Meeting room

meeting room


room for staff meetings but you can plot here too

Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Lee Faith {Deputy Headmistress} Jiyong sat in the back today. He was exhausted if he were being honest, but he also knew he had to be here. His students were excited about their upcoming trip and he couldn't be happier. They would be able to learn a lot about Russia and how the country had changed over time.
Lee Faith {Deputy Headmistress} (SH) [A] 6 years ago
@Yoon Jeonghan {Student Teacher} @Xiu Akay {Teacher} @Son Naeun {Teacher} @Raven Sophia Devereaux {Teacher} @Ock Joohyun ~Professor~ @Lee Minho {Teacher} @Lee Hoseok {Student Teacher} @Kwon Jiyong {Teacher} @Kim Taehyung {Student Teacher} @Kim Heechul {Psychologist} @Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} @Bae Joohyun {Teacher} Faith walked into the room with a determined look and took a seat in her usual spot before glancing around at the others around her. “Is everyone here? Good. Let’s start the meeting.” She folded her hands in front of her and made eye contact with each person. “Who would like to report first? What are classes and grades looking like?”
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
--- Closed and Updated ---
Lee Hoseok {Student Teacher} 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} 'Crap..' Hoseok thought to himself as the eye contact was made. Quietly, he made sure to sit up and give his full attention out of respect. "Unfortunately, I do not. I'm still trying to find my way around." He admitted, his normally pale skin flushing from the embarrassment. The question of his study made his broad shoulders relax, and a rather charming smile form on his lips. "My focus is in the arts-- mainly ceramics and sculpture. I'm willing to dabble every where that needs help though-- I'm sure you've seen my resume. I guess you could say I'm a jack of all trades." He nodded, finding confidence when speaking of things he enjoyed.

((Its just the rest of the weekend and we should be golden. I was able to slap together a mediocre profile so I can at least start plotting with folks~))
Kwon Jiyong {Teacher} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} Jiyong wrote those items on his to do list and nodded. "Will do." He hadn't even thought about a first aid kit, so that was something he'd need to do definitely. "I'll be sure to take one along." He'd make up the permission slips when he got back to his office this afternoon.
[post deleted by owner]
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong {T} Godfrey hums and nods his head sweetly. "That's a wonderful Idea. Make sure to tell your class and send out permission slips to their parents. I would suggest going to the Nurse and ask for a first aid kit. His name is Yong Junhyung. "
Kwon Jiyong {Teacher} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} Jiyong nodded in agreement. "Would it be appropriate for me to take my class on a field trip? There is a museum in town that I think could help them learn the culture as well as help with the language." He had been to it before and he was planning to begin the culture part of the lessons during the next class.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong {T} Godfrey hums and nods sitting back in his seat as he hears Jiyong's report. He takes a sip of his water and nods his head again in understanding. " Okay, well that's very good to hear Jiyong. Let's hope the grades get up yeah?" He said with a sweet smile.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Lee Wonho {ST} [] It's all good hun~! If you need a hiatus don't be afraid to message me okay? Or any of the other admins?
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Lee Wonho {ST} Godfrey looked around to meet the new student teacher's eyes and gave him a smile. "Good morning Hoeseok." He said with a small nod of his head. "Anything to report?" He asked before reaching over and taking a sip of his water not taking eye contact off the man. " Also remind me.... What are you student teaching here? What are you studying?" He asked and set down his water
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Son Dongwoon {T} Godfrey watches as the new teacher walks in late. He leaned back in his chair and listened to his question. " Good question. That is up to you, you can choose if you want to schedule them. If you do I would suggest posting a schedule in the room with when the tests or lessons will take place so students know when they take place and when to study. However this is optional because I have full faith in everyone of you that you will be great teachers. So I'm giving full creative freedom. But all I ask is weekly tests and lectures to keep our kids minds up."
Lee Hoseok {Student Teacher} 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} As Hoseok entered the room, his stomach dropped from guilt. It had been a week since he arrived. Yet he couldn't even pull his mind from the clouds in an attempt to focus on his job. As the thought washed over him, he smoothed out his button up as he went to a seat further back. When the meeting finally began, his dark orbs flickered to the man running the show. Making sure to keep quiet, the raven haired male simply nodded his head. The question only made him stir, lower lip suddenly being abused by his teeth as his eyes moved anywhere that was empty. All in hopes to be avoided for another week to sort himself out, and join the team with nothing holding him back.

((I have a bunch of wedding stuff this week, but I promise I'll be active starting next week! ^^))
Kwon Jiyong {Teacher} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} Jiyong walked in and found a seat, waiting for the meeting to start. When asked if they had anything to report, he raised his hand. "Have quite a few students struggling with Russian, but only one has come for after school tutoring. Most of the class is doing well though." He was meeting Yoongi later to help him.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Yong Junhyung {Nurse} @Son Naeun {T} @Son Dongwoon {T} @Lee Wonho {ST} @Lee Minho {Teacher} @Lee Faith {Deputy Headmistress} @Kwon Jiyong {T} @Kim Jongin {T} @Kim Heechul {TA} Godfrey walks into the meeting room and sits at the head of the table as he usually does. "Come in take a seat we have a meeting to do." He says and glances over at everyone. "Who want's to start? What do we have to report?" he asked with a bit of a sigh. " I also want to congratulate Kim Heechul on graduating and becoming a full member of our staff as our school Psychologist." He said smiling at him.


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 6 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 6 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 6 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
KimmyKim62 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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