015: Strip Club





The Strip Club

Show off! Strut your stuff and show off to everyone you are the bomb! We are going to have some stripping events here, look out for them!


Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun (Sure thing ^^)
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai ((Don't worry about it. Do you mind putting your last rp post you left me in my newly created room? :D))
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun (Ahhh lol sorry I saw it when I woke up in the middle of the night to reply.. I didn't even process that.. )
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai ((That's okay. I did too but I actually meant wait with your reply so you can type it out in the house..))
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun (Okay~Sorry I fell asleep^^)

"True.. " he mumbled and let out a giggle and just continued to walk around waiting patiently for the other to be done. He blinked and glanced over at the other grinning softly. "I still like it... Its bigger then my place.. " he nodded before grinning happily when he said he was done and cheered a bit. "Finally~" He smirked and moved to the other pressing his body against the others and arms wrapped around the tallers neck. "We can be alone now~" He purred and tilted his head up pressing a kiss to the others lips.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Well yeah..it took literally forever to end but boy was I glad when it ended." He shook his head in disapproval as he thought back at how horrible that month was. From that day on, he never sneaked out again or..at least didn't get caught. "You like it? I think my house is just average.." He nodded and laid his friend on the couch, putting a blanket over him. "There we go..all set." He hummed and took his friend's shoes off, putting them in his hallway.

((If you wait a few mins, I'll make a room so we can rp in Sehun's house.))
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun "That is very tru.. That .. It was the worst month ever" He whined remembering how many times he just had to call the male or sit outside his window sometimes. Lettinv the two go in first Kai looked around with wide eyes. "Wow.. Its nice.. And no but if he was more responsible we wouldn't be taking care of him" He cooed and walked around a bit wantkng to look around as he waited.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Funny? Yah, I got grounded for a month and I wasn't allowed to speak to you for that whole month, remember? My dad even put this little sensor thing on me so that if I left the house, he'd know!" Sehun groaned and held tightly onto his friend, unlocking the door and kicking it open. "Why? Did you want to do anything with him?" He kicked off his shoes and tilted his head.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin nodded his head a bit and smiled at the other . "Those were still kinda funny" He whispered and smiling teasingly. Blinking as he looked at the others parents house he nodded gently before grinning as he got out the car with the other. He glanced at Sehuns friend and let out a giggle. "Its a shame he gotten so. Drunk.. Must've gotten lonely without you" He teased and went up to the house.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Hmm..I'll let them know that my great friend Jongin came over to catch up." Sehun chuckled and looked at him, nodding slowly. "Hmm..I liked the times where we sneaked out of the house..although..it wasn't enjoyable when my dad found out.." He mumbled and shook his head before turning to look at the house. "Oh yeah..must be sleeping..ah. Here we are." Sehun grinned and parked his car in his driveway before taking the keys out and getting out of the car. He carefully got his friend out and carried him on his back, waiting for the other.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin nodded his head slowly and hummed a bit. "Well then... Hopefully they won't pop up unknowingly.. Especially if I'm there~" he said teasingly woth a smirk and nodded agreejng with the others words. "I know... We always had to sneak out the house to go out.. Hehe fun times" he grinned and leaned against the other before starting to recognized the house . "Oh! Theres your parents~" he grinned pointing at the house.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Well..I gave them the key to my house..they are always welcome because...still my parents. And I have plenty of privacy! They don't visit everyday though. Just maybe..once a week or once in the two weeks. Ditto for my brother. And I let them know when I have someone over." Sehun nodded slowly and ruffled his hair a little bit, biting down on my bottom lip. "They are definitely nice..but so strict.." He hummed and smiled to himself as they approached his house.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin let out a soft giggle and smiled at the other happily. Blinking softly he tilted his head to the side and pouted. "Well... That doesn't give you much privacy.. What if your with someone or something? " He asked curiously and tilted his head to the side. Kai blushed at the comment and chuckled. "Just a bit.. They are nice" he mumbled and nodded and smiled as the kiss was returned and he looked out the window to see where they were .
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun chuckled softly and ruffled his hair once again. "Well..hmm..you should be." He nodded with a smile on his face. "They are very close actually. They could literally come visit me any time they want to. Ah..wait..you miss my parents, huh? Hmm..cute." He laughed and quickly kissed him back checking back to see that his friend was out cold. "Almost there."
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin raised a brow and laughed softly "is that so? I'm proud~" he giggled softly before blinking a few times and tilted his head to one side laughing. "Oh so there still close? You should bring me to see them one day... I kinda miss them~" he teased and pressed a kiss to the males cheek and when at a red light he pressed a quick kiss to the others lips.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Well..you're right with that..there are a lot of black and white in my house but also a bit color." Sehun nodded and ruffled his hair a little bit. "Where? I live close to my parents but not with them anymore. Too much rules, ya know? So..when I was 18, I just left!" He nodded again and glanced at the other.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Smiling at the hand on his the male tilted his head curiously before humming. "Well... Probably not that colorful... Maybe lots of blacks and whites~" he said teasingly and sat up a bit more in his seat. "Where do you live now? Did you move far from your parents? " he asked curiously tilting his head to the side.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun chuckled and ruffled his hair a bit, placing his hand on the other's hand as he was still driving, trying to think of something to say too. He shrugged to himself and stopped at a red light. "What do you think my place is going to look like? I mean you never visited since I moved away." He mumbled and glanced at him.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin tilted his head to one side amd let out a small giggle at the others words. Tilting his head to the side he nodded happily and eye smiled and moved his hand to rest on Sehuns thigh and teasingly rub it. "Mhm I dunno~ anything really. " he nodded while looking out the window trying to think of somethjng while leaving his hand on the others thigh.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun smiled a little bit and shook his head, humming softly in response to the other. "No, I was just exaggerating." He chuckled and closed the door before walking around the car to get in too. He glanced back at hjs friend and just shook his head before putting his seatbelt on and starting the car. "Are you now? Interesting.." He mumbled and drove towards his house, looking around a little bit. "So..what do we talk about.."
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin blinked lightly at the others words and let ojt a soft laugh. "Did I really take that long? " he asked pressing a kiss to the others cheek before getting into the car and putting on his seatbelt. Glancing back at Sehun's other friend he frowned lightly at the amouth of curses the male let out in his drunken state. A small chuckle leaving him since he has seen way worse. Looking to Sehun he grinned a bit and patged his thigh gently. "Lets go~ I'm excited to see your place" he smiled.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun ran a hand through his hair and smiled a little bit as he squeezed his hand before looking back at him, biting down on his bottom lip. "Hmm..okay. I will happily wait for you then. Don't take too long." He smiled again and touched his cheek before taking his friend and walking outside of the club, shaking my head at my friend. "You're such a ing idiot..you know that? I was catching up with my best friend, you idiot.." He mumbled and let out a sigh as his friend drunkenly mumbled a few cursewords at him. "Yeah yeah..be happy that I am willing to bring you in my house.." He mumbled and got his friend in his car, closing it and leaning against the car. "When is he going to come.." Sehun looked around and smiled a little bit as he saw the other approaching. "Hey, you're finally here." He chuckled and opened the door for the other to get in.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin let out a soft chuckle at the others words and just give a soft smile squeezing his hand gently. "Just give me a minute to change. I'll be done in a minute" he nodded and pressed a kiss to Sehun's cheek with a grin."I'll meet you outside" the slightly shorter male smiled and pulled away from the male at that point motioned for him to go as he started to get his things together and change out of his preformance clothes. He was done after about five minutes not worrying with changing his pants amd just grabbed his bag. He popped his head into the club owner's office to let him know he was leaving for the night before heading outside and glancing around Sehun. Noticing the same security guard was outside he pointed him out and Jongin quickly made his way over to his friend and the car.
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai "Right....forgot that I was bringing him home." Sehun nodded and let out a soft sigh before turning to Jongin, nodding at him once again. "Hey..that's a good idea. I will bring you home with me today..and I could be lazy and just let him nap in the guest room or something.." He mumbled and thought to himself "Let's do that. Are you coming home with me now or..should I wait for you? If you have anything else to do.." Sehun smiled at him and held his hand tightly, looking at him with a questioning look on his face. "Because..I mean I can wait for you but I think that guy right over there can't really wait that long for you.." He chuckled and sighed softly, glancing at his friend. "He shouldn't have drunk so much alcohol..I told him to take it easy. But I guess he just didn't listen to me.." He made a face and shook his head.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun "Mhm either.. Just shoot me a text or call whenever you want to meet " he said softly and smiled sweetly. Jongin let out a laugh at how happy the other looked from him saying he'll go to his job before humming lightly. The male tilted his head to the side curiously when he said he'd stay. "Does he have a way to get home? He seems pretty drunk.. " he mumbled worriedly glancing at the male outside his door. Leaving the door open Jongin moved to the other and pressed against Sehun's chest. "Why don't you just take me home with you? We can continue there... And that way he can get home safely.. "
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun chuckled and leaned back a little bit, looking at him with a small smile on his face. "Okay okay..then I will definitely make plans to see you more often..or we meet up?" He tilted and chuckled a little bit before quickly nodding with the biggest smile on his face. "Really? I'd really love that actually..do that." He nodded and ran a hand through his hair, furrowing his eyebrows as he heard someone knocking before he stood up and zipped his pants up properly, shaking his head before looking at back at Jongin. "My friend is ready to go but I am not ready to go just yet..so..I think I am going to stay here for a little while."
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun The dancer wrapped his arms around the males neck and mewled at the kiss. A small laugh slipping past his lips. "Sure, whenever you want~" He whispered back pressing small kisses to the others lips every now and then. "I'll even stop by your office if you want" he said teasingly with a wink before blinking when there was a knick on the door causing him to pout a bit. Getting off the other he moved to the door and opened it tilting his head to the side when seeing one of the security guards and another person there. Glancing back to sehun a pout still on his lips. "Hunnie I think your friend is ready to go.. "
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun smiled a little bit and shook his head, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his lips back deeply. "Nope..I don't think you're okay..you're so ing great. And I love it.." He whispered and kissed his temple gently, humming softly. "We should do this more often." He nodded and laughed softly, pushing the other's hair back slowly.
Kai 7 years ago
@Sehun Jongin mewled as the male came into his mouth causing him to slowly pukl back and off the others length. He swallowed what he could and panted heavily looking up at the other. "Glad you liked it.." He whispered and sat up slowly fixing the males pants and smiling. Crawling back up on the males lap he pressed a kiss to the males lips and smiled. "You think your friend is okay? "
Sehun [A] 7 years ago
@Kai Sehun bit down on his bottom lip and let out a groan as he came inside of the other's mouth. He breathed slowly and ran his hands through his hair, panting out softly. "ing hell..that..was so great." He mumbled and smiled to himself, sitting up a little bit to look at him better.


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kmbbpl 6 years ago
Hyuna left ;;
I'll be keeping the upvote and favorite because you deserve it-
Thank you babes! Stay awesome, hope you prosper once more <3
kookie 6 years ago
Mino's leaving ;-;
YouDidWell 6 years ago
how active is this place?
lilac- 7 years ago
hey! a&r model lee sangbi for me jsy. thx! :)
SeoulVibes [A] 7 years ago
jajezv6t 7 years ago
can you add myungsoo/L (from infinite) for me? thank you :)
radianteunji 7 years ago
Applied for Jungkook
gossamer_ 7 years ago
Can you please add Jeonyul to the masterlist?
def_soul 7 years ago
Mark's leaving
Starlight-Inspirit 7 years ago
Could Jeonghan be added to the masterlist please?
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