



have a nice day!

Lalisa Manoban {Junior}[SH] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} *laughs happily from your actions and softly pinches your cheeks as you set me down, my attention being solely on you though a couple of tables have turned and given a curious stare, once sitting I snort softly as I gently smack your arm across the table, mumbling a soft ‘shut up’ before smiling wide* Well you haven’t missed much, summer was a total bummer without you.. but luckily for you I know just the way to make up for it! I’m going to have you to myself all weekend. I have a few things planned for us to do.
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} He didnt speak but he didnt need too. Catherine was just happy to be there with him. Gently she nudged his foot with her own like a comfort as she continued to enjoy her soup
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom smiled and ate some more as he nodded. He knew there was nothing more they could say about work so instead he would just enjoy her company. Every day he was reminded how much he loved her, just seeing her happy made him feel invincible. He could do anything.
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Listening as she ate Catherine nodded occassionally in approval of his decisions "sounds like you have an interesting year ahead of you"
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} He took a bite as catherine spoke and nodded "mmhm yes. I have." He swallowed properly and cleared his throat "I told them to get Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, MacBeth and a Midsummer nights dream for the first half of the semsester" he got another spoonful of soup "and I am going to go with the flow of what they are saying this time. Let them lead conversations and show them they can do it without me babbling on and on for an hour" he ate the spoonful of soup and looked to her with the silent question of the same.
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Chuckling softly Catherine sat back, nodding thanks to the waiter before looking back at Tom "have you decided on your texts? And what approach you wanna take?"
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Nodding he leant on the table "Yes I will be expecting a lot. I told her so too. Her name is Kwon Boa. Seems to be an interesting girl. I never knew anyone her age to have read every single work of shakespeare." The waiter arrived with their starters and Tom sat back so the bowl could be placed down.
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Catherine chuckles and smiles "I am glad it worked as a surprise." She raised an eyebrow "really? And who is that? You gonna be expecting big things from her now?"
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom nodded setting his glass down. "Good. Mine was pretty good too. I surprised them with the project you suggested. And there is one girl who is very enthusiastic about Shakespeare"
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Catherine smiled brightly blushing as he kissed her hand. "Class was fine. The students seemed interested so I hope it will all go well by the end of the year"
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom grinned "I hoped you would say that. I put in a request for a three bedroom house. I admit at first I didnt think I had enough but I was wrong." He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss there. "How was your class today?" He asked after releasing her hand and taking a drink of his wine
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Catherine smiled brightly "Do you think we could afford a three bedroom house? I mean we will some day have a family so we would need more than one room and it would be nice to have a guest room too so three rooms?" She was excited now. If Tom was bringing this up he must have gotten at least 600points in the lottery
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom smiled and placed his order, the same soup, steak instead of lamb and bailey's cheesecake. When the waitress left Tom took his wife by the hand and gave her his charming smirk, "I was thinking we should get our own place. I won some money on the lottery so we can afford it now. so, should we start small with a one bedroom apartment, or would you prefer a small house?"
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} When the waiter arrived and they placed their orders Catherine couldn't help but smile as she requested the strawberries in chocolate desert. They always had a three course meal on date night. Tom insisted upon it claiming they can have two courses at home so three makes it special. For starter she got the vegetable soup and for main the lamb. Her favourite dishes with her favourite wine.
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom nodded "its fine Cat. I noticed you were a little irritated last night but didnt get a chance to ask. Pollen is pretty high this year so if ya need a hand tell me ok?" He took his own glass into his hand and took a sip "you're welcome my sweet" he too looked at the menu
Catherine Felton ~Professor~ [H] 6 years ago
@Tom Felton {Teacher} Catherine smiled over to her husband and moved to join him at the table. "Sorry just my antihistamines. I ran out a couple days ago" she said softly knowing he would understand. It was spring an pollen counts were high so Catherine needed her medication. Seeing the wine she smiled warmly "Thank you Tom. You are so good to me" she chuckled and took a sip before looking at the menu
Tom Felton ~Professor~ 6 years ago
@Catherine Felton {Teacher} Tom sat waiting patiently for her to arrive. His wife Catherine had told him to ho ahead and get a table while she popped into the chemist to collect a perscription. She had only been five minutes and he was after ordering their favourite wine for the evening. His eyes lighting up when he saw her enter the room. They were out on their weekly date night and she was looking beautiful as always
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Lalisa Manoban {Junior} /happily hugs you back just as tight, going as far as to pick you up slightly and spin you out of happiness before setting you down and patting your head/
I’ve been good..missed you a lot though. They couldn’t fix that.
/gives a playful sigh before taking a seat across from your own, my hands immediately reaching for a menu and looking over my options as I speak to you/
How about you? What have I missed lately?
Lalisa Manoban {Junior}[SH] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} *sits patiently waiting for you to show up, my eyes scanning through my phone as I scroll down instagram, once seeing something that makes me laugh a bit I smile and prepare to like it before hands are covering my eyes, the sound of your voice causes a slight squeal of joy to leave my lips as I quickly stand to hug you tightly* Hobi!! I missed you so much, how have you been!?
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Lalisa Manoban {Junior} /makes my way into the restaurant and looks around eagerly for you, my legs quickly taking me past many people before spotting your vibrant orange hair and I can’t help but grin happily as I make my way behind you, gently placing my hands over your eyes and whispering softly/ Guess who...


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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