



The mall can be fun! Just make sure youre back in time for curfew.

Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Boa was surprised to hear that. She never guessed he cursed since she never heard it. "I just don't like it, but go ahead. I'll get used to it. I've just never really heard you do it before." She supposed she couldn't have it both ways. Be treated like an adult and a child too, it wouldn't work. Looking at him, she shook her head. "The swing and bassinet are from me though. I have the money for them still in my account." At least the last time she had checked she did, but that was a week ago.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Godfrey sighed and nodded his head. "Sorry... I curse a lot. But normally don't do it around you since you're my daughter and I think you're still young but now you're almost a legal adult so I started to feel more comfortable about it but I'll stop it. " He said then put all the baby stuff on the country then started to take out his wallet. He looked over at Boa and shook his head with a soft sigh. "No I'm paying this is my gift to her okay?" He said and gave the lady his card
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "I'm kidding. You know I love to cook, so of course I'd do it." She just laughed it off. "Calm down. And stop cursing. I don't like it." She pouted, because she very rarely heard him do it. "Yes I am. Good thing you realize that. And duly noted." Turning to the sales lady who asked if the swing and bassinet was theirs, she shook her head. "No. It's mine." She had money for it. Or so she thought.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "No that's not what I meant." He said furrowing his brows together. "And if anyone tells you that seriously, I'll them up." He said with a warning pointing finger at boa. He glared a bit at the sudden sass from Boa. "You're going to do exactly what you want boa. I'm just giving you my opinon.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Boa simply nodded. She didn't want any child of hers to be stuck with nannies or other people paid to care for them as she had been. She followed knowing the swing and bassinet were already waiting for her. "Oh so that's all I'm good for? Cooking?" She knew what he meant, but hey, a girl could have fun, right? Besides, she'd cook for them without him even asking. Putting her hands on her hips, she glared at him. "And if I am. I mean geez, I know I'm still your little girl, but when will you trust me to make my own decision. I've been doing it most of my life in case you forgot. Still do."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "Fair enough." Godfrey said and left it at there. He made his way to the check out counter seemingly thinking the two of them were finished with this store. He chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course you're invited! I need your help to cook and we can all have dinner together." He said and gave her a warm smile only for it to drop soon after. "Excuse me? Are you sassying me? "
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "I know I can adopt, but I don't want to be a single mother. As a dancer I would be away a lot. Oh hush! You're not old." She moved and fixed her hair for the third time. "I'm gonna go back to pigtails around you." It made her look younger but he also couldn't mess her hair up. "Hey what about me? I'm not invited?" She was teasing because of course she'd do that for them. Boa actually dropped her head into her hands. Then she forgot who she was talking to. "No I don't and I said I think I'm gay. I don't know what I am. Maybe I'm just weird. Dad he keeps me safe. And I'll date whoever I want."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "If you won't have any because of your uality think again. Obviously Heechul and I can't have our own so we will be adopting. And if there is any other reason just know that I think you would be an excellent mother. And Hey I'm getting old I want grandkids." Godfrey teased and ruffled Boa's hair . "Okay you're right on that. Let's find out what he can and cannot have after the surgery then surprise him with a home cook dinner from the two of us when he get's home. " He smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Wait.... are you saying you have feelings for him boa? You told me you were gay. I don't like him. He has a constant view up your skirt and he might be a for all I know. So no... I forbid It no dating Younghwa."
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} She just shook her head. She didn't want to five again either. While she was still small, she was even tinier then and she'd been picked on because of her size. "I love kids. Since I likely won't have any, I like spoiling other peoples." She shrugged. Looking into her dad's face, Boa could see the worry. Then she took his hand in her smaller one. "That just means we have to be there for him dad. He'll be okay. He's strong and I'm pretty sure he loves you. He won't give up." She offered him a smile. "He's been through worse, so I have faith he'll be fine." Frowning at the news her friend was going to be a father, she shrugged. "Well that still doesn't change the fact that like all my guy friend, he sees me as one of the guys."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "that's true. " He said with a light shrug of his shoulders he started looking fro other clothes and nodded his head with a smile. " You always were great with kids." He said and grabbed diapers as well. His smile faded at the mention of the surgery. He sighed and nodded his head. "From what I read.... yes but I'm still nervous as hell. " he said and bit the inside of his cheek. His head shot over at the mention of the male cheerleader and narrowed his eyes. "Sweetheart ..... he's not gay. He's expecting a child soon. Four months to be exact, I think it would be un fair for me to disclose the mother unless you know who it is so I'm leaving it there. "
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "Haha dad. You're so funny. I doubt you'd want me to go back to being five though." She had been a real handful back then, but he'd never seen it, because he wasn't there most of the time. "Good. I want siblings I can spoil and do things with. Life is boring and lonely when I'm not dancing, so kids are a good idea." She liked the thought of Heechul being her dad too legally. "I have other things to talk about with him and he told me he was having the surgery. Is it safe?" She looked up at her dad, a worried frown creasing her brow. "If I were to bring anyone, it would be Yonghwa. He's my base on the cheer squad and I'm the only person he talks too. The other girls drive us both crazy. They're too girly and too petty. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's gay too, so he's the perfect guy for me. No chance of any feelings from either of us." She rolled her eyes at the separate rooms comment.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "Yes you are. You're my daughter after all." Godfrey said with a light chuckle and wrapped an arm around his daughters shoulders. He noddeed his head a bit with a smile. "Although he haven't been dating long and I probably shouldn't be thinking about this but I think I can see myself marrying him. Maybe have kids...." He hummed and pulled Boa closer. "but lets not tell him that yet hm?" he chuckled softly and nodded his head again. "well.... If you pitch me the idea of a male friend well enough I may let one come. But he's getting a sperate hotel room
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Wow. "I must be a genius then to be in high school already." She knew he saw her as a little kid, but 5 was younger than she'd thought. She shrugged. "Well he might be my dad too one day." Finding a set that had cute pictures of baby animals, she showed him. "Okay. I don't know who I'd bring. Hyuna will have Areum by then and I don't have any other female friends." She didn't understand girls.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} " how about other things than and adult things because you're five years old and shouldn't know about that." He teased and continued to look around only to turn and look at boa again with a bright grin. "Other dad huh? " he asked while looking over her shoulder at the bibs. "But yes I was going to ask him as well. And you could bring one friend if you'd like. Female friend. "
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Teasing and playing with her dad was one of the most fun things she ever got to do. Only Hyuna would joke with her other than him. "Yes daddy. Then what can I talk about?" He didn't like her knowing adult things, but she knew anyway and she thought him and Heechul were cute. At his question, she gasped. "Are you serious? I would love that. Can my other dad come too?" She asked it as she looked at bibs.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Godfrey nodded his head and grabbed two pairs of socks. When he heard boa laugh he couldn't help but follow. He rolled his eyes then waved a dismissing hand to her. " we are bit to talk about this. " he said and playfully ruffled boas hair. "Alright fine. Call him what ever makes you comfortable. Also how do you feel about me taking you on a trip to Europe if you finish top of your class this year?"
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "Thank you. It's my favorite thing to do." Looking at both items, she shook her head. "For a newborn I'd go with socks." It gave them more wiggle room, literally. Busting out laughing, she doubled over and shook her head. "Come on dad. It's not like I would know anything about that. I just told you I like girls. And no heart attacks. I need you too much." She sigh, but nodded. "Okay. And it's weird to call him that. It's like calling you Godfrey." She wouldn't be comfortable with that for sure.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "That is very true. And you are an amazing dancer." He said with a bright smile and found a pair if booties for infants. "Are these a good idea? Or socks?" He asked holding them up to boa only to choke a bit at her words. "Boa! I'm old you can't say things like that I'll have heart attack" he says clenching his chest. " we are not talking about this. But call him Heechul outside of school it's weird hearing you call him Dr. Kim. As for when he'll be over I have no idea"
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "Well I can't help that, now can I?" Rolling her eyes, she chuckled. "Besides, I'm the perfect height to fly and soar when I dance, so I'm good with it." Her height didn't bother her anymore. In fact, finding someone shorter was just weird. Looking at the other onesie, she nodded. It was cute too. "Hey, I didn't get hurt and now I'm a great cook. You even eat my food." She loved when she got a chance to cook for him. Scoffing, she went back to the clothes. "Of course HE says that. He's your boyfriend. From what I've been told it's quite y in bed too, but to your daughter, it's just prickly. Speaking of Dr. Kim, when is he coming to your house again? I have a surprise for your both."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "You're just short" Godfrey said with a light snicker and looks over some pajama onesies for infants. He found one with monkeys on his and grins showing it to Boa. "look at this one" He said and nodded his head listening to her speak." That was dangerous however I can't expect anything less , you needed to survive" he said and looked over at the kitten pajamas and gives a thumbs up with a smile. "Cute I like it a lot" he said and looked at both pairs. "Let's get both? " He asked then turn on his heals to face Boa. "Also! Heechul said I look good with the five o clock shadow so hah!" He said and sticks out his tongue teasingly.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Listening to her dad brought a smile to her face. She was glad he had Heechul. "He's tall to me." She shrugged. Most people were tall to her. Aw seeing him so happy made her happy. It was more than that though. She felt relieved that he wasn't alone anymore. He always took care of her, so now he had someone to care for him too. "Dad, I'm not going to say anything, but I think it's sweet. And why shouldn't you talk to me about it. It gives me hope." She then bumped his arm. "If a crabby old grouch like you can find love then there's hope for me yet." She laughed and moves so he couldn't get her. "That's all I've ever been. Childhood was something to dream about. Do you know I starting cooking for myself when I was 5? No one was ever home, so I learned how to use the stove." It was dangerous she knew, but also necessary and she hadn't gotten hurt, so no harm, right? "The only time I ever get to be a kid is with you. You still see me as that little girl that vanished years before she should have, so please don't make me get rid of her completely. We still need you." If she wasn't going to date, then why not let him stay overprotective. "Well I only have literature, so far, but I want to add anatomy. My lit class is going fine. Nothing I haven't read before and discussed with people online, so piece of cake. Anatomy looks like it'll be easy too. Cheer is good. I came up with 2 more routines last night since I couldn't sleep. I do my homework between classes or right after and then practice for cheer. After that and before classes, I dance. So I'd say everything's going well." Looking through the baby clothes, she held up a pair of pajamas with a kitten on the front. "What do you think?"
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Godfrey chuckled softly and nodded his head. He really was proud of her. "Oh he's short for sure." He said then put a finger to his lips. "Just don't tell him I said that. He's just so small and petite it's adorable I love it." He started looking over the racks to get a sense of what he wanted but then his heels to face boa again. "Wait... I probably shouldn't be talking about this with my daughter Disregard that." he said with a dismissing wave. "I wont change that completely, but I do need to let loose a bit. You're soon to be an adult." He said with a sweet smile and nodded his head. " Good, i'm glad we agree on that. Also how are your college courses going? Not too hard? If you're managing your time well I can let you take one more actually. Depending on your high school credits you can even drop some of your high school courses and go to the university. But it all depends on your time well spent you have cheer after all. How is that going? " He asked while going through the racks with boa. He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe Pajamas?"
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Boa just shrugged it off. Hyuna was her best friend. For a long time, she was her only friend and for that reason and so many more, she loved the girl. Sometimes she wasn't sure what type of love she felt, but it didn't really matter. "I had a pretty good teacher." She grinned up at him, because everything she knew she'd learned from him. Laughing at him and fixing her hair, she playfully pouted. "I thought I was your only shrimp. After all, Dr. Kim isn't short at all." Hearing he was trying to change gave her very mixed feelings. "Just promise me you won't completely change. Believe it or not, I like that you're overprotective. It always makes me feel safe. So if you change that completely, I won't know what to do." She knew she could survive in the world, but she still needed her family and he was the head of it. "Daddy, DNA means nothing. You're my dad. End of story. If you look at any legal forms, you're listed as my dad, so as far as I'm concerned, my father and brothers don't exist." She still loved them and wanted the best for them, but she didn't want or need them in her life. Hearing him say they could pick out clothes now, she got excited again. After hugging him one last time, she jumped down from the box. "Okay. What should we look for first?"
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Godfrey smiles softly at boa and nodded his head. "That's very mature of you two. I'm very proud. I'm glad there is no bad blood between the two of you. " And he was proud. He's seen how teenage relationships normally work out. And it's common for them to end in disaster. He chuckles softly and gently ruffled her hair. "No offence taken, I am a giant. And youre my favorite shrimp. " He grins softly only for it to fall soon after. "It does... But I'm getting better you're almost eighteen and I have to start being less protective and over bearing. It's just hard you may not have any DNA shared but you're my daughter and my only daughter. I want to give you a good life because it's been ty for a while. And I know I can keep you safe if I hide you from the world but that wouldn't do you any good. You need to experience things." Even though he knew this he still couldnt help but be protective but he was making an effort to change. "Yes,let's go do that"
Son Wendy {Freshman} [A] 6 years ago
@Jeon Somi {Freshman} When Wendy looked up at her noticing the blush on her face her face went red too and she took her hand. "You're my best friend too I couldn't go not knowing you weren't there." She looked over at Henry seeing what he did completely unsure of what he did, or why he did it. But she kind of got the idea. "Actually you wanna go get dinner then we can go back." She asked biting her lip.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Boa had no qualms about him knowing everything about her life. If she were honest, having him treat her like a toddler sometimes was nice. She'd had to skip childhood to learn to take care of her self, so he gave that back to her. Seeing him struggling with this news too, she sigh. Would she ever be able to talk to him the way she used to again? "It wasn't for long. We realized we're better as friends. No we aren't together. I just can't abandon her. She's always been there for me, so I want to be there for her. Besides, she knows all about my past and never judged me. We understand each other in a way no one else can." Rolling her eyes, she looked down at the box she was standing on. "Yea. With the help of this box. No offense dad, but you're huge and I'm a shrimp." As a child his size always made her feel safe, like no one could get to her with him around. She hated being confused though. Shouldn't she at least understand herself? "Admit it. The thought of me with anyone, especially a boy bothers you." He knew it did, but she couldn't emotionally or physically stay a child forever. There were times she wanted to be held and other times...well she had needs too. Not that she'd ever paid much attention to them. Cold or lukewarm showers and dancing had saved her many times. She couldn't tell him that though. "Okay, so are we going to pick out clothes?"
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Godfrey nodded and pulled away to look at her. "Okay.... but yes I would like to meet him. I want to meet everyone in your life, not only because I'm protective but because I care about you and what to know everything in your life so I can connect with you on things." He said and pulled away to look at her with a smile. He decided to take a deep breath and not freak out about her dating hyuna. "I didn't know you two dated. Wait are you two still together?" he asked and chuckled seeing her height. "you know... you're almost my height." he teased and hummed and nodded in understanding. "It's okay to be confused. I think I'm still a little confused on my uality myself... But I know that I love Heechul and that's what matters. Sow whoever you're with that's fine as long as you care for them and most importantly they care for you. And well or else your 6'4 dad will step on them."
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "I know and I love you for it, but you really don't need to worry. You'll get wrinkles worrying about me. Do you want to meet him?' She had no problem introducing them. H anbin really was nothing more than a friend who happened to act like the big brother she'd always wanted. Clearly he hadn't been expecting that news, but no matter what be said, it wouldn't change anything. She was open to dating a guy, but none seemed to interest her in that way. In fact, other than Hyuna, no girl had either. Was there more wrong with her than she'd thought. Hugging him back, she shrugged. "Well, the only person I ever dat ed was Hyuna and it just seemed natural since she's been my best friend for so long. So I'm pretty sure I like girls, but at this point I'm confused." She didn't know if she could love a boy. She knew in some form she'd always love Hyuna though.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "I'm just looking out for you." Godfrey said and folded his arms over his arms. "Okay if that's true why haven't I met him? hmmm?" he said almost interjecting into Boa's speech. He was already to say what was to come next when she dropped the boa made her confession. He looked right into her eyes and he looked at her curiously as he fell silent. He really didn't know how to react to it, not even his own parents knew about his uality. He was biual but leaned to women so he assumed any note worthy relationship that he would need to tell his parents was going to be with a women. Now he was in a whole new boat with Heechul. "I-...." he blinked a few times as he thought of what to say. He knew what ever he was to say next would be important so he wanted to choose his words carefully. Suddenly Godfrey just pulled boa in for a hug. "You think?"
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} Boa looked up at him and sigh. "Daddy, this is why I didn't tell you. Now you're going to pout and not act like my dad. He is just a friend. An older and very protective friend, but a friend nonetheless. I couldn't see him as anything more if I tried. He's a sophomore and he's on the basketball team. I met him at one of their games. If I date anyone, you'll be the first to know, but I have no interest in dating." Maybe she should tell him, but would he react just as bad to that news? Grabbing finding a box, she stood on it, so she was almost eye level with him. "Daddy, you can relax. I think I'm a lesbian anyway. I've never found a guy who interested me. If you want to meet Hanbin though, come to a game with me and I'll introduce you."


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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