Food Court

Food Court


A variety of vendy mechines and food are here

Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} [] Alright!
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} [] Yeah I'll start :)
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He was just about ready to take his leave when the request comes in, and he stops firm in his tracks, eyes fixating a thoughtful stare on the other. He makes a quick run through his schedule for the remainder of the day, finding that he'd most defintely be free by the specified timing.

Thus, he'd respond with a vague nod of his head, lips curled for a brief smile. "Sure thing. I'll be there." With a final wave of his hand, he makes his way past the cheerleader, muttering out a casual, "I'll see you then.", before leisurely making his way out of the foodcourt.

[] shall we move?
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa looked up at the clock and not down on his lip. He started eating the rest of his food as he listened to Youngguk. "Yeah.... I guess you're right. " He said nodding his head slowly then smiled at Youngguk sweetly. He really did enjoy the other males company.

When he got up he stood up as well and looked up at Youngguk. He could already see the cheer leading squad getting up to greet him at his movements. "Hey... I have practice can you meet me at the abandoned classroom on the west side at four....?"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} As the male speaks, he listens, head titled in an angle with lips pursed to sound out a quiet hum the instant Younghwa's finished speaking. There was a knowing smile splayed across his lips, a hint of mirth evident in his tone as he utters out a soft, "Then that's good, isn't it? You're doing what you love and you're making an effort to improve yourself."

He steals a final look at the clock, and this time, he's forcing himself up to a stand, grabbing all of his belonging before easily shifting it all on one hand, the other gradually reaching over to land a few gentle pats to Younghwa's shoulder. "It takes time, but you'll astound them with the things you can do."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} The discomfort was obvious on Youngguks face which caused the younger some guilt. He didn't really like the idea of making Youngguk uncomfortable it hurt him a bit. He wasn't to be on the seniors good side more than anything. He bit down on the inside if his cheek and then continued to eat.

Youngguk couldn't help but chuckle and nod his head. "I may not be confident in much, but cheerleading I am. There are stereo types with being a male cheerleader. I must be gay or only do it for the up skirt shots. But in reality I'm happiest when I'm cheering. I was a gymnast before but it just never had the same affect on me. People opinions on what I do don't bother me one bit. Even my father's." He says with a smile. He really did enjoy talking about his sport. "That is some very good advice. It's true no one is perfect." He sighed a little. "I'm still learning that, I just hold myself to a highs standard in my sport and get really upset if I do anything wrong. But I'm getting better at it"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He shudders at the thought, features twisting for a scowl as he pushes his chair in, straightening himself up in an attempt to rid of the discomfort that creeps along the surface of his skin. He does nothing but listen, gaze unfaltering as he maintains a soft stare on the other.

He waits for the male to finish talking, head tilting as his features begin to conjure a puzzled frown. "I'm sorry, but I don't know of any ' sport'." He takes a quick glance towards the clock situated on the wall across the room, noting of how little time he had left for his break. "Everyone has their own specialities, their own flaws. People aren't made to be perfect for everything. Some people end up in jobs they take absolutely zero interest in. In the end, your fate is entirely dependant on your decisions, not someone elses."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} "No one has before" Younghwa muttered under his breath hoping that the older male didn't hear him. He sighed and slowly looked up at Youngguk and gave him a small but weak smile. "There's nothing wrong with it no.... I do it a lot I guess. I'm just... not used to this. Thank you... I mean it. If you're actually offering I think it would be good to get somethings off my chest. But don't think like you're obligated or anything. I just should start practice what I 'm preaching."

Younghwa sighed and finished the bag of chips he had. "Although.... I'd say we save it for not in the middle of the lunch room.I don't think the squad would be too happy to see me crying while I'm talking to you." He said chuckling softly to lighten the mood. " I think you might get castrated and then all five of them will start picking off one another for my love" He glanced over at the girls who all simultaneously smiled and waved before looking back at Younghwa. "Not that it's much different now. Girls are brutal, the back stabbing, The lying and the sabotage it makes me think I should have listened to my dad and give up the '' sport." he said rolling his eyes . "i don't think I'd be a good football player though"
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} A heavy frown is soon to grace his features, and he's staring at the male with a visible load of confusion, looking so genuinely offended. "I don't see why someone should have a reason to be concerned about someone else." It's just how he is, really. He's known to care too much about others, without sparing much thought about himself. He's practically incapable of feeling sympathy, for he only knows how to feel empathy when it comes to such a thing.

In a hasty move, he finishes the last bit of his sandwich, munching on it wordlessly as he begins to clear up, collating what little rubbish he had in his hand. "I just thought you could use someone who would listen to you, rather than have you bottle things up because they know how much it must to keep it all in. I wanted to be that someone." He raises a questioning stare towards the other, an eyebrow arched slightly, "Is that wrong?"
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa nodded his head slowly in understanding and just looked down at his tray. He was feeling immense amounts of emotion now and he had no idea how to handle it. "They why do you care so much to come and ask me all the time? Maybe it's no out of your way but now you're making me... just." His tone was rather harsh and it scared him. Younghwa gently bounced his foot nervously under the table.

After a little bit he took a deep breath and looked back up at Youngguk. "I'm sorry.... I'm just....." He sighed and looked down at his tray. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. you didn't deserve that. " He bit the inside of his cheek and his foot sped up. "I don't want to sound rude but is there any reason why you're interested in me? I mean do I really look that lonely and pathetic? Does it show. Because hell I do all I can to hide that. Do you want something from me? I'm just...... really confused, and scared and a lot of things. "
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} He simply answers with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, taking yet another bite out of his sandwich as he steals a brief look over at Younghwa's friends. "That's only because you're hardly ever alone." Which is true for his case. Each time he bumps into the cheerleader, he would aways be with his group of friends. Either that or he'd be in the middle of cheerleading practice. He's never presented with the chance to talk to Younghwa when he's alone, and with them being in different years, it just makes things a whole lot harder.

Yongguk's never one for comfort, but he's been told that he's the best person someone can rant their problems to, and that's only because he hardly ever talks and he truly does listen to every single word a person says. He empathises with them and at times even attempts to offer some sort of assurance, mostly consisting of a few soft pats on the shoulder or a few gentle rubs on the back.
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa held his head in his hands briefly before pulling them down to see Youngguk and his reaction. It puzzled him, it was as if he changed and he felt odd and more vulnerable than before. In all honestly he hadn't told anyone that he was less than perfect. No one really seemed to care other wise anyway so why should he tell anyone. Younghwa just chalked it up to him being mentally exhausted being the reasoning behind telling a stranger this but in all honesty he felt a weird sense of security.

He looked shocked at the others responded and kint his brows together, in confusion. "I-....." He tilted his head to the side and examined Youngguk's face thoroughly. "You know if you had only asked me if I was okay alone and not with my squad or anyone else I would have told you the truth." He lied because even then he wouldn't have said a thing.
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} His cheeks taint a faint pink upon hearing of the misunderstanding, throat clearing slightly as he mutters out a soft, "Oh." It was then he receives the answer he has longed to hear, and his eyes sparked a sense of interest, and possibly relief. For the longest time he's noticed the troubled man that stays hidden beneath the careless facade that Younghwa wears, and he's been waiting for the moment when he'd be able to draw that very persona out of the cheerleader.

The topic manages to draw him away from his book as he carefully closes it shut, arms gradually coming to rest against the tabletop. With a slight nod of his head, he speaks, lips slowly curling for a warm simper, "I know."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} At the pause from Youngguk, Younghwa noticed uncertainty in the other male. This caused him to look over at the group and rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. He groaned and looked away from them and back at Youngguk. He didn't mean to make a scene but after just the first half of the day he was thoroughly done with their bull . "I'll tell you this now. They think that I'm your boyfriend or something. They're only backing is that since I'm a male cheerleader and prefer not to date the members of my squad that I must be gay. And well now they're glaring at you because they're childish and rude."

He sighed again and looked over at Youngguk apologetically. "I'm sorry.... But I really would like to get to know you more." He tried to smile a bit and couldn't help but feel upset at the fact that he couldn't even talk to someone without people getting upset. It was really unnerving to Younghwa. Maybe he was over reacting but with all that was going on in his life this really tipped him over the edge. "And... to answer your question honestly. No. I'm not doing okay."
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} There was a slight pause as he ponders over his response, debating about whether or not to answer truthfully. Yongguk isn't exactly used to sharing information about himself, given how little he interacts with people. He understood perfectly that if he were to confess that he, too, is a writer, this conversation is bound to skyrocket into a immense discussion about books and plots that he'd probably enjoy way too much. Honestly, he wasn't completely against the thought of such a thing happening. Though the constant glares sent his way by Younghwa's friends is anything but pleasant.

He casts a quick glance over at the group, quick to avoid their gaze as he takes another bite of his sandwich, focus returning on his book as he answers with a quiet, "I write . . . sometimes."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Younghwa couldn't help but smile and feel accomplished that he had gotten Youngguk's attention. Honestly Younghwa was nervous and he is rarely nervous around people. The older male was just extremely intimidating, and Younghwa was feeling it immensely. As he was hungry he opened up a bag of chips and took one into his mouth.

"Yeah I am actualy." He responded shyly and smiled a bit. He wasn't one for talking about himself much but he was going to make an exception this time no matter how uncomfortable it was. "I am actually. I guess I've been doing it for a while now?" he said shyly and looked down at his chips then ate another one."What about you? Do you just read? Or do you write?" He asked smiling up at Youngguk.
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} Honestly, he was impressed. It was rare to find someone who shares the same interest in books, let alone one who not only reads them, but writes as well. The mention of the case only piques his interest even more, and there was a slight twinkle in his eyes as he stares at the cheerleader all wide eyed, clearly taken aback by it all. Honestly, is there something this man isn't capable of? It's no wonder he's so popular.

"You're a writer?" He asks, having it be the first question that came to mind. His tone leaks of both curiosity and amazement, attention now completely fixed on Younghwa with his book momentarily forgotten.
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} A smile instantly formed on his lips and nodded his head quickly. " Oh. That's a good one, haven't read it in a very long time. That's the one about the three women who have multiple personality disorder who kill men and castrate them right?" He asked trying to recall him memory of the book. Younghwa read books of all kinds. However he also writes and strives to become a successful author one day. He is currently dabbling in all sorts of genres in hopes that one sticks.

Younghwa smiled hoping that he had found something that the two can find in common. There are not as many book worms in the world anymore. "I'm actually writing a book that's loosely based around the Manson cult family murders. Just putting in my own backstory and characters in. Same time era and same theme just a spin on it." He continued hoping to grab more content for conversation
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} The instant the tray gets placed in front of him, he lifts his gaze, blinking up at the newcomer in apparent disbelief as he munches on his sandwich ever so slowly. His expression stays void of emotion, but there was clear panic in his eyes as he stares at the cheerleader for a period longer than intended.

Clearly, he can't make a run for it like he had done before, nor is he able to think of a suitable excuse to use at the moment. However, knowing that Younghwa's actually /trying/, he ought to appreciate it somehow. Hence, once he's swallowed the bit of bread he's taken, he answers with a soft, "Tell Me Your Dreams, by Sidney Sheldon."
Jung Younghwa {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Bang Yongguk {Senior} Through out the first half of the day Youngguk was still curiously stuck to his mind. It was all too confusing for him and Youngguk liked things plain and simple. Maybe he was over thinking things but he really didn't care. Going through classes was hard since he really couldn't focus and it didn't help that one of the girls on the squad who witnessed the morning event kept teasing him. It got rather annoying hearing 'is that your boyfriend' or 'whats the hurry? going to your boyfriend?" among other things. It was rather childish and it really got on younghwa's nerves. If it wasn't funny the first time why keep doing it?

As soon as the last bell rang and Younghwa could go to lunch he quickly got out of the classroom. He was actually starving since he didn't have breakfast. Waiting in line for the food line Younghwa glances over to see Youngguk sitting alone and reading a book, he tried to see which one he was reading but gave up from the attempt. when he got his food he ignored the looks the squad gave him as he sat down in front of Youngguk. "What book is that....?" He asked cautiously hoping not to offend him and cause him to run away again.
Bang Yongguk {Senior} 6 years ago
@Jung Younghwa {Junior} Once again, his stare remains fixated upon the pages of a book that he has undoubtedly borrowed the instant he returned the book he had been reading earlier that day. He's currently situated by the far end of the food court, a ham sandwich held in a hand with the book in the other, clearly paying no heed to the constant chatters permeating around the room. He's lost in a world of his own, drawn into a world of fiction and fantasy that he's only able to vision with the aid of a perfectly written novel.

Don't be mistaken. He's not exactly a loner, but neither is he well-known. He has his own circle of friends, but it's only a shame that their breaks are never allocated at the same time slot. Not that he's complaining. He quite enjoys his time in peace, given how abnormally loud his friends are. Though, he's always looking forward to the time when they'd gather back together. They're an absolute joy to be around, after all.
Cheng Xiao {Sophomore} 6 years ago
@Park Siyeon {Sophomore} Xiao laughed. “I didn’t think you meant any harm.” She sighed and wistfully looked up the ceiling. “I guess you could say that I’m being too nice… but being nice to nice people is nice. It makes both people happy, and I like it when people are happy.” She looked back down and smiled at her. “What’s your name?” Xiao said, mentally smacking her head, realizing that she didn’t even know the girl’s name.
Park Siyeon {Sophomore} [A] 6 years ago
@Cheng Xiao {SH} Siyeon chuckled a bit but weakly. "You know I'd be concerned if you didn't find it weird. I just.... Didn't want you to think I was going to hurt you or anything." She looked up from her knees a bit to look at Xiao. "I-.... would like that." She said and smiled a bit. "you're too kind for your own good you know? " She said hoping not to freak the girl out. "You have every reason to turn your nose up at me and not want to talk to me. But you don't it's amazing." She said softly .
Cheng Xiao {Sophomore} 6 years ago
@Park Siyeon {Sophomore} “I…” Xiao didn’t know how to respond. She didn’t want to scare the girl; she didn’t want the girl to cry because of her. “I’m not good everything. I have my insecurities too, just like everyone does.” Xiao paused, thinking for a moment. “It’s… it’s okay. In all honesty, I just find it… kinda weird that you know my entire schedule.” She stepped closer and bent down in front of the girl, holding out an hand. “But, you know, since you said you couldn’t make friends, why not we prove that wrong?” After an intake of breath, she smiled. “Could we maybe ignore how we first encountered, and, perhaps, be friends instead?”
Park Siyeon {Sophomore} [A] 6 years ago
@Cheng Xiao {SH} Siyeon sighed and scooted closer to the wall to get further away from Xiao. "I-it's not that easy for me.... maybe for you." She said and hid her face in her knees. "You're just so good at everything... I can't even talk to new people let alone make friends..." She sighed and slowly lifted her head to look at Xiao but only briefly. "I'm sorry.... I-I really hope i didn't scare you. "
Cheng Xiao {Sophomore} 6 years ago
@Park Siyeon {Sophomore} “But why not?” Xiao questioned, “I don’t have any reasons to not talk to you.” She sighed and brushed her loose brown hair behind her ear. “You could have, I don’t know… maybe just have gone up to me instead?” she said, exasperated. Looked down at the cold ground, and in a smaller voice continued, “It doesn’t take a lot for me to consider someone nice… or a friend. Even just a hello.”
Park Siyeon {Sophomore} [A] 6 years ago
@Cheng Xiao {SH} [[ Its okay love no worries ]]

Siyeon bit down onto her lower lip hard and tried not to make eye contact with Xiao out of shame. She did notice her hand gesture to the notebook that she clenched to her chest tighter. She felt absolutely mortified by her actions and felt bad for how she may or may not have made Xiao feel."i am...." she really couldn't speak properly however she did manage to make out a little bit of her feelings. "You wouldn't want to talk to me."
Cheng Xiao {Sophomore} 6 years ago
@Park Siyeon {Sophomore} Xiao looked, wide-eyed, at the crying girl next to the wall. She took a careful step forward, nervously clutching her hands together. “Why?” she said, gesturing to the notebook clutched in the girl’s arms. “Why do that?” Xiao didn’t mean to sound angry; she was genuinely wondering why the girl would want to go through all the trouble of finding all that information when she could have just talked to her. ((Sorry for late reply))
Lee Taemin ~Freshman~ [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Taehyung {Student Teacher} Taemin had just walked out of the dorms with the last of his things. The headmaster said that he could drop his things off that he needed to move to his new university dorm that he is in, just while he goes and grabs something to eat in the food court. It was during study hall time so the place was almost completely empty and Taemin really did enjoy it, no lines, no rush, no problem he can just sit and enjoy his meal which consisted of a Club sandwich and a bag of chips. Sitting down at one of the empty tables Taemin decided to take out his phone and catch up on a drama he has been watching, he guilty pleasure drama too. It was cheesy and obnoxious in every sense but Taemin couldn't help but feel hooked onto it.
After he started the episode and put in only one of the ear buds so he can still hear around him, Taemin took a bite of his sandwich and hummed happily. These sandwiches was all he lived off of when he attended the high school.
Park Siyeon {Sophomore} [A] 6 years ago
@Cheng Xiao {SH} Siyeon could hear Xiao following her into her hiding place. She tried to duck her head more but ended up hitting her head on the wall she groaned in pain. Siyeon realized that her cover was gone by now and sighed hiding her face in her knees. "I-i'm sorry." She said though tears. Siyeon really felt devastated, she had a feeling in the back of her head that one day Xiao would find out about her stalking but it really did hit hard.


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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