, twisted man snickered sineristly to himself as he dragged the small, beaten body along the floor and over to the roaring, marble fireplace where he grabbed a metal poker and held it up for the boy to see. And he meant it quite literally.
Yoo Seungho 9 years ago
@Zico [M] ((no problem ahah I love it! Makes everything more interesting o w o and sorry if Seungho's a jerk~ xD))

Seungho was more than used to hear such commentaries about his persona. He was more aware than anyone of how feisty and problematic he was. But that was not something he planned on starting to control. As a matter of fact he already controlled himself to the limit.

And somehow he knew he created a reaction. The laugh that escaped the leader's lips as he finally stood was proof of that. He was reacting towards nothing else than words whether consciously or not and that proved he was reachable. A trait that he would grab towards his advantage the most he could.

His posture didn't change as the man stood in front of him, trying to defy him with his height and yet, a whimper still left him when his throat was clasped and his back hit the wall with violence in mere seconds. A muffled groan escaped his lips as he clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together and fingers wrapping around the other's wrist. He didn't look away or reacted further nonetheless even though he was trembling in rage. He knew he had the ability to defend himself but starting a street fight with the leader would be a terrible idea. If they knew he was dangerous, they would kill him in the blink of an eye and SeungHo planned on living. His way to live was to use what a weak person would be able to use and hope that would be enough to get him in enough trouble that the gang would just send him to the hospital or sell him again.
So he did nothing, and just groaned, eyes clenching at the searing pain that the sudden impact over the desk caused. He was panting now, fingers still clawing at the other's wrists.
In a rush of anger the slave spit right on the other's face.
" you. You're nothing but ridiculous and disgusting."
Zico [M] [A] 9 years ago
@Yoo SeungHo [S] ((He's gonna be quite aggressive at first XD))

Zico wasn't fazed by his weak insults in the slightest. In fact, he continued to slouch by the side, wearing that smart smirk on his face as he puffed on his cigarette. If he let these sort of things get to him every time he would have gone on a killing spree a long time ago. Working around these sort of characters all day long sort of forced a person to grow thicker skin. If anything, it was more amusing to play along.

Slamming his cigarette into the marble ashtray beside him, he looked up with twinkling eyes that were no doubt scheming something "Aren't you feisty" The older man started to laugh, kicking the back off the desk with one foot to set him standing up straight. There was no doubt this young one would be quite the treat to tame. But it was nothing he couldn't handle. Sauntering over to where he stood, the angry ball of pent up rage, Zico now stood face to face with the boy. Or at least face to chest with the height difference.

His dark, ominous eyes narrowed in on the smaller, taking a good look at him since their first meet. A mocking scoff slipped past the man's thin, smoke stained lips causing his lip to twitch. This kid was all talk. "And you know why /we/ have so much /dirty/ money?" In the blink of an eye, his large hand clasped around the smallers throat and slammed him up the wall but keeping his distance, he knew the techniques "because little boys like you keep us in business" He spat such venomous words and quirked a brow in amusement. From there, before the weak slave could react, Zico yanked him towards the old antique desk he had been leaning against earlier and threw him on top of it with a hard 'thunk'. THere was no doubt that hurt. "I think I'll pick this toy to chew on today'
Yoo Seungho 9 years ago
@Zico [M] "Oh I'm pretty sure as well. You're all quite predictably the same." SeungHo replied back, eyes never leaving the other. Studying him. Everything he laid eyes on had him studying a possible way to run away. Wouldn't be the first and definitely wouldn't be the last. He hated new places and new people.

"What am I even doing here anyway? Don't you have a place where you put your trophies? Was it too much work to go over there? Because I already realised that you have a load of dirty money." he was obviously referring to the other humans he may have bought before him, a small but cocky smirk raising at his lips. "Or don't you have other toys to chew on?" he asked casually, implying an offense to see the reaction.

He hated that the guy was just staying there, staring at him instead of doing
something. It was entirely unsettling and left him only further irritated.
Zico [M] [A] 9 years ago
@Yoo SeungHo [S] Zico sat on the long couch placed in front of the roaring, marble fireplace with a glass of red wine in one hand and a smoke in the other while he waited impatiently. His long legs were crossed over each other, examining his new, alligator skin shoes for any scratches. It had been a fairly uneventful day and so the Mafia Boss was bored. A bored Zico was a dangerous one. It was often when he was most agitated and snappy. And from the rumours, apparently his new slave was quiet the aggressive one as well. He was interested to see how things would play out. Although he never had any issues in taming wild boys. In fact, he found the fight and feistiness in them thrilling. Like some sort of twisted game.

With the sound of the door being creaked open and closed followed by the soft pitter patter of feet he suspected it was the 'guest' he was expecting. Not even having a chance to turn around to see what this boy looked like, such foul and vile words came spilling out of his mouth. 'So, the rumors were right' The older thought to himself and chuckled, setting down his wine glass and puffing out a cloud of smoke. "I'm sure /daddy/ did the same" he said bluntly, standing up and making his way around the couch to get a look at who the brave, young fellow was.

As he expected, he was young. But feisty looking. This kid had obviously been around the block a few times and gone through some by the looks of it. He had a sharp feel to him and the look in his eyes was far from frightened. Like some sort of snapping young pup. Remaining quiet, Zico slid one hand into his suit pocket while leaning up against the old, antique desk and taking a drag on his cigarette. Blantaly, doing a once over with his eyes to get a feel of where he stood.
Yoo Seungho 9 years ago
@Zico [M] It was already night when SeungHo finally arrived the mafia's headquarters, the new family he would be forced to belong to. SeungHo had been brought into one of the imposing mansions by one of the members, which by the way he acted, seemed to be a leader. SeungHo was pretty confident that he was just some wicked spoiled kid though, following after the family's business. There was no way a guy this young had built such an Empire.

SeungHo had been boiling ever since he was bought but he hadn't opened his mouth once, keeping a cold and arrogant posture during the trip. But now, being forced into this luxurious office had finally managed to crack him, a far from amused laugh echoing in the room as he forced to set free from the master's grip on his arm as he guided him inside.
"Wow. It must feel really good to be born in a crib made of gold. Does daddy know you boys in his office?" he mocked with a smirk as he turned to face the leader. He knew he was asking to be beat up. That was usually the response. But it was an escape from having with people he despised.
Liu Diedi [S] 9 years ago
@Zico Diedi wasn't really sure how he ended up here, right in front of Zico's office door. Everything happened so fast. He was on his way to his room but a couple of mafia members told him to follow them. Not wanting to start a problem, Diedi obliged and followed him. The smirks he recieved on his way here weren't very good but like he always did, he winked at them before turning his attention back to where they were going. Once they arrived in front of the door, the mafia members left which left him there confused. He hated the feeling of being clueless, he really did. Hesitantly knocking on the door, the slave blinked a couple of times as he waited for the other or someone to open it.


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HyunsuHyung 8 years ago
Jimin left, sorry~
SweetSinner 8 years ago
Seokjin left. Sorry ;-;
Jin_Young 8 years ago
may I apply as Lee Taemin since he's not active?
mrbang 9 years ago
I've been really inactive lately and I'm sorry for it, so because I don't want to take advantage of admin, I'll be leaving the rp. Thank you ! It really was fun~

-- Jongsuk
leet19 9 years ago
Add and reserve Lee Min Ho, please~
AngelTalion 9 years ago
Please add Kim WooBin the actor for me. Thank you!

vronvron 9 years ago
Applied for Chanyeol as a mafia member ^^
silvermist1116 9 years ago
Kyungsoo is leaving. Thank you for having me. It was fun.
antibody 9 years ago
J-hope left
konggie 9 years ago
Binnie left~
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