Abandon Classroom

Abandon classroom


This is a classroom is where no one goes. and teachers and staff have long forgotten about. note that teachers and staff can not roll here. It is also rated M

Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} [] Haha it's cool, and sure thing!
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} [] rip wrong character. But want to move to the male dorm
[post deleted by owner]
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He feels a slight vibration in his back pocket, the sudden notification causing a hard jolt before he's reaching a hand over to retrieve the device. He realises that it's a message from Younghwa and it consists of the different links. Instantly, a smile begins to take form on his features as he makes his way back to his dorm, a finger hovering over one of the links to begin reading them through.
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} He let out a soft chuckle as well and turned to start walking to his room. He was rather tired but needed to get his homework done before anything. "Sounds good, can't wait." He said and while slowly making his way to his dorm room. The younger turned around to walk backwards and offered a wide grin and nodded his head. "Yup" he said with a slight empachis on the 'p' at the end. He waved goodbye before heading to the his room. When he got in before he did anything he sent the links to his works to Yongguk.
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} With a quiet chuckle, he'd answer with a simple nod of his head, an arm reaching forth to offer the other a light shove, directing him towards the door. "I'll bring both of my sketch books." With a wide simper, he gestures a hand towards his room. "Now get some rest, it's been a long day for you." He takes a few steps back as he raises an arm for a quick wave, all whilst facing the cheerleader. "I'll see you around?"
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa tilted his head to the side and smiled nodding his head a bit. "Thank you... That's very sweet of you." He said softly and then straighten up. "anyway, I think I should be heading to my room now. I'll text you the links and all, maybe tomorrow night you can meet me at my dorm? We can nerd out on books and talk about our favorite authors." He asked shyly and pulled the strings on his draw sting back pack tighter. "And maybe just maybe you can bring over your sketch book?"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He's a master of confusion. Despite his simple ways, he's often performing actions that people find hard to comprehend. He's awfully unpredictable, and that's one of his greatest flaws yet. His gaze softens, and with fingers buried among threads of the cheerleader's locks, he raises his free arm to place a gentle pinch to the tip of the younger male's nose. "Of course I did. You worrying like this only means that you care, and honestly, nothing beats a father who cares so much for his child. You'll make a great father in your own unique way, I assure you."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa looks at the other male curiously. His actions were all too confusing for the younger and he didn't like it one bit. Normally he was good at reading people and predicting what they will do next. However this was not the cause with Yongguk. He left him guessing and it frustrated the younger. He sighed and lowered his head, his efforts to divert the situation only caused Yongguk to become more interested and now he was worried he would disappoint him. " I just wanted to know if you meant what you said about me being a good father. I completely understand if you said it just to cheer me up but I am curious. Because I'm scared less..... "
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} "Hey, it's alright. It's not like I hated it or anything." His words were accompanied by a brief chuckle, tone soft as he runs a thoughtful through the cheerleader's hair, slick digits racking through the tangles of his locks in a light ruffle. "Don't leave me hanging here. What was it that you wanted to ask me?" Curiosity's eating at his guts, and he's fairly determined to get something out of the other.
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} By the time Yongguk finally hugged back Younghwa was feel guilty. Over thinking was his specialty and he pulled away and looked up at the eldest male with concerned eyes. "Sorry... I'm really touchy. I won't do that again. if you're not comfortable with it." he said before nervously biting down on his lower lip. He really didn't want to do anything to ruin what friendship he had starting with Yongguk. "Ah... forget it. It's okay, it's not's a big deal."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} The gesture startles him, and he's left completely stunned, eyes growing significantly wider as he blinks back in apparent confusion. His breath hitches at the expected move, words caught in his throat as he takes a few good seconds to process it all. He'd return the hug eventually, an arm circling around the male to offer him a few gentle rubs on his back. "Hm?"
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} "That makes me happy to hear." Younghwa says softly and bites the inside of his cheek. Noticing that the other male was coming to a halt he realized they were at his dorm room. Yonghwa lifts his head to see Yongguk and smiles softly. He then stepped closer and wrapped his arms around his waist to hug Yongguk. "I have one more question though...."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} There was a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks at the sudden proclamation, though his smile remains as he offers a dismissive wave of his hand, head shaking in response. "Don't mention it. I'm just honoured to be able to be someone you are able to rely on." He arrives to a gradual halt in front of the door, lips pursed as he draws in a deep breath. "I'll be anticipating your stories. I can't wait."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} It was all too surreal. Younghwa really enjoyed his time with Yongguk and It wasn't just because he needed anyone just anyone to talk to him so he wasn't so lonely, but he genuinely enjoyed the Senior's company. He looked up to see that they were approaching his dorm room first. He really didn't want to leave just yet though so he started walking slower. "Thank you... I'll start thinking about it after I'm done with my current story." He said with a small smile. He looked over at Yongguk and smiled sweetly. "You're truly amazing Hyung. You know that? I admire you. Although I only know only a little about you. I genuinely admire you."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} "It's still worth the read." Feeling rather accomplished, he does a mini fist bump, pout gradually morphing into a wide grin as he makes a quick turn towards the front. Upon hearing of Younghwa's concern, however, a frown is soon to take form on his features, crafting a look of genuine puzzlement as he shifts his gaze towards the other. "No, it wouldn't. There are plenty of women who write gay romance novels, so I don't see why it'd be wrong to have it done the other way around."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghhwa looks over at the pouting Yongguk and can't help but burst out laughing. I was cute and ridiculous all at the same time and it made Younghwa's day even better than before. He rolled his eyes playfully and nodded his head. "Okay, Okay. I'll let you read it. Honestly that one is just for fun. I really don't know if I will publish it. It was where I tried out a bunch of writing styles and all that. So it will be all over the place. But I do want to make a lesbian couple for a focus of my next work. But this time serious, I think there needs to be more recognition. Wait..... A man writinng a lesbian romance novel might be a little creepy wouldn't it?"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He feigns a look of apparent shock, jaw slackening as he draws in a sharp gasp. He's quick to reposition himself such that he'd be within Younghwa's line of sight, hands clasped together as he attempts at a pleading pout. It didn't match his features one bit, but he's only doing it for the fun of it so it didn't matter that he looks exceedingly ridiculous.

"Please? I promise I won't mock you about it. I'll be critical and everything! I'd really love me a Cheesy Gay fantasy story."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa smiles feeling Yongguk hold his hand. He gently squeezes it back and blushes slightly. He hadn't had any kind of skin ship with anyone for a long while and he was a rather touchy person. So it was a nice change. The younger nods his head with a bright smile in agreement only for that smile to turn to a playful scowl. His face flushed crimson and he looked away. "I'm not sending that link. You only get two books to read. Besides Cheesy Gay fantasy novel is too good for you anyway. It takes a special person to appreciate such art."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He's honestly grateful that Younghwa would spare him such a thought, and he finds himself returning the smile with an assuring one of his own, carefully reaching an arm over to offer the male a gentle squeeze to his hand. "It's alright. I trust that you'd appreciate my work, no matter how absurd it may be." With his teeth showing in a teasing grin, he adds, "Besides, it can't possibly be as embarrassing as that fantasy novel of yours."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Seeing the discomfort from Yongguk really brought the younger back a bit. He couldn't help but feel bad and that he was forcing him into something he didn't want to do. Younghwa bit down on the inside of his cheek and looked up at the signs making sure they were heading in the right direction. So they dont get lost.

"Hey.... It's okay, you really don't have to if you don't want to." Younghwa said while placing a hand on Yongguk's bicep to comfort him. " I don't want to force you. It's a personal thing and I want you to feel comfortable enough to show me one day." He said with a bright smile. "But if it's not now that's fine."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He tails after the other, keeping a fair distance between them as he grips firmly onto the strap of his bag. When asked the question, he gives it a moment of consideration, biting down on his lip as he thinks it through, obviously a little hesitant but also eager to share his work with someone other than his own circle of friends.

With that in mind, he nods, obviously feeling a little embarrassed as he raises a hand for a nervous scratch to his cheek. "I do have a completed sketchbook that I could loan to you. It's filled with just rough paintings and sketches though, and I only ever use black and white, never any other colour."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Standing up Younghwa puts the small backpack on his shoulders and stretches his arms over his head. He was a little sore from practice today, they were trying out a new formation and Younghwa had to practically hold up two girls on his own since his base partner barely helped. His attention went back to Youngguk and he smiled sweetly at him. "Yeah, that would be great. " He said and started walking to the door.

"So... will you ever show me any of your art work?" Younghwa asked the other male as they walked out of the room together. "I mean It's only fair, you're the first one to read my work."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He, too, would begin packing up, swinging the strap of his messenger bag over his shoulder as he tucks his phone back into his pocket. With a wide simper, he'd answer with a slight shake of his head as he begins to rise up to a stand. "Not at all. I'm just glad that you're asking these questions before I do." Head tilting in question, he asks, "Shall we head back to the dorms together?"
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa nods looks over at the clock. A yawn follows suit after Youngguk's yawn. he looks over at the other male and smiles sheepishly. "I should head back to the dorms I need to get homework done. " he said and starred packing up his draw string bag. "Maybe... you can meet me after cheer practice? in the gym? I... well where ever really. I'm being way too demanding and needy aren't I?" He asked with a soft sigh
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} When his phone vibrates to indicate a new mesage received, he drops his gaze down to unlock his phone, proceeding on the play around with the functions in order to arrive to the contact page with Younghwa's number already filled in. He slides his phone over, a smile nestled upon his visage.

"I appreciate the thought. Certainly, we can arrange for meet ups." He stretches his arms outwards for a little stretch, lips pursed for a quiet hum as he stifles back on a yawn.
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa looks over to see the name and chuckles softly. He takes back his phone and then sends Youngguk a text with a simple "Hey~." The younger locks his phone and puts it into his pocket. " Sent you a text so you have my number." He said and looked up at the other male. Younghwa felt happy today, relived and hopeful. He really hadn't felt this way in years. "Thank you for today..... I mean it." He said softly and rested his chin back onto the chair. "I want to talk to you more... It can be after school too. So you don't feel awkward with all the people around me. Maybe this can be our spot?"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} With careful digits, he takes the younger male's phone into his grasp, fingers flying across the screen as he enters his contact, coming to a momentary halt as he ponders over a good nickname. He's honestly blank on ideas, 'boring' being his ultimate trait after all. With teeth gnawing down on his lower lip, he gives it much thought before eventually entering the name 'Gukkie the Bookie
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Opening up the 'add new contact' tab on his phone. Younghwa turns it to face Youngguk then gives the phone to him to put his number in. "Create your contact. And be creative with you name a simple 'Youngguk' is too boring. Emojis and nicknames please." Younghwa said chuckling a bit then looked at Youngguk with a sweet smile. "I mean... I really do. I just met you but you're better than half of the people I know. " He said sweetly while watching Youngguk's movement's.

"Alright so the one I told you about at lunch is called Summer of Love. However I'm debating on that title it was just a filler then I started to like it now I'm not sure. Living World is Historical Fiction/ Romance. It's about an inter racial couple in the 1910's in america who joined the circus as a trapeze duo act. It talks about the struggles they had to face as well at the disowning and all that. The man was White and the woman was black. And finally, Body of Hope is a fantasy.... romance. It's about a gay couple who one man lives in the modern world but falls into a river where he ends up falling into a fantasy world where he meets the king of the fantasy world and is taken in as his servant." Younghwa groaned and stopped there he held his head in his hands to hide his blushing. "Okay that last one is embarrassing.... Might not send you that one."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} A smile graces his lips as he lowers his chair down to stand on all fours, watching carefully as Younghwa begins to browse through the contents of his phone, arms retreating back to settle down on his lap. "I'm honoured that you'd think so highly of me so as to ask for my honest opinion." He couldn't help a soft chuckle, reaching into his front pocket to pull out his phone as well.

"That'd be great, actually. It'll give me some context about what it is I'll be reading, as well as to set down some expectations that I should have of them."


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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