` garage two ♠

this is the other garage, where the second 'gang' hangs

out   most  of   the   time.   it's  also   a  private   place.


leader - ahn jaehyun

2nd leader - baekhyun


- jongin / technician

jinhyeong / mechanic + trainee

- yixing / racer

- sungyeol / racer

- sungjoon / racer

- woohyun / car washer (? ??)

- jinyoung / racer

- taehyung / mechanic

- jungkook / racer trainee

♦ meto 9 years ago
@lee sungyeol (What my bby is wearing: http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/AhjummaNR1/media/Metos%20Clothes/image.jpg3_zpsxh92seu0.jpg.html?sort=3&;o=21)

Clearly, news had gone around that Meto was good at modifying cars. In fact, it was his specialty. Back in Iceland, it's how he'd won his races. Right now he was on his way to a different teams garage. Apparently, a friend of a friend of an acquaintance wanted some help with a car of his and he was too unimportant to get the mechanics of his own team to do it. Well, the last part Meto had made up when he'd been in a bad mood and it had just kinda... stuck. Right now, he was actually in a good mood believe it or not. The corners of his lips were quirked up into a small smile and his naturally green eyes twinkled in the sunlight as he distanced himself from his own team's garage with light steps. Fixing little things became a bore, especially when all the interesting stuff went to the mechanic who'd been with the team longest: not Meto. And modifications were simply a hell of a lot of fun. His head was brimming with ideas and countless questions. What kind of car did he have? What did he want? How far would he go to get it? How important was safety in contrast to performance? That and much, much more was just itching to spill out of him, just like his luscious (lol), curled blonde hair spilled over his shoulders. Meto's steps got a little quicker. Just in case, he had his toolbelt slung around his hips. But they most likely already had everything that would be necessary.

A few slow, public transportation lines later Meto was at his location. The guy who'd asked him to come caught sight of him immediately and after confirming his name and looking him up and down (Meto smirked at that), asked him to wait for a moment. He would tell 'Sungyeol' he was here. Wait... Sungyeol? He knew a brat named Sungyeol. The name held annoying memories. And just like that, his mood had soured slightly, but he wasn't going to let a mere name spoil his day completely. This Sungyeol was probably a perfectly fine human being. Curious as to why this was taking so long, Meto peeked around the corner of the door, eaves-dropping.

"The guy I mentioned? The one who's good at modifying cars? He's here, but I'm going to warn you first. He dresses... interestingly and looks like a girl. He's kinda small too, but as far as I remember he doesn't like to hear so keep it to yourself. Oh and his name is Meto."

Hah. Ridiculous. The Meto in question audibly laughed when he heard that warning, this was the first time this had happened to him and he found it extremely amusing. Was this Sungyeol a catholic orthodox or why did he need to be told in advance about Meto's preferences? Now he really was curious. Brushing a few locks behind his ear, Meto stepped into plain view, an amused smile still deocrating his painted lips and looked at the person he assumed to be 'Sungyeol'. "Nice to mee-..." And just like that his expression turned to 'happy and in a relatively good mood' to 'irritated and mildly pissed off'. "You.", he seethed and glared at the guy who turned out to be that exact Sungyeol he knew from his childhood.
♠ byun baekhyun [A] 9 years ago
@♠ park jinyoung He noticed how Jinyoung's eyes seemed to be wandering over his features for a few seconds, a single corner of pale lips curving upwards into a faint smile for only a second or so as he then cocked his head to the side, listening to what the other had to say in response to what he had just asked. The first thing he heard made him roll his eyes as he ended up looking elsewhere but it didn't take too long- Baekhyun's attention was soon brought back to the male standing next to him, pearly whites sinking into a plush bottom lip for a moment as he simply admired how good the latter looked with a dirty tank top on. Thoughts. Too many of them were running wild in his mind and he just wanted to say it out loud. He wanted to say how much he needed the tallest of the two to just take him, right here and right now. But of course, the words stayed trapped in his throat and instead, he sighed, loud enough for the other to hear before he lowered his head and shrugged. "You're asking me why I care, is that it?" his brows furrowed together, head tilting back up so his gaze could meet the other pair of dark, brown orbs- ones he loved staring into, so much. "Never mind." he gave up, knowing he shouldn't be caught flirting or even talking with you since he knew his eyes were probably sparkling, which never happened around anyone else.

Nobody was aware of what was happening between Baekhyun and Jinyoung, which is why they needed to keep it a secret, or else, rumors would just start spreading around and God only knows how much they'd be getting. The urge to be with Jinyoung was strong, yet he had to control himself and that's what he did- he clenched his jaw and straightened up, ready to walk away as his shoulder brushed against the other's, the simple contact of the latter's skin against his making him shiver and curse at himself mentally.
[post deleted by owner]
♠ byun baekhyun [A] 9 years ago
@♠ park jinyoung Everyone was getting ready for the upcoming race by working on their cars, making sure nothing was wrong with them and if so, fixing the problems while Baekhyun made sure to check on every single one of s, hoping they were all doing a good job since winning had always meant a lot to him. They were one of the best teams out there and he didn't want their name to change, for it's the only thing that truly made him happy whenever he thought about it. He didn't have much to say, surprisingly as he kept on walking in between the guys and their vehicles, seeing how they were pretty much all concentrated on their work and nothing else. A single person caught his attention more than others though and the petite brunette found it hard not to stare, especially since Park Jinyoung had that ing lollipop stuck in between his lips, making him want to just take it out and replace it with his own pair of rosy tiers. The thought alone made him sigh quietly to himself as he lifted a hand up to rub at the back of his nape, almost instantly looking away, although his eyes simply wanted to keep admiring the other's sweaty and dirty frame.

It took Baekhyun a few seconds and a deep breath before he could make his way towards that member that had such a big effect on him, only to lean back against the car he was working on to watch everything he was doing. "You're not even supposed to be in here today. Actually- you're not even supposed to work on cars. Why the hell aren't you home, Jinyoung?" the way he spoke only showed how much he found it hard to try and keep his attention off the latter, which is why he was so curious to know what the other was doing here when he wasn't supposed to be. It simply affected Baekhyun and that wasn't a very good thing.
kim jongdae 9 years ago
@♠ byun baekhyun /jongdae's fists clench by his side, then unfurl; he will work but he has to bull something to jongin - he doesn't want jongin to have to worry about his hyung/
/pleased somewhat with how things ended; he straightens and jongdae tugs up the collar of his leather jacket before zipping it up; he passes by baekhyun with a grumbled 'I'll start Monday' and heada out to where he parked his motorcycle - it was a cheap model but the mileage and durability were unmatched, especially with jongdae's fine tuning/
/quietly leaves; the whole way home he's left with a sore wrist as he clutched the throttle as tight as he had/
/arrives at the garage at 2:30am; jongdae is led in by jongin under the excuse that he struck a business deal with baekhyun - not entirely lying/
/in the chilly night, Jongdae needed his wool lined leather jacket - the only one he could afford - and upon entering the shop it comes off/
/scans the area of the shop and maps out where everything is - its set up a little differently from his shop and much, much bigger; he parts ways with jongin- he clearly has other stuff to do, or to sleep/
/jongdae begins the workday, the menial task of replacing tires, doing regular inspections and diagnoses; he works diligently up till the sun peeks over the horizon; glancing at the clock, jongdae can here his stomach growling, especially after lifting and moving so many tires/
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@♠ kim jongin To say that Jaehyun was happy that he had to visit your home would be a simple underestimate. He was a way more than happy, spending some time with Jongin would be a way much he already wished for, staying alone would maybe change that awkward atmosphere between them, maybe Jaehyun would be able to apologize, to someone so important to him, someone who hates him now yet loved him coule of yours ago. He knew that feelings wouldn't fade away so easily from them both. "Alright." Smiling a bit towards the boy, Jaehyun got into his car not long after, heading towards the place the way he knew so well. He was excited, he really was.

(We can move to Jongins home, love. You can answer there~ )
♠ kim jongin 9 years ago
@♠ ahn jaehyun Jongin was taken aback once he was held firmly, his arm threw back in surprise. He couldn't believe jaehyun would act this way around him after everything, he knew he was trying too so that made it worst. He tsked, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure I have less money than you, at least I can afford a small house." He responded in disbelief before putting his hands on both sides of his waist, starring as the others looked away. He looked at you, his arms falling before to his sides as his jaw dropped. "You gotta be kidding me" He asked before putting a finger above his masked upper lips. He couldn't deny how horrible how Jaehyun smelled right now, even his mask wasn't helping. He sighed, turning away from the other as he ruffled his own hair. "Let's meet at my house in 30 minutes then." He decided before taking his motorcycle out of the garage.
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@♠ kim jongin "Well it was unexpected.." Jaehyun mumbled to himself, holding his cheek as he was just slapped recklessly by you, knowing as a Hyung, older one he should do something about it, so before you can leave, almost roughly grabs you by palm, glaring at you for a moment and just when I'm about to give you a lesson over your bad behaviour, all the words suddenly dies in my head, gril getting lighter before slowly letting go of your palm, knowing I should say anything to you, not being in the postion to argue over personal reasons. "I'm homeless and you're treating me like that?" Hearing some laughs of the boys in the background, rolling my eyes at them as my gaze being focused on you. "Hey everyone, who's about to help your leader with taking a shower. I'll pay." Everyone managed to turn away on time, pretending like they're doing something a way more important and not hearing Jaehyuns request. "Well.. It leaves us both." Eyening you for a longer while, before rubbing my face with my palms, trying to wake myself complitely up somehow. "Help Hyung, hmm?"
♠ kim jongin 9 years ago
@♠ ahn jaehyun Jongin's chest felt heavy at the sound of you calling him baby, not having heard you say it in so long. His eyes grew wide, blinking as he was pulled onto the other one. He could smell the breath of morning hangover even through his mask, his stomach flipping upside down before he slapped you in the face, glaring at you. "Wake up you idiot, you can't do this." He growled before pressing on the honk of his car. "Everyone's working right now, what kind of leader are you?" He asked before crossing his arms, obviously not happy of your behavior.
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@♠ kim jongin Jaehyun didn't woke up immediately, even so he heard Jongins voice very well, ringing in his ears for longer than it should probably. It's not like he minded it of course, but being woke up so roughly wasn't the first thing he liked, even so it was his ex boyfriend, who he still had feelings for, of course never admitting that one to anybody. Why should he afterall? He will be refused for sure, knowing Jongin will swear at him again, tell him to leave the team that he created, but of course Jaehyun won't do that, knowing he can't leave them all just like that. Yet he understood Jongin, his anger, so he never talked back, even so he was older. "Baby..." He mumbled, teasingly this time as smirk found it ways to his lips, pulling Jongin on top of him, he gave him a tight hug, not expecting to be hugged back of course. "Waking up with you in my arms is the best thing ever. Sadly, I have to do it in the car instead of the bed.." With his eyes still closed, Jaehyun was holding Jongin in his arms, stroking the others hair gently with his fingertips, smiling to himself like a madman almost. Was he still drunk.. Or was it something else that worked on him like that?
♠ kim jongin 9 years ago
@♠ ahn jaehyun Walking back to the garage the next day, Jongin found out by the other members of the team that the leader was still sleeping in his car. As usual, too busy to do it themselves- he was the one stuck with waking up the taller one. He groaned to himself, making his way to the car before knocking on the window. "Ya, wake up already. It's day, there's work to do." He spoke before sighing, opening the door and poking the other one on the waist. "It's time jaehyun, wake up." He continue, his foot pushing at his leg as he attempted to wake the other one up.
♠ byun baekhyun [A] 9 years ago
@kim jongdae -
/hearing your next few words is enough to make
the anger boil inside of him as he turns back around
to face you once more, eyes narrowing as he takes a
few more steps closer to where you're standing./ am
i dreaming, or did you say you didn't recall me doing
anything for jongin? excuse you- but who do you think
helped him whenever he didn't have hot water at his
place? in who's bed do you think he's slept when it was
too cold in his apartment to even close his eyes and
lay down? if you do not remember any of this, you must
have a problem with your head, kim jongdae. /he blurts
out, lifting a hand to poke the side of your head with
his index finger, wanting to growl at you for another
few minutes because he has so much to say, but you also
keep on talking, which makes him stop for a while; he
furrows his brows together as he listens to everything
you're saying, crossing a pair of thin limbs over his
chest before slightly cocking his head to the side./
so right now, you're in my garage, and you're telling
me you go around to befriend other members, from other
gangs? are you crazy or do you just have a problem? i'm
not sure what is up with you, jongdae, but if you ever
go to another gang to talk behind our back, i will
find you and run you over- you know that. /he mutters,
the last part of his sentence coming out more quiet than
the rest of his words as he slowly shakes his head in
disbelief./ i won't get rid of my friend, no. but if
you want to look after him so bad, you'll just have to
get used to hanging around here with him. i can make
that happen, but i'm not giving up on jongin. /pale lips
part to let a short sigh escape past them./
kim jongdae 9 years ago
@♠ byun baekhyun [] this is gonna be hella short-- forgive me ;;;;;;;

/rolls his eyes and turns, then yells - Jongdae's both infuriated and desperate/
FINE! Guess who taught Jongin the tricks of the trade? You think I bluff? I'd don't remember you doing anything good for him, or looking out for him. I walked him through the mechanics, I watched over him while he recovered, I gave him the emotional support- who are you to him? Huh? You sure you trust him? Or do you just manipulate him?
/fuming and his voice tapers down to the conversational level, Jongdae needs to remember that if his emotions come into play, he won't be getting out anytime soon/
. . . If you need more, then how about this. Jongin works for your gang, but I cater to all the gangs in the area. I do final touch ups. I can pledge my word, give you a few secrets, maybe a big tune up that will turn the tides to your end. I have notes, and lots of them. How about that?
/literally bargaining his life earnings and so much more - playing in dangerous territory and wouldn't have made this second, binding offer if it wasn't for Baekhyun clinging to Kai/
Slowly ween Jongin off your work. I need him resting. I want to take on the work and I can work twice the hours - keep me under surveillance and - whatever. I'll work on your terms.
/says with finality; and shaking a bit - both from the adrenaline of getting so worked up so fast and a bit out of fear - what did Jongdae just say---/
♠ byun baekhyun [A] 9 years ago
@kim jongdae -
/being taken aback by how his jacket is being
gripped, the petite brunette clenches his jaw the
moment he's found face to face with you, obviously
knowing what you're here to talk about, yet not
wanting to waste his time rambling about something
he's already talked about with you a few times
before; he lowers his gaze to your hands that are
still clutching onto his clothes, a barely visible
half-smirk appearing upon delicate features as he
slowly shakes his head, lifting petite hands to
take yours in his and pull them away from his jacket
before looking back up at you, the playfulness upon
pale lips soon disappearing as he hears your next
few words./ listen. . . jongin's always been the
only one i trusted, not only in here, but anywhere
in this filthy world. i am not letting anyone else
do the work i'm giving him, because he's the best
i'll ever have. so if you can please, off with
your offer, i've got more important things to do.
/he swats your hand away and once again, starts
walking, his shoulder brushing against yours as if
he doesn't care if you're in his way or not; baekhyun
has never been fond of the idea of letting jongin go
since he's the only true friend he's ever had, and
letting someone else work on his car, his everything,
does not sound right, at all; if anything was to
happen to his mclaren, he would find the person who
did it and probably kill him without regret./
kim jongdae 9 years ago
@♠ byun baekhyun /not having it today and as the petite co-leader passes; Jongdae takes a fistful of his jacket and turns him around; taking another fistful of his jacket, Jongdae very nearly breathes down the jackasses' throat/
Look, Baekhyun - we grew up together and -- you know exactly what happened to Jongin and how that ing race changed him. happens in gangs and I don't want him there. Stop giving him work.
/refrains from snarling and his grip loosens a little, he straightens and soon his hands fall; Jongdae checks his watch - its not safe to be out driving at this hour but he knows he should be headed back soon/
I'm here to strike a deal and to get your ing attention, I need to make a big scene or you and hide. Show me your car and tell me what the is wrong with it instead of bugging Jongin. I'll work for you - no pay, no talking just let me work. And keep him out of it.
/eyes narrow and his hand comes up, offering the deal, albeit reluctantly - it was risky business getting in the middle of gang matters, but it was a matter of helping Jongin, keeping him safe/
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@♠ kim jongin /being called bastard was something Jaehyun got used to after while, he just nodded at the others words, watching boys back when he was driving away, lost in his own thoughts for a while, happy thoughts yet, when they were still together, when Jaehyun was still alive, human who adored racing more than anything, now loosing every race possible, not being able to be fast enough, knowing that there's no reason anymore/
/moving himself back to his car after he closed to gates, Jaehyun grabbed some blanket, wrapping it around his body securely, he closed his eyes, hoping to somehow fall a sleep in his car, uncomfortableness didn't disturbed him anymore as he was tipsy, caring only about sleeping; so with soft mutter of "Jongin" leaving his lips, he managed to fall asleep, knowing he'd be woken up by his friends few hours later/
♠ kim jongin 9 years ago
@♠ ahn jaehyun /jongin frowned, obviously deceived. He looked away, shaking his head with a sigh./
Why do you have to do such thing? Instead of wasting money on getting drunk, save it and get a place.
/He continued before his eyes widened, not being used for his face to be revealed. He grabbed your wrist firmly, taking the mask with the other hand before abruptly letting go of you./
Don't you dare ing touch me, you bastard.
/He spoke huskily before turning around and putting his mask back on./
Since you're here, I'll just go home. But seriously, if you want to do me a favor... just find some other place to stay, maybe a different team too.
/he grabbed his denim jacket, putting his arms in before hopping it onto his shoulders./
/He then sat on his motorcycle, starting the engine while pulling the stand up./
/usually when night time, jongin preferred using no helmet since he
couldn't see anything and no one was there to stop him./
See you around, jaehyun ah. /he finished with a look full of regrets./
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@♠ kim jongin /seeing Jongin in his work felt nice, different yet somehow pleasurable. Jaehyun knew that boy liked that job, finally it was bringing him happiness. And leader was happy over that fact too.
In fact, to say that Jaehyun asked Jongin not to race so many times before, would be a misunderstanding. A big one. He basically begged for it when they were dating, wanting to protected the other from such a dangerous sport, asking him for thousand other things to do, involving car who wasn't moving. Checking oil, engine, it was something Jaehyun learned the other in the beginning. He tried everything to make Jongin stop, yet he couldn't. He knew however if he'd try harder, he'd prevent everything bad what happened between them a while ago, everything what Jaehyun regrets so much till this day/
I was... Partying.
/he said almost hasitanly, like something being afraid of others reaction, deeply in his heart knowing that Jongin doesn't care about it anymore anyway/
And then I came here, because I have no where to go.
/he took a few steps forward, letting himself move closer to Jongin, reaching for the boy, he slowly moved his palm to the others face, mask that was covering boys was, simply being pulled off, Jaehyun holding the piece of material in his palm rather mindlessly, eyening the others face features for a long while, face concerned, full of regret and sadness, being mad at myself that I couldn't just stop you, stop us that day/
I... I'm sorry...
♠ kim jongin 9 years ago
@♠ ahn jaehyun /Jongin once again, decided to stay for the night in the garage. He usually hated to go back home, he felt lonely & cold as his house wasn't the luxurious or even close to warm type. He usually spent his time fixing cars, sometimes his motorcycle, which was the only thing he really cherished./
/fixing both wheels of his baby, he almost hit his head once he heard a familiar voice; thinking he was alone, he got up and cleaned his hands with a cloth, looking at you with despise in his eyes./
I'd ask you the same, it's unusual for me to see someone in here at night. Why aren't you home?
/he asked as he looked at you up and down, sure that there was something up with you as he didn't look like his usual self.
♠ ahn jaehyun 9 years ago
@kim jongin
/it was early when Jaehyun finally reached the garage where his team was preparing cars for races, from the whole night partying, only now he managed to reach the place, slightly tipsy he was hoping to get some rest in his car at least. He didn't have any home currently, others team winning too much races, leaving Jaehyun with nothing, money enougn only to put the petrol in his car and for some food, the rest is not enough to buy or rent some apartament/
/he mumbled, ruffling his hair with his fingertips when he parked the car, tiredness getting over his body almost imidiately, asking him to got to sleep as soon as he can, but as he was about to do it, the sound of metal hitting the cold ground comes to his ears, wondering who might be here so early as usually all of you are sleeping till midday at least/
/getting out from the car as I turned the engine off, only to find you not far away, hidden under your motorcycle, smooth frame, gracefully moving itself while doing his destination work/
Jongin? Why are you here?
♠ byun baekhyun [A] 9 years ago
@kim jongdae -
/hands resting upon his hips, baekhyun slowly shakes
his head as he listens to what one of s says,
obviously disagreeing with his words since he knows he,
himself, is always right and that's just how it goes;
a long sigh escapes pale lips as he turns around, chapped
lips parting so he can say something in return./ never
mind, get back to work. we've got a race to win tonight
and i don't have to deal with your little princess drama.
/he waves him off and walks all the way to the stairs,
ready to go downstairs as he hears his name being called
by a familiar voice, his brows almost instantly furrowing
together as he turns his head, gazing down at the person
who just entered the private garage, his hands turning
into small fists as he makes his way down like had had
planned to do, only to walk towards you afterwards./ why
the hell are you here, don't you know we're busy? please
go play somewhere else, jongdae. /he rolls his eyes,
something he's used to do whenever he's pissed or annoyed
at something, which is the case right now as he tries
walking past you, but obviously knowing you'll argue./
kim jongdae 9 years ago
@♠ byun baekhyun [] hubby drops starter when work needs to be done- /slapped

/not happy at all and feels a little insulted - has known Baekhyun for a long time but to be ignored AND denied his multiple requests, Jongdae decides to take matters into his own hands/
/has the temerity to walk directly into the garage, when he knew there was a race and Baekhyun would be busy placing bets, and yell from the entrance/
Byun Baekhyun - you've got thirty seconds to march your perky down here! I've got a bone to pick with you - maybe I'll beat you with it too.
/hands slip into Jongdae's pockets and anger bubbles beneath - he's not seething yet, but annoyed at the er who dared to think that Jongdae would go away when it came to protecting Jongin/


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Kim4Shim 8 years ago
changmin is leaving. thanks for having me
bibimguksu 8 years ago
Insoo left. Wish this place was more active, was enjoying it.
inukagmirogolovekpop 8 years ago
chanyeol is leaving. i had fun here, but replies... i just can't keep up.
Aswa_Insana 8 years ago
Luhan is leaving. Thanks for having me
UbiquitousPulseRP 8 years ago
Taehyung is leaving.
Please let me know of any possible revamps. <3
bluelights 8 years ago
Meto left, it was fun here.
sprezzatura 9 years ago
sungjoon is leaving :(
i'm inactive af
demonarchy 9 years ago
wonshik left.
temerity 9 years ago
aye boo - im sorry but im letting go of roleplays. i did what i could, but i think my characters have been inactive potatoes enough to show how far my muse goes. it's been SOOOOOO much fun, so hit me up in other roleplays if you see me around.
BooJae- 9 years ago
Zitao left
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