



sit down and have a beer or two. maybe three ;)

Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} [] alright thanks boo
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} (I'll start.)

"You most certainly will see me soon godfrey." He said as he pulled away and he nodded. "I have your number so I most certainly will." He said as he blushed lightly as he winked and went back into the dorms just waiting for the weekend to begin already.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Gofrey hummed softly looking into Heechul's eyes. "Alright. It sure will be worth it. see you then yeah? You should head on inside its cold." He said and pulled away. "Thank you again for tonight " He said sweetly and started to back away. "Text me!" he said and winked before walking away.

[Godfrey's place? Who want's to start?]
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} He couldn't help but blush again. The feeling of his lips on his hand made him all tingly inside. "I did too, thanks for tonight it was really fun." He looked at him and smiled. "I'm not indecisive I know exactly when I plan to be there exactly when I mean to." He said with a small smile on his face. "Mostly because it'll be worth it."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey chuckled softly and lifted Heechul's hand to kiss the back of it softly. " good. I had a great night" he said smiling at heechul. " whenever you can is fine. But if you're really indecisive how about 2:30?"
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "My money is my parents paid them off." He said with a chuckle, would be the first time I ever wanted to thank them if they did though." He said with a small smile looking up at the dorm. "I'll make sure he stays out of trouble and everything." He said. He didn't want to let go of his hand at the dorms or not. "Guess we are. I can go over later if it's better for you."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} " Well I did fight for you during the board meetings sometimes. At least when I was the dean. I don't know how you didn't when I was not here." Godfrey said chuckling and stopped in front of Teacher's dorm building. "Good, keep seeing him he needs to keep out of trouble." He said smiling at the other. "Well then... guess were here. Breakfast sounds good. I'll see you this weekend? Wanna come over sometime after 1 pm? I have some things to do."
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "Its not a problem. You've made my life better in so many ways that yo u don't even know. I wanted to break away from everything and you helped me with that." He chuckled. "Oh so my complaints went to a bunch of senior citizens? How the he'll did I not get expelled?" He asked softly. He was grateful to say the least but he couldn't help but wonder. He smiled at the mention of his students progress. "He was just confused with the science. I just told him to think of it as a math problem. Because that's essentially what it was. He's doing really well with me so far."

He couldn't grinned. "I'll treat you to breakfast in the morning then. I can cook a little." He said with a small smile.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} "Well... I'm very glad it made you feel that way." Godfrey said smiling. He really didn't know how to express his feelings well on the topic but it warmed his heart knowing that his hard work for his students was paying off, that he was making an impact. He chuckled softly and shook his head. "Technically I have to enforce that rule but I don't think I could be that person. There is a higher up than me. The founder and a small group of prestigious schools that bound together for a league or something. Technically they're a bunch of old guys who make traditional rules for our boarding schools. The founder lets me get away with a lot of things since our students are very good and we have a lot of college graduate alumni. So..... if Taemin still was on his downward spiral I really would have to start enforcing some more rules on him. But! Like I said he's doing a wonderful job now."
Godfrey said grinning at the other and gently squeezed his hand. " Hm.... I'm not that good of a cook so we will go with red wine then. "
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I know it wasn't directed to me. But when you're a teenager and I have nobody on your side hearing something like that from the headmaster, that just makes anyone feel special." He looked at him suddenly stern faced. "You didn't make me cut my hair why does T admin have to cut his?" He said with a small sad puppy face right intact. Then he went back into a chuckle. "Godfrey, I was kidding but if you're extending the offer I only drink champagne in mimosas I hate the stuff alone."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey just smiled down at Heechul while they continued to walk. "Yeah I guess you do had some advantages. Except that wasn't just for you. I just don't think kids should be punished for being themselves ya know? If they're doing what they need to do and are on the right track to success why change? Taemin is the same way. Although he's falling behind so I told him to get up and put on his big boy pants and do better or else. He is going to have to wesr his uniform correctly and he will be cutting his hair. But he is doing much better due to your handy work there."godfrey says humming contently then glances up as the dorms are just ahead. "Breakfast? Oh so youre staying the night? I have no problem with that." He said with a smile and a wink to the other.
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "You are far from a grin a cradle robbed sweetheart." He said with a smile. He grinned at what he was saying. "Well being your student had great advantages. I got away with a few things at school because my grades were, pretty darn good if ya ask me. And your letter made me feel good enough for my scholarship cause my parents would have said something like "why do you want to go to school when you have a company to run?" It wasn't a company it was a shop but you knew I hated that place and how they treated me. " he said with a grin. " so this right now? It is all in you sir! " he said. He nodded his head and grinned. "I love Disney movies.....and b-movies. ...As for wine I only drink red, if you get champagne get Orange juice. I love mimosas with breakfast."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey chuckles and nods his head. " were what 8 years apart? That doesn't make me a cradle robber does it. I only decided to look at you in anyway different when you were not my student. So I think I'm okay. " he said before chuckling again. " A sad disney movie or bad scary movie? I think I can arrange that. Do want me to get us any wine or champagne? "
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} His heart nearly exploded when his lips touched his hand in such a simple gesture. He simply smiled and let the other lead the way. When they got to the campus he smiled at him. "30 is not old. Come to me when you're fifty then we'll talk about old." He said with a small grin. "You're really special indeed." He smiled. "Then jimjam heechul it is. All I need is a sad Disney movie or a scary bad movie....I love them both."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} " Good idea." Godfrey said chuckling softly he brought their hands up and kissed the back of Heechul's hand smiling. As they approached campus grounds and noticed no one was around. " hm.... I just turned 30 recently. I feel old. " he said chuckling. " Yeah... I think there should but hey makes me special yeah?" He said humming softly. " Well I'd like that a lot actually. Get to know you and all. Well If you have any ideas for what we can do while your over let me know. I'm good to head out anywhere really."
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "Mmm I don't like walking in the dark alone anyway, it's not safe at all. No matter which way you go about it." He said smiling. "You're not that old love." He whispered. "I like old fashioned. More people need to be like you. It's a rare breed." He said. "I love cats as soon as I'm able to get one I will." He said grinning. "I'm thinking myself this time. You can get to know the real Kim heechul." He said.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey intertwined their fingers as they walked out. He glanced around the scenery. " Well I really wouldn't want you to walk home alone this late at night." He said plainly as he gently swung their hands. " That and I'm old and old fashioned. So it's going to happen." The taller man snickered and smiled at Heechul. "A cat huh? They're easy to take care of I know that. I might look into it. So.... will Heemi be coming over this weekend? I don't mind either Heechul or Heemi I'm just curious."
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} He squeezed back and stood with him debating whether he should let go or not. "A date it is." He said grinning and he de coded not to let go of his hand. His eyes moved up to his and he grinned. "I would love you walking me home. Ever the gentleman." He said grinning. "I could see you with a cat. If how you take care of your students is anything to ggo by you should do well withh a pet."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey hummed and smiled. "Yeah you're a good kid." He said sweetly and gave Heechul's one final squeeze before standing up. "Then it's a date." He offered his hand out. "Come on I'll walk you back to your place. It's not far at all. But yeah.... My place is a decent size. Rather lonely, It's just me. I should get a pet..." He said as he started to walk with the other
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I'm more than comfortable right now..." He was about to call him sir again but he stopped himself. "When have you ever known me to be late for anything? Fashionably, yes, important things I'm never late for." He said grinning. "I'm comfortable with that, I'm more than comfortable with that, I imagine your place to be quite a bit better than a dorm room." He said grinning.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey smiled and gently intertwined their fingers. " As long as your comfortable heemi." He said sweetly and put his wallet into his back pocket. "You better now be late to classes." He said humming. "But would you like to... just come over? I don't know if you'd feel comfortable doing that but we can watch movies or something."
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I'm glad you think so, I like to think I put a lot of work into making myself look good for whoever wants to be with me. It's an effort, not a necessity." He whispered. He didn't even realize he was playing with the others hand until he said he had to go. He smiled as he understood. "I understand I have classes tomorrow too so if I do anything I should start on my way myself." His hand still didn't let go of the others when he nodded. "I would love to gol out with you again Godfrey text me the place so I'll know whether to dress up or down." He was going on a second date his stomach was all butterflies.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} "That's.... Very adorable." Godfrey said grinning. He already had his Tab for the drinks ready to go as well as his wallet out."Yes I do actually. You're a very Attractive person Heechul." He said with a hum in his voice. He looked down at their hands and smiled at him sweetly. "You know...I really hate to do this Heechul but I should head home and get some sleep. Well I still need to fill out some things for some new students but I should get on that. Um... How do feel about going out sometime again?"
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I have several looks for her to be honest a lot of times I curl the twin tails though to make things look cute. I have interview clothes, i have actual date clothes for her formal wear. I just think school girl outfits are cutest." He smiled at him and couldn't help but blush softly hands touching." I wouldn't do that that is terrible, that's like totum pole knocking." He smiled. "You find me to be attractive man and an attractive woman. I find this date to be very enlightening, and I feel very special." He said with a small smile on his face stroking his hand with his own fingers.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey shrugged his shoulders finished is second beer. He turned an smiled. " I do like them. But does Heemi have other outfits or is school girl her go to?" He said feeling a little tipsy. not drunk by no means just loosened and tipsy. She sighed and placed a hand on Heechul's thing. "Sorry... I'm just used to people going around and bragging. i'm sure you're different." He said with a small smile. "You know... I am biual in all technicality but I heavily lean to women. I think I've been on one or two dates with men. This one is nice. I like it. So feel special." He said with a playful wink.
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I don't see a problem with dating teachers either as long ad they are okay with it to say the least, if younwerre a college professor I think my world would be dead if someone saw us here but I am okaynwith this. Though I am dressed as a high school student right now....complete with the cute pigtails you're so fixated with." He said with a small smile before biting his lips softly. He took his phone back and smiled as his texts gave his full name and his number. "Do you have that little faith in me Godfrey telling everyone you took little old me out on a date? People can be jealous all they want they just won't know its me." He said taking another swig of his drink. "I don't brag about dating...its rude to the other less fortunate." He added unconsciously playing with his pigtail.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} "Teachers dating each other are fine. I do not care about that. However Teacher student relationships are strictly not allowed. It's illegal if the student is underage anyway. Once they graduate if they choose to date that is their business." Godfrey said shrugging his shoulders as he sipped on his beer. He smiled and nodded his head. "You were always a good student. " He repeated then felt a little shy at the other's comment. "I-... Well you deserved it. You were a wonderful student, hardworking, dedicated, and extremely bright you deserved it." He said while taking his phone back. He saved the number then texted him with his full name so Heechul could have his number as well. " You know you probably shouldn't go brag to everyone you went out for drinks with me... I like to keep things on campus professional at all times. I keep my personal affairs aside. Besides... as you said the there are quite a few admirers I have wouldn't want them to be jealous of you." He said with a playful wink
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "Well I could see how that was slightly bad. You could easily get fired if that got out you dating teachers and whatnot can never go well. At least as a proper student, not like a college student like myself." He smiled. "My grades were never bad. I had amazing grades except the only thing I was terrible at and you were. You helped me out so much I couldn't help but smile when you helped me through getting me my scholarship and getting my majors when I needed it. I only have one more math class left." He said putting his number in Godfrey's phone handing his phone to the other. "Its only fair."
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey started on his second beer. He was no light weight by no means so he was practically unfazed. " You know... I get that a lot but choose not to date my students. its no good." He sad chuckling and shrugged his shoulders." well as long as youre happy I see no reason to change. During school I didn't care how you dressed you where an amazing student. If you skipped classes and your grades dropped then I would have to start enforcing rules. That's how Taemin was. " he responded then pointed to the others drink. "How is it?" he asked smiling. "You know I can help you if you're struggling on any of your math college courses. Just let me know. " he said then pulled out his phone. "I'll even add your number." He said and gave it to heechul with the new contact screen on
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "How could I not have a crush on you? You are tall, mysterious a little bit, any 18 year old would fall for you!" He said smiling at him. "I already told you, Heemi only comes out for people she likes." He said with a smile. "You know I always wondered that myself. Wondered if I was a girl or not. I've been with both guys and girls I like guys more and I like dressing like heemi more than myself sometimes. I never really identified as either its why I have ids for both heemi and myself...and i , I really don't know." He said grinning. "I still hate math.....its so confusing....I'm good at it when its involved in science but otherwise I suvk so hard."


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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