Yoona's room

Yoona's Room

                                                                                                  + only allowed if invited.
Siwon 11 years ago
@Yoona "Sounds good." Siwon smiled and stepped inside then looked around. "Nice dorm." He complimented.
Yoona 11 years ago
@Siwon "ohhh hehe im Yoona nice to meet you Siwon, oh why don't you come in for a little while i can make us some tea" she said as she smiled and stepped aside widening the door
Siwon 11 years ago
@Yoona "Nothing, really." Siwon chuckled and scratched his head. "Just wanted to introduce myself and stuff since I'm new here." He nodded and smiled. "I'm Siwon." He offered his hand.
Yoona 11 years ago
@Siwon "hello what bring's you to my room?" she asked as she tiled her head a little
Siwon 11 years ago
@Yoona "Hello." Siwon greeted and smiled warmly at her.
Yoona 11 years ago
@Siwon Yoona looked up from her book she was reading when she heard a knock on her door and hoped off her bed and opened the door and smiled a little
Siwon 11 years ago
Siwon knocked and waited patiently for the door to open and reveal a beautiful girl.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
wishuponadream 10 years ago
daehyun is leaving, sorry
icynights 10 years ago
Yeah since this is closed down I'ma just leave o u o
-Kim Seuk Hye
elysian 11 years ago
chom needs to leave :c
sorry! had a great time!
niw too many rp's atm..
whatsseob 11 years ago
Bomi will be on hiatus starting tomorrow until May 3. Thanks~
poopingrainbows 11 years ago

I am back... can I please rejoin as Sungjae?~
I miss IIhoon~ Miss roleplaying here~
Before when I left I was in a load of RP's.. but now suddenly a load of them have been shut down... Also at the time I was stressed about the work load of college, but I am all caught up~ and up to date~
Please let me reapply as Sungjae~ I need my IIhoon!~

chasonwooyunkey 11 years ago
Jihyun's leaving
StayFrosty 11 years ago
JB leaving.
So inactive here >_<
poopingrainbows 11 years ago
Sorry I am leaving... I don't have enough time anymore, as I am like finishing college soon I only have 9 weeks left~ and it's kind of crazy with the work load.. and I have too many RP's anyways..

I love the idea!~ I hope, and wish this RP grows!~ and does well!~
rantani 11 years ago
Kevin here.. I'm getting busy lately with IB tests and stuff so I'm leaving a lot of rps I'm inactive in.. so.. I'll have to go.. maybe I'll come back since it was fun being here~
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